Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 571 to 600 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44770

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Tracy & Stuart Davis

Representation Summary:

This would be another 'Warwick Gates' next to our currently quiet, crime free village. The roads in Cubbington are narrow and could not support an increase in traffic. Resources such as schools and small shops could not cope with the huge increase in residents.
But more importantly Cubbington is a small village. If you allow this housing estate to be built then we lose our identity and we are just an extension to Lillington. We did not pay more to live in Cubbington so that we become part of a large housing site

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This would be another 'Warwick Gates' next to our currently quiet, crime free village. The roads in Cubbington are narrow and could not support an increase in traffic. Resources such as schools and small shops could not cope with the huge increase in residents.
But more importantly Cubbington is a small village. If you allow this housing estate to be built then we lose our identity and we are just an extension to Lillington. We did not pay more to live in Cubbington so that we become part of a large housing site


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44771

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: J Peterkin

Representation Summary:

This is a village. Should be kept as one. Not for some developer to get fat rich on or a place to sleep

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This is a village. Should be kept as one. Not for some developer to get fat rich on or a place to sleep


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44772

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs F Gil-arranz

Representation Summary:

To protect green belt between Lillington and Cubbington and safeguard countryside for future generations
Protect community spirit and village life of Cubbington
Building would worsen existing flooding problem in Cubbington
Such a large scale settlement would create pressure on existing schools and doctors etc
Current infrastructure will not cope with proposed scale of new development - will cause major disruption to Cubbington residents and through traffic. Particular concern is amount of traffic on small road. Often accidents at roundabout at top of Windmill Hill.
Would be really, really sad to lose more countryside and diminish village life of Cubbington

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To protect the green belt between Lillington and Cubbington and safeguard the countryside for future generations
To protect the community spirit and village life of Cubbington
Building on this land would worsen the existing flooding problem in Cubbington
Such a large scale settlement would create pressure on existing schools and doctors etc
The current infrastructure will not cope with the proposed scale of the new development - it will cause major disruption to Cubbington residents and through traffic. A particular concern is the amount of traffic on such a small road. There is often accidents at the roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill as it is
It would be really, really sad to lose more countryside and diminish village life of Cubbington


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44773

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: John Broad

Representation Summary:

Cubbington losing its village status would be wrong. Proposals would completely spoil things. Already there have been more houses built here and more people. Impact has been huge. Have noticed damage caused by floods - too many people, too many houses and insufficient resources to accommodate all needs. Council can not (or have not) thought it through, what happens to drains around village?
Land ingreen belt so needs protecting Disruption to village would be phenomenol. Schools would need to expand. Dont have facilities here to cope with more people.

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Cubbington losing its village status would be wrong. I have lived here all my life, over 50 years, and in that time I have experienced some major changes - some good, some bad, but whether the changes are good/bad we have had to adapt to them.
Now however, these proposals would completely spoil things. Already there have been more and more houses built here and more and more people. The impact of this has been huge. I (we) have noticed the damage caused by floods - which have even made national news - too many people, too many houses being built and insufficient resources to accommodate all their needs - e.g. sewerage - the council can not (or have not) thought it through, what happens to the drains around the village - extra people means each household will be using the toilet, running baths etc. and the water pipes then can not cope - the consequences have been there for all to see - yet nothing is done.
Also the land around here is part of the green belt and so needs protecting - we want to see our green and pleasant land forever more, not look out of our windows to housing estates. The disruption to the village would be phenomenol - it would be a building site for such a long time.
Plus, if more houses were built around this village the schools would also need to expand, spoiling the smaller classrooms our children have been used to and furthermore, we dont have the facilities here to cope with more people here.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44774

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Diane Lovell

Representation Summary:

Object to any building in Cubbington as since more building was done we have had trouble with sewage and storm water and in 2007 my bungalow was flooded in 2 feet of water and I spent 10 months out of my home. I live in fear every time they forecast heavy rain.
Also Cubbington will no longer be a village

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Object to any building in Cubbington as since more building was done we have had trouble with sewage and storm water and in 2007 my bungalow was flooded in 2 feet of waer and I spent 10 months out of my home. I live in fear every time they forecast heavy rain.
Also Cubbington will no longer be a village


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44775

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs S Biddle

Representation Summary:

Donot agree to being joined to Lillington. Bought house 45 years ago because of Cubbington being a village. All the rainwater will come down from these roads. Cubbington will be a flood plain. We have had enough flooding here. People in Hillcrest have had their drives and gardens paved. When we get heavy rain, the water comes down like a river and several times it has completely covered the garden and drive at no. 32. If you have any sense, veto it.

