
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44785

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs V Harris

Representation Summary:

Junction at crossroads of Parklands Avenue/Cubbington Road/Telford Avenue, already chaos, always accidents, also on mini roundabout. Building 2,000 more houses will just maketraffic grind to halt.
Flooding a major concern. People have not long moved back to their homes in New Street. Putting houses on the proposed site will only make it worse.
Where will all extra children go to school? The roads at the junctions are like bedlam now and it can only get worse.
Are they going to put in new sewer pipes as the ones that are here now could not cope with an influx of so many people

Full text:

Its already chaos on the junction at the crossroads of Parklands Avenue/Cubbington Road/Telford Avenue, always accidents, also on mini roundabout by the garage. Building 2,000 more houses will just make the traffic grind to a halt in all directions.
The flooding is also a major concern. The water cascades down Oakridge Road, across Parklands Avenue and the poor ladies with properties there have to use sandbags to stop their house flooding. Also people have not long moved back to their homes in New Street. Putting houses on the proposed site will only make it worse. I believe there is at the moment a survey being carried out on this problem.
With the amount of houses crammed onto the site, where will all the extra children go to school? The roads at the junctions are like bedlam now and it can only get worse.
Are they going to put in new sewer pipes as the ones that are here now could not cope with an influx of so many people