
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44788

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Valle

Representation Summary:

There are no end of factory and industrial estate buildings empty. Why can't you use the empty spaces and not green belt.
Driving from Coventry to Cubbington, I see a lot of waste land which has had factories and are standing empty. Glebe Farm could be used as training centre for people who have difficulties learning a trade, or training people to learn a new career, training in farming or woodwork. Not building houses that will be on top of each other like Warwick Gates and houses near the racecourse in Warwick

Full text:

There are no end of factory and industrial estate buildings empty. Why can't you use the empty spaces there and not on a green belt. If the plan goes ahead does that mean we will pay less rates which Cubbington is quite high.
When I drive from Coventry to Cubbington, and around areas, I see a lot of waste land which has had factories and are standing empty. Glebe Farm could be used as a training centre for people who have difficulties learning a trade, or training people to learn a new career, training in farming or woodwork. The farm could be used for so many different things if the committee or council puts their head together. Not building houses that will be on top of each other like Warwick Gates and houses near the racecourse in Warwick