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We do not agree to being joined to Lillington. We bought this house 45 years ago because of Cubbington being a village. Think of all the rainwater that will come down from these roads. Cubbington will be a flood plain. I think we have had enough flooding here. Quite a lot of people in Hillcrest have had their drives and gardens paved. When we get heavy rain, the water comes down like a river and several times it has completely covered the garden and drive at no. 32, she has had a lot of trouble. If you have any sense veto it.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44776

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Dennis and Brenda Lee

Representation Summary:

It would be a shame to lose the green belt land which we enjoy for walking etc. also detrimental to the wildlife. But mainly we already fear further flooding and more building. Foul waste etc. would be a worry. The extra traffic would cause problems for us to get out of Ladycroft and the extra developmnet would put a strain on already stretched doctor's surgeries.

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It would be a shame to lose the green belt land which we enjoy for walking etc. also detrimental to the wildlife. But mainly we already fear further flooding and more building. Foul waste etc. would be a worry. The extra traffic would cause problems for us to get out of Ladycroft and the extra developmnet would put a strain on already stretched doctor's surgeries.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44777

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs J H Learmond

Representation Summary:

We were one of the 48 properties flooded in June 2007 and as yet, nothing has been done to rectify the problem. Further development on the proposed scale could just make the matter a whole lot worse.
Not to mention the extra traffic it would bring on the Offchurch Road from the safety point of view

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We were one of the 48 properties flooded in June 2007 and as yet, nothing has been done to rectify the problem. Further development on the proposed scale could just make the matter a whole lot worse.
Not to mention the extra traffic it would bring on the Offchurch Road from the safety point of view


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44778

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs P Mottram

Representation Summary:

As Cubbington residents we wish to reside in a small village surrounded by beautiful countryside to walk our dog.
The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa. Also Lillington and Cubbington must not be joined as this will affect village life of Cubbington residents.
Cubbington is already prone to flooding. The building of new property on this scale will worsen the flood problem.
The schools in the area are mostly full to capacity and could not meet the demand that the new housing estate would require.

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As Cubbington residents we wish to reside in a small village surrounded by beautiful countryside to walk our dog.
The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up are of Leamington Spa. Also Lillington and Cubbington must not be joined as this will affect village life of Cubbington residents.
Cubbington is already prone to flooding. The building of new property on this scale will worsen the flood problem.
The schools in the area are mostly full to capacity and could not meet the demand that the new housing estate would require.
Please take into consideration Cubbington villagers strong opposition to this unfair proposal


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44779

Received: 18/03/2010

Respondent: Miss E Cumings

Representation Summary:

The new properties would cause such traffic jams. The roads in the area are chocker block already.
There is a large badger sett in one of the fields also the fields are often flooded. The sewage in the area wouldn't take any more houses

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The new properties would cause such traffic jams. The roads in the area are chocker block already.
There is a large badger sett in one of the fields also the fields are often flooded. The sewage in the area wouldn't take any more houses


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44780

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs M Wright

Representation Summary:

Offchurch Road is not built for heavy traffic. The area mentioned is susceptible to flooding. This will make things worse for Cubbington.
There will be a lot of pressure on local schools and doctors.
We wish to remain as a village community

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Offchurch Road is not built for heavy traffic. The area mentioned is susceptible to flooding. This will make things worse for Cubbington.
There will be a lot of pressure on local schools and doctors.
We wish to remain as a village community


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44781

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Florence Emmie Lindon

Representation Summary:

