Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 541 to 570 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44740

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Graham & Brenda Messenger

Representation Summary:

We object to any development on the following grounds
The access onto the roads will cause much more traffic congestion which is already very heavy
The drainage into the village is also very worrying particularly with regard to the flooding the village has suffered over recent years.
There have been a number of very serious accidents at the top of Windmill Hill, this could become very much worse because of the volume of traffic
The wildlife conservation including skylarks could be lost
Cubbington is essentially a village and should not become joined to Lillington

Full text:

We object to any development on the following grounds
The access onto the roads will cause much more traffic congestion which is already very heavy
The drainage into the village is also very worrying particularly with regard to the flooding the village has suffered over recent years.
There have been a number of very serious accidents at the top of Windmill Hill, this could become very much worse because of the volume of traffic
The wildlife conservation including skylarks could be lost
Cubbington is essentially a village and should not become joined to Lillington


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44741

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs C Scott

Representation Summary:

I think village life should be protected and it would be a big mistake to link Lillington with Cubbington

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I think village life should be protected and it would be a big mistake to link Lillington with Cubbington


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44742

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs J Fraser

Representation Summary:

Flooding: all the land on the proposed site slopes towards the village, we already have a flooding problem
Work: no work in the immediate area therefore the residents would have to commute, possibly through the town adding to the congestion at peak times
Parking: already a shortage of parking at the shops in the village
Loss of village life. We do not want to be a suburb of Leamington Spa

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Flooding: all the land on the proposed site slopes towards the village, we already have a flooding problem
Work: no work in the immediate area therefore the residents would have to commute, possibly through the town adding to the congestion at peak times
Parking: already a shortage of parking at the shops in the village
Loss of village life. We do not want to be a suburb of Leamington Spa


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44743

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Catherine A Jones

Representation Summary:

Will destroy Badger hill plus all other wildlife.
Public footpaths which I thought were protected by law.
Traffic and noise.
Please don't take any more green fields. We soon will run out
Very little if any firms left in Leamington so people moving in have a distance to travel to their works.
The two schools won't be able to cope. Look what happened at Warwick Gates they took all Whitnash places and caused a lot of problems

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My first objection against the housing project is the Badger hill they will destroy plus all the other wildlife. Next is the public footpaths which I thought were protected by law. What is the point if someone can over ride these, also is the traffic and noise it is going to create, please don't take any more green fields. We soon will run out if any one can apply and get permission. We should respect our green fields not destroy them and also we have very little if any firms left in Leamington so people moving in have a distance to travel to their works.
I object strongly to this move also the two schools won't be able to cope. Look what happened at Warwick Gates they took all Whitnash places and caused a lot of problems


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44744

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Donald Collinswood

Representation Summary:

If this development is allowed it would result in the loss of the green belt between Lillington and Cubbington and result in unrestricted sprawl of the built up area of Leamington such a large scale development will increase traffic and put a great deal of pressure on local facilities. The council should stick to their preferred options and decline any submission from speculators. Local planning should meet local peoples needs

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If this development is allowed it would result in the loss of the green belt between Lillington and Cubbington and result in unrestricted sprawl of the built up area of Leamington such a large scale development will increase traffic and put a great deal of pressure on local facilities. The council should stick to their preferred options and decline any submission from speculators. Local planning should meet local peoples needs


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44745

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Joseph Harry Prorok

Representation Summary:

I am concerned that we have another proposal which will remove open space. I am also concerned regarding the impact of the proposal on the existing infrastructure in Cubbington and the potential adverse effect on flooding in the future in the village. I have concerns regarding impact on local schools and services. We do not want another Warwick Gates with developers maximising on density of habitation to the detriment of quality of life for future residents and for existing residents

Full text:

I am concerned that we have another proposal which will remove open space. I am also concerned regarding the impact of the proposal on the existing infrastructure in Cubbington and the potential adverse effect on flooding in the future in the village. I have concerns regarding impact on local schools and services. We do not want another Warwick Gates with developers maximising on density of habitation to the detriment of quality of life for future residents and for existing residents


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44746

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: D N & Miss M B Taylor

Representation Summary:

Loss of green belt land and objection to becoming joined to Lillington.

