
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44795

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr D Jackson

Representation Summary:

Only recently families in Cubbington village have returned home after extensive flooding! Concreting areas above the village can only make this worse.
Who has identified need for these houses? Where are jobs for new residents?
How many children and where will they be educated?
Where is medical support .
Cubbington Road already impossible to cross safely at peak times, without extra traffic.
Joining Lillington and Cubbington will bring social problems to Cubbington.
Cubbington is unique character village. Does not want to become new town
Why is option of brown field sites not explored?
Building new houses with many empty properties is ludicrous.

Full text:

How short is the memory of the Council? When only very recently many families in Cubbington village have been able to return to their homes after extensive flooding! Pouring thousands of tons of concrete onto areas above the village can only make this problem worse which by the way has still not been solved, as far as residents are concerned.
Who has identified the need for these houses? This is a figure spirited up by the government for political purposes. Where are the jobs for any new residents? How many children are forecast and where will they be educated? Where is the medical support for such a vast development? Certainly not in the surrounding area!
The Cubbington Road is already impossible to cross safely at peak times, without any extra traffic.Joining Lillington and Cubbington can only bring more social problems to Cubbington. Who would want to venture into Crown Way, Lillington after dark for instance!
Cubbington is a village with its own unique character and does not want to become a new town i.e. a slum of the future. Why is the option of brown field sites i.e. ex Fords foundry site not explored? To build new houses with so many empty properties in Leamington is ludicrous. At last count there were more empty properties in Leamington than the number on the council house waiting list! Where is the empty properties officer???