We have had enough flooding in Cubbington also we have far too many cars very bad for parking

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We have had enough flooding in Cubbington also we have far too many cars very bad for parking


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44782

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Nora Mayne

Representation Summary:

Flooding in Cubbington village - Offchurch and Parklands Avenue
Old Victorian drains - How much more can they take?
At present, inadequate roads - pot holes - dangerous junctions and islands
Increase in school parking
Windmill Hill school area -
Apart from the above - land is able to absorb rainfall - good productive agricultural land which provides wild-life habitat
Would be unwise to build here until roads and sewers are updated
Final point - making access through cul-de-sacs off Parklands Avenue is not acceptable to householders

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Flooding in Cubbington village - Offchurch and Parklands Avenue
Old Victorian drains - How much more can they take?
At present, inadequate roads - pot holes - dangerous junctions and islands
Increase in school parking - already overstretched, particularly Telford. Both sides of road used by buses
Windmill Hill school area -
Apart from the above - this land is able to absorb rainfall - it is good productive agricultural land which also provides wild-life habitat
It would be unwise to build here until roads and sewers are updated
Final point - making access through cul-de-sacs off Parklands Avenue is not acceptable to householders - they chose to buy their homes in these quiet locations for the peaceful atmosphere not to be part of a main road. Surely we have rights and it is understandable that we wish to defend those rights


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44783

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Karen Wall

Representation Summary:

Fields heavy clay soil. Cubbington experienced devastating floods with much damage. Hundreds of new homes and tarmacing over large areas for roads, paths and drives would increase risk of flooding.
Retain green belt - different species (badgers) live in fields - would remove their habitats and destroy natural landscape. Preserve for future generations. Fields used to grow food. Traffic would access site through cul-de-sacs.. Unsuitable for large volumes of traffic. Junctions difficult to negotiate and prone to accidents. Development would mean thousands more vehicles using junction. Effect on country lanes and town traffic to retail centres.

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Increased risk of flooding - the fields on which the proposed development would be built contain heavy clay soil which does not easily absorb rain water and currently already regularly floods. Cubbington village has experienced devastating floods already with people being flooded out of their homes for many months and huge amounts of damage being caused to homes, businesses and cars. Properties in Parklands Avenue are also prone to flooding as surface water runs off and into Oakridge Road, Cubbington Road and Parklands Avenue. Building hundreds of new homes and tarmacing over large areas of the fields for roads, paths and drives etc. would undoubtedly increase the risk of flooding and make it even more difficult for people whose homes have already been flooded, to get insurance. Having friends whose lives were turned upside down when their homes flooded, I know the devastation it causes and having lived in Parklands Avenue for 36 years, I have seen how much water accumulates in these fields.
Need to retain the green belt - Many different species of wildlife live in the fields where the development is proposed and building on this land would remove their habitats and destroy a beautiful natural landscape. 'England's green and pleasant land' should be preserved for future generations to enjoy - once it is gone, it is gone forever. The fields are also used to grow food and with threatened food shortages in future years, food-growing spaces should be retained. Badgers are a protected species and they regularly roam and live in the fields.
Access and Road Infrastructure - It would be necessary for traffic to access the site through cul-de-sacs off Parklands Avenue which are totally unsuitable for such large volumes of traffic. the junction of Parklands Avenue/Telford Avenue/Cubbington Road is currently extremely busy, difficult to negotiate at busy times and prone to accidents and the proposed development would mean thousands more vehicles using this junction. There would also be a knock on effect on country lanes with many vehicles having to use them to access motorways and on town centre traffic as people travel to the large out-of-town retail centres south of Leamington.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44784

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Trevor & Cynthia Davies

Representation Summary:

Roads not adequate for further traffic. Drains/sewers need upgrading . Roundabout at top of Windmill Hill needs to be proper roundabout or, traffic lights because roundabout is accident waiting to happen.
Do not need to lose any more Green Belt also footpaths.
Flooding - after floods, obvious that drainage system and pumping station inadequate. No thought given to culvert that runs under Offchurch Road frontages. Due to clay subsoil, flooding problems would worsen. Where are new schools, doctors surgery and other shops etc being built.
Who is paying for houses to be built and who will buy them.
Also devaluation of properties