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Loss of green belt land and objection to becoming joined to Lillington.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44747

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs D A Godfrey

Representation Summary:

It is a green belt area and I don't feel the extra houses are needed.
The village is already susceptible to flooding. Our street was flooded in 2007 resulting in a large number of residents having to be re-housed for a long period of time.
I use the footpaths regularly for walking my dog
Traffic is already a problem at the top of Windmill Hill during rush hour. this increased traffic would cause huge delays and disruption

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It is a green belt area and I don't feel the extra houses are needed.
The village is already susceptible to flooding. Our street was flooded in 2007 resulting in a large number of residents having to be re-housed for a long period of time.
I use the footpaths regularly for walking my dog
Traffic is already a problem at the top of Windmill Hill during rush hour. this increased traffic would cause huge delays and disruption


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44748

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Dennis & Olwen Sheehan

Representation Summary:

Loss of green areas
Excessive traffic congestion
Greater threat of flooding

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Loss of green areas
Excessive traffic congestion
Greater threat of flooding


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44749

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: G W & J R Cleaver

Representation Summary:

I strongly object because we should protect and keep our village community. The countryside a short walk away, grew up with very little criminal activity and a lot less than in a town environment. There will be no countryside, natural habitat etc. for our next generation. On top of all that, flooding is a large concern to village residents and this could make it a lot worse.
We do not want Cubbington to become a town or Leamington a city

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I strongly object because we should protect and keep our village community. The countryside a short walk away, grew up with very little criminal activity and a lot less than in a town environment. There will be no countryside, natural habitat etc. for our next generation. On top of all that, flooding is a large concern to village residents and this could make it a lot worse.
We do not want Cubbington to become a town or Leamington a city


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44750

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs B A Ballinger

Representation Summary:

Could well increase or worsen the problems of flooding in Cubbington village. Already inadequate water or sewerage disposal facilities.
Traffic at the roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill will be increased at a junction that is already congested at busy times, such as early mornings and evenings. More accidents sure to happen. More pressure on local services and doctors.
Local roads could not cope with the significant increase in traffic produced by a large housing development. There would be chaos at various times of the day

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Could well increase or worsen the problems of flooding in Cubbington village. Already inadequate water or sewerage disposal facilities.
Traffic at the roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill will be increased at a junction that is already congested at busy times, such as early mornings and evenings. More accidents sure to happen. More pressure on local services and doctors.
Local roads could not cope with the significant increase in traffic produced by a large housing development. There would be chaos at various times of the day


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44751

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs G Priest

Representation Summary:

This project will destroy all that Cubbington stands for. It's a village and proud of that.
Over the years I have watched Leamington destroy landmarks, its history and many things we have loved. Yes houses are needed for future but where you put them is a bit problem. Cubbinton heritage must be protected and you must listen to the people who live here and voted for you to listen to us. So leave Cubbington and your proposal out of any plans you have. We do not support your development

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This project will destroy all that Cubbington stands for. It's a village and proud of that.
Over the years I have watched Leamington destroy landmarks, its history and many things we have loved. Yes houses are needed for future but where you put them is a bit problem. Cubbinton heritage must be protected and you must listen to the people who live here and voted for you to listen to us. So leave Cubbington and your proposal out of any plans you have. We do not support your development


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44752

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Jean M Lester

Representation Summary:

My objection to the proposed Glebe Farm site can be summed up in one short phrase: 'Save Cubbington for the Future'.
Loss of village life/community spirit.
Green belt land between Cubbington and Lillington must remain.
Land at Thwaites should stay green because of possible flooding - especially if covered in concrete/tarmac. The clay subsoil makes this prone to flooding.
Road outlets to Offchurch Road would be accident black spots. Offchurch Road already rat race. Bridge over river (nearer Offchurch) and road through Offchurch cannot withstand more traffic. Flooding always a problem.
Sewers would need updating.
Pressure on schools - transporting pupils adding to congested roads.