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Roads not adequate for further traffic. Offchurch Road was due to be widened in 1964-5. Nothing ever done. Drains and sewers need upgrading . The roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill needs to be a proper roundabout(enough room as adequate land was left initially) or alternatively, traffic lights, but something, because of the roundabout is accident waiting to happen and could mean a death.
Designated land at Glebe Farm is green belt land and we do not need to lose any more Green Belt also the footpaths on this land need to carry on being footpaths.
Flooding - after the Cubbington floods 3 years ago, it is obvious that the drainage system and pumping station are totally inadequate and nothing has been done to upgrade either. No thought has been given to the culvert that runs under the Offchurch Road frontages. A decent rainstorm now, it runs like a fountain in front of my house: again nothing has been done!
Due to the clay subsoil, these flooding problems would worsen with 10,800 houses being built (your figures) where are the new schools, doctors surgery and other shops etc being built.
Finally, who is paying for houses to be built and who is going to buy them. We do not need another 'Cubbingtongate'.
I and my wife are totally opposed to this proposed developmnet - another reason is the devaluation of our properties


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44785

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs V Harris

Representation Summary:

Junction at crossroads of Parklands Avenue/Cubbington Road/Telford Avenue, already chaos, always accidents, also on mini roundabout. Building 2,000 more houses will just maketraffic grind to halt.
Flooding a major concern. People have not long moved back to their homes in New Street. Putting houses on the proposed site will only make it worse.
Where will all extra children go to school? The roads at the junctions are like bedlam now and it can only get worse.
Are they going to put in new sewer pipes as the ones that are here now could not cope with an influx of so many people

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Its already chaos on the junction at the crossroads of Parklands Avenue/Cubbington Road/Telford Avenue, always accidents, also on mini roundabout by the garage. Building 2,000 more houses will just make the traffic grind to a halt in all directions.
The flooding is also a major concern. The water cascades down Oakridge Road, across Parklands Avenue and the poor ladies with properties there have to use sandbags to stop their house flooding. Also people have not long moved back to their homes in New Street. Putting houses on the proposed site will only make it worse. I believe there is at the moment a survey being carried out on this problem.
With the amount of houses crammed onto the site, where will all the extra children go to school? The roads at the junctions are like bedlam now and it can only get worse.
Are they going to put in new sewer pipes as the ones that are here now could not cope with an influx of so many people


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44786

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs J M Capewell

Representation Summary:

Will lead to more flooding.Pumping station inadequate to cope with heavy rainfall in past and in June 07 was flooded and out of action.
Possibility of more flooding being caused by building!
One of proposed entrances opposite Queen St will be dangerous and hazard to parents/children trying to reach schools. Road from Offchurch very busy with vehicles bypassing Leamington.
Cubbington an unspoilt village with friendly relaxed atmosphere, will be totally altered if scheme approved.
Loss of wildlife habitat will be disasterous and obliteration footpaths

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Deeply concerned that this area is even to be considered a 'preferred site' to build on.
The building of houses on this land will lead to more flooding from the run off from roads and pavements etc as this ground is so much higher than this address.
The pumping station opposite the entrance to Ladycroft has been inadequate to cope with heavy rainfall in the past and in June 07 was itself flooded and completely out of action.
With the continual warnings in the press, television etc of the risk of global warming. I am particularly very worried by the added possibility of more flooding being caused by building on this land!!
One of the proposed entrances to this site opposite Queen St will be extremely dangerous and a hazard to parents and children trying to reach the schools. The road from Offchurch is already very busy with both cars and heavy lorries using it to bypass Leamington. I am sure a traffic census will prove this point.
Cubbington still remains as an unspoilt village with a friendly relaxed atmosphere, but I feel this will be totally altered if this scheme is approved and Cubbington will compleetly lose its identity as a village.
The loss of wildlife habitat in this area will also be disasterous and the obliteration of natural footpaths which so many local people enjoy walking and exercising their dogs would be a curtailment of peoples liberty and pleasure


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44787

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Gillian, Michael, Richard Betts

Representation Summary:

Development will lead to further flooding.
Will be even more traffic congestion than there is now. All roads are narrow and could not take much more traffic.
The mini roundabout at top of Windmill Hill alreadyaccident blackspot.
Littel employment in area so new residents would have to travel to work.
Loss of status as village. Community life would be lost if joined up to Leamington.
Loss of green belt/ public footpaths. Badger setts in the area. Development would mean loss of wildlife.
Two schools in area would not be able to accommodate the increased numbers of children causing more travelling at peak times

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We had previous flooding in our road in June 2007 and further development will mean there will be less land for rainwater to soak into, leading to further flooding. Our area is at the lowest point of the village and all the rainwater collects there.
There will be even more traffic congestion than there is now. All roads are narrow and could not take much more traffic.
The mini roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill is already a blackspot with serveral accidents and 'near misses'.
There is not much employment in the area so all of the new residents would have to travel to work
The loss of status as a village. I have lived here for 52 years and my husband has lived here all his life (71 years) as we choose to stay here because of the community life which would be lost if we are joined up to Leamington.
The loss of green belt - it is lovely to be able to take a walk along the public footpaths which have been walked along for over 20 years!!!
There are badger setts in the area and development would mean the loss of these and other areas of wildlife.
The two schools in the area would not be able to accommodate the increased numbers of children again causing more travelling at peak times


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44788

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Valle

Representation Summary:

There are no end of factory and industrial estate buildings empty. Why can't you use the empty spaces and not green belt.
Driving from Coventry to Cubbington, I see a lot of waste land which has had factories and are standing empty. Glebe Farm could be used as training centre for people who have difficulties learning a trade, or training people to learn a new career, training in farming or woodwork. Not building houses that will be on top of each other like Warwick Gates and houses near the racecourse in Warwick

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There are no end of factory and industrial estate buildings empty. Why can't you use the empty spaces there and not on a green belt. If the plan goes ahead does that mean we will pay less rates which Cubbington is quite high.
When I drive from Coventry to Cubbington, and around areas, I see a lot of waste land which has had factories and are standing empty. Glebe Farm could be used as a training centre for people who have difficulties learning a trade, or training people to learn a new career, training in farming or woodwork. The farm could be used for so many different things if the committee or council puts their head together. Not building houses that will be on top of each other like Warwick Gates and houses near the racecourse in Warwick


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44789

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Joanna Butler

Representation Summary:

We have to protect our countryside and community for future generations to enjoy. I moved here from London when pregnant with my son as I wanted him to be raised in a lovely environment, away from massive housing estates and overcrowding.

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We have to protect our countryside and community for future generations to enjoy. I moved here from London when pregnant with my son as I wanted him to be raised in a lovely environment, away from massive housing estates and overcrowding.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44790

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs S A Jackson

Representation Summary:

Cubbington already has history of flooding. Building 2000 houses on fields that already drain badly will affect this situation.
Where will children be educated? What will be the impact on class sizes?
Development will be bounded by the bridle path - how will council prevent it from becoming a haven for gangs, drunks, drug use etc?
Why green belt when there are numerous brown field sites to be redeveloped?
Why are they required when there are empty properties?
How many social homes will be included in this development?
What is the predicted impact on traffic flows?
Cubbington is a village.

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Cubbington already has a history of flooding the council has failed to address - can the council explain how the building of 2000 houses on fields that already drain badly will affect this situation and provide their personal assurance that the situation will not be worsened?
How many children are forecast from those homes? Where will they be educated? What will be the impact on class sizes at Cubbington, Telford etc. Can the council provide assurances that the class sizes will not increase and the education of the children of existing residents be negatively impacted.
The planned development will be bounded by the bridle path - how will the council prevent the alley way from becoming a haven for gangs, drunks, drug use etc?
The planned development is on green belt - whuy is this when there are numerous brown field sites to be redeveloped per government policy?
Why are these new homes required when there are numerous empty properties in Leamington? Why isn't the council using these?
Can the council provide assurances that no rights of way/footpaths etc are impacted by this?
Where can I obtain the analysis supporting the requirement for these 2000 new homes? this sounds like a round number plucked from thin air.
How many social homes will be included in this development? Can the council provide assurances that the tone and tenner of the village won't be lowered as has happened for example on Crown Way, Lillington
What is the predicted impact on traffic flows and is the Highways Authority analysis available? Traffic on the Cubbington Road is already too high and this can only make it worse
Can the council provide assurances that the development is in no way connected to the planned high speed rail link? Won't this also impact the area between Cubbington and Offchurch@? Does the council intend to lay a concrete swathe across this entire region of Warwickshire?
Cubbington is a village and its residents object to any council member that supports plans to convert it into a 'new town'. This is a guaranteed vote loser - will the voting decisions of council members be published to it apparent which council members have supported the appalling scheme


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44791

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr D Parry

Representation Summary:

Loss of village life
Loss of cultivated greenbelt = loss of produce
Loss of countryside
Loss of wildlife
Damage to environment - for us and future generations
Supposed to be protecting
Flooding - not resolved
Additional risk of more flooding
Traffic increase -
Roads are not wide enough or capable of taking more traffic
More traffic will create even more parking problems/accidents
Restricted access - ambulances, fire appliances, council refuse collecting, deliveries to shops, public transport etc
No employment in the area
Amenities will not cope
Schools are not big enough
Doctor's surgeries cannot take any more patients
Reduction in television and telephone reception
Loss of village life

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I moved to Cubbington village 40 years ago because it was a village in the countryside. If I had wanted to live in a town I would have stayed in Leamington.
Loss of village life
Loss of cultivated greenbelt = loss of produce
Loss of countryside
Loss of wildlife
Damage to the environment - not only for us but for future generations
Which we are supposed to be protecting
Flooding - still has not been resolved
plus additional risk of more flooding in Cubbington, Offchurch, Lillington etc
Traffic increase -
Roads are not wide enough or capable of taking more traffic
Parking is a problem in the village now - more traffic will create even more problems and accidents
Restricting access for - ambulances, fire appliances, council refuse collecting, deliveries to shops, public transport etc
No employment in the area
Amenities will not cope
Schools are not big enough
Doctor's surgeries cannot take any more patients
Reduction in television and telephone reception
It will become an extension of Leamington and Lillington and we will have lost our village life identity forever


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44792

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs J E & C E Higgins

Representation Summary:

Object to detrimental effect the proposed development would have on the green belt area between Lillington and Cubbington, with strong regard for environment, wildlife and established right of way.
The individuality and community spirit of village residents must be preserved at all costs.
Flooding - This development would increase risk.
Pressure on local services, amenties and schools Proposed access would greatly increase the amount of traffic using Windmill Hill/Offchurch Road/Queen Street.

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Object to detrimental effect the proposed development would have on the green belt area between Lillington and Cubbington, with strong regard for environment, wildlife and established right of way used by many local residents.
The individuality and community spirit of Cubbington residents must be preserved at all costs, also that of the surrounding villages of Offchurch and Weston under Wetherley
Personally affected by the flooding of June 2007, causing great distress and trauma at that time, we are very much aware of the amount of surface water which comes from this area every time it rains and excesses onto Offchurch Road opposite our home. This development would surely very much increase the risk of flooding to many more homes in this low lying area.
The added pressure on local services, amenties and schools would not be a further 2000 homes in the vicinity and the proposed access from the development onto Offchurch Road, opposite Queen Street, would greatly increase the amount of traffic using Windmill Hill/Offchurch Road/Queen Street, which even today are 'no go' areas during the morning and evening 'peak times' due to the gridlock of traffic at the Rugby Road roundabout going nowhere. We personally even now plan out outings to avoid these times


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44793

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr J F Price

Representation Summary:

Flooding - with Cubbington's long history of flooding, proposed site would increase the danger/scale of further flooding.
Destruction of green fields, wildlife, and wildlife habitat.
The erosion or destruction of well established right of way footpaths.
Erosion of individual and rural village life.
Creation of urban sprawl. Giving rise to traffic congestion in already crowded roads not built or planned for this type of built up area, with no adequate or acceptable access points to or from this proposed site.
Lack of the infrastructure to accommodate same.

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Flooding - with Cubbington's long history of flooding, this proposed site would certainly increase the danger and scale of further flooding.
Destruction of green fields, wildlife, and wildlife habitat.
The erosion or destruction of well established right of way footpaths. As a member of the 'ramblers association' I would request our association take issue with any interference with these public rights of way.
Erosion of individual and rural village life.
Creation of urban sprawl. Giving rise to traffic congestion in already crowded roads not built or planned for this type of built up area, with no adequate or acceptable access points to or from this proposed site.
Lack of the infrastructure to accommodate same.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44794

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: B Bates

Representation Summary:

Since the floods we have trouble with drains etc. Nothing been done to alleviate the problems not enough drainage for houses in this area at present to build more houses will only cause more trouble. My sister ? have already paid about £5000 on walls and ? for ? the road by the garages was totally damaged promised to be ? but is just a mess

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Since the floods we have trouble with drains etc. Nothing been done to alleviate the problems not enough drainage for houses in this area at present to build more houses will only cause more trouble. My sister ? have already paid about £5000 on walls and ? for ? the road by the garages was totally damaged promised to be ? but is just a mess


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44795

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr D Jackson

Representation Summary:

Only recently families in Cubbington village have returned home after extensive flooding! Concreting areas above the village can only make this worse.
Who has identified need for these houses? Where are jobs for new residents?
How many children and where will they be educated?
Where is medical support .
Cubbington Road already impossible to cross safely at peak times, without extra traffic.
Joining Lillington and Cubbington will bring social problems to Cubbington.
Cubbington is unique character village. Does not want to become new town
Why is option of brown field sites not explored?
Building new houses with many empty properties is ludicrous.

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How short is the memory of the Council? When only very recently many families in Cubbington village have been able to return to their homes after extensive flooding! Pouring thousands of tons of concrete onto areas above the village can only make this problem worse which by the way has still not been solved, as far as residents are concerned.
Who has identified the need for these houses? This is a figure spirited up by the government for political purposes. Where are the jobs for any new residents? How many children are forecast and where will they be educated? Where is the medical support for such a vast development? Certainly not in the surrounding area!
The Cubbington Road is already impossible to cross safely at peak times, without any extra traffic.Joining Lillington and Cubbington can only bring more social problems to Cubbington. Who would want to venture into Crown Way, Lillington after dark for instance!
Cubbington is a village with its own unique character and does not want to become a new town i.e. a slum of the future. Why is the option of brown field sites i.e. ex Fords foundry site not explored? To build new houses with so many empty properties in Leamington is ludicrous. At last count there were more empty properties in Leamington than the number on the council house waiting list! Where is the empty properties officer???


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44796

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Sylvia Briggs

Representation Summary:

Oject to losing green belt around village, wildlife, wild flowers etc which is and already are suffering due to carbon pollution. House was fllooded in 2007 and wouldn't want to go through that again and due to the elevation and clay subsoil it would be inevitable.
We will need all fields in the not too distant future for crop growing for the nation. Also cutting down of the rainforest and growing of soya beans is a big issue but this country is doing the same by taking green belt. Where would England's green and pleasant land be then?

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My objection is to losing the green belt around the village, wildlife, wild flowers etc which is and already are suffering due to carbon pollution. My house was fllooded in 2007 and we wouldn't want to go through that again and due to the elevation and clay subsoil it would be inevitable.
We will need all fields in the not too distant future for crop growing for the nation so we are told by the government. Also the cutting down of the rainforest and growing of soya beans is a big issue but this country is doing the same by taking green belt. Where would England's green and pleasant land be then?


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44797

Received: 19/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs J D & J J Holmes

Representation Summary:

Danger of flooding - in particular to properties at Tanners Farm and Tanners Cottage which border the brook down stream from Cubbington. Would need sustantial new flood protection scheme
Major flooding occured in 2007, when the brook flooded causing £50,000 of damage. Difficult to see how even major relief project could protect these properties.
Future green belt encroachment of village boundary. If the planning authority are serioulsy considering this option, we believe that the southern boundary of the site should be revised to provide a more logical containment of the village.

Full text:

Danger of flooding - in particular to the properties at Tanners Farm and Tanners Cottage which border the brook down stream from Cubbington and would need a sustantial new flood protection scheme
Major flooding occured in 2007, when the brook flooded, becoming a raging torrent causing £50,000 of damage to the garden walls and external works of these properties. It is very difficult to see how even a major relief project could protect these properties which are down stream from the major new residential development proposed.
Future green belt encroachment of village boundary. If the planning authority are serioulsy considering this option, we believe that the southern boundary of the site should be revised to provide a more logical containment of the village.
(plan and description of suggested boundary follows on original submission)


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44798

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs S Buckby

Representation Summary:

View from house will be spoilt. Amenities we have i.e. shops, post office, doctors, schools etc. and buses and quiet roads (normally); will be inadequate.
Also - the general quiet, slow pace of village will be lost.
Surely this is green belt and has a preservation order on it
Proposed development of Baginton Airport seemed to meet with approval with many attending meeting??
Also a suggetion that the old Peugeot site at Ryton could prove an alternative to our beloved village

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Our view from house will be spoilt. Amenities we have i.e. shops, post office, doctors, schools etc. and buses and quiet roads (normally); will be inadequate.
Also - the general quiet, slow pace of village will be lost.
Surely this is green belt and has a preservation order on ot??? - essential to wildlife and occupants?
After attending meeting in Cubbington this evening, I now know that green belts are rubbish!! Due to (we were told) a government ruling changed the purpose of such sites (they kept that quiet didn't they??)
Also at meeting - the proposed developmnet of Baginton Airport seemed to meet with approval with many attending meeting??
Also a suggetion that the old Peugeot site at Ryton could prove an alternative to our beloved village


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44799

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Dennis Senior

Representation Summary:

Hard to understand how green belt status is suddenly invalid.
Cubbington is village with own identity and generations have cared for it. All that independence will be lost if it is just tagged on the edge of other communities.
Horrendous when Windmill Hill was impassable due to ice. Only other exit via Church Lane was gridlocked. Roundabout at top of Windmill Hill already accident blackspot.
Environmental effect - wildlife should be protected. Peaceful pathway amenity that people need.
Flood level may be higher if water cannot drain.
The schools and medical facilities are suitable and adequate and the existing community does not want expansion.

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Cubbingotn village is part of our English heritage and it would be outrageous to build on this site.
having lived on both sides of the site, it is hard to understand how the green belt status is suddenly invalid once builders become able to purchase land.
Cubbington is a village with its own identity and generations have cared for it. (Penns Close is an example of neighbours united to enter and win Britain in Bloom). All that independence will be lost if it is just tagged on the edge of other communities who also want to retain their own identity.
The recent snow has highlighted the nightmare that would be created by additional traffic on Offchurch Road. It was horrendous when Windmill Hill was impassable due to ice. The only other exit from the village via Church Lane was gridlocked. Traffic was queuing from Offichurch at busy times of the day. The roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill is already a notorius accident black spot.
It is terrifying to think of the environmental effect of large-scale building. The wildlife should be protected - badgers and deer etc can be seen in that area and it is just a peaceful pathway amenity that people need.
Having narrowly escaped recent flooding it is frightening to think that the flood level may be higher if the water cannot drain on the land.
The schools and medical facilities are suitable and adequate and the existing community does not want expansion due to many extra households.
Please reconsider and remove this site from any development plan and don't allow the money available to buy this site disrupt the lives of many villagers