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My objection to the proposed Glebe Farm site can be summed up in one short phrase: 'Save Cubbington for the Future'.
I have lived here for a mere 45 years - Cubbington has been here for about 1000 years. Why destroy it now?
Cubbington will be on the edge of a large urban sprawl - from Tachbrook via Leamington and from West Warwick on the other side. The speakers at the public meeting on 17th March said we had to look at the broader view:
It is obvious that if the present possible development goes ahead. our village life, one rich in community spirit, will be lost. I know all about community spirit. At the time of the 2007 flood, I was on holday and returned to a flooded uninhabitable bungalow (I was afterwards in temporary accommodation for 9 months), however, at the moment of the flood, my neighbour, who has a key, managed to come and get some of the water out and rescued some of my personal belongings. They did this even though their own homw, like mine, was completely wrecked. Upon my return they came into my home with me as they didn't want me to enter my wrecked home on my own.
I don't want to live anywhere but this village, where community spirit is still 'alive and kicking' i.e. the OAP Ass'n, Cubbington Club, WI, Scouts and Guides, a fully booked village hall - and not forgetting 2 pubs. I feel all these will fade if we become just a dormitory of Leamington.
The green belt land between Cubbington and Lillington must remain green for the benefit of residents and wildlife alike.
The land to the south of Thwaites should stay green because of possible flooding - because of the 'bowl' situation of the village, the run off of water from the surrounding heights will increase the danger if the area is covered in concrete and tarmac. The clay subsoil anyway makes this prone to flooding.
The proposed new road outlets on to Offchurch Road would be accident black spots immediately. Offchurch Road is already a rat race for part of each day. The bridge over the river (nearer Offchurch) and also the road through Offchurch village cannot withstand greater volume of traffic. Flooding is again always a problem in wet weather, coming from Cubbington.
I think also that if these 'Glebe' proposals were given the go ahead the sewers system in the Ladycroft, Price Road, New Street area would probably need updating.
Also there would be pressure on local schools - transporting pupils (and more of them) would create a problem - adding to already congested roads.
Has full consideration been given to possibly using sites at Coventry 'airport' and the old Peugeot site for further development


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44753

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: Mr. Ernest Alan Turner

Representation Summary:

It is crazy and outrageous to create one huge conurbation of Lillington and the village of Cubbington which already has its own problems of flooding.
I consider it unacceptable to consider this green belt site when there are other non- green belt sites available for housing in WDC area
Traffic congestion in the Cubbington and lillington area is already very heavy at peak times and these roads were never expected to carry current volumes of trafic, never mind the obvious increase which the Glebe Farm development would create.
I would urge the council to reject the Glebe Farm development

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It is crazy and outrageous to create one huge conurbation of Lillington and the village of Cubbington which already has its own problems of flooding.
I consider it unacceptable to consider this green belt site when there are other non- green belt sites available for housing in WDC area
Traffic congestion in the Cubbington and lillington area is already very heavy at peak times and these roads were never expected to carry current volumes of trafic, never mind the obvious increase which the Glebe Farm development would create.
I would urge the council to reject the Glebe Farm development


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44754

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: Sheila and Roy Sager

Representation Summary:

Came to live here as wanted to live in a village! Flooding has occured not long ago; more houses would worsen the threat.
Major issue is danger of amount of extra traffic. Already can be nightmare leaving Cross Lane to join Offcurch Road/Windmill Hill. We walk trainee guide dog puppies and it can be very difficult now crossing. Even now traffic has to negotiate roundabout at junction of Windmill Hill/Rugby Road.
Where is increased surface water going to collect? Cubbington couldn't cope with extra houses.
Water pressure is not good even with existing properties

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We object very strongly to the proposed development of Glebe Farm. We came to live in Cross Lane only ten months ago as we wanted to live in a village! We understand from long term residents that flooding has occured not long ago; more houses would make the threat worse.
A major, major issue is the danger of the enormous amount of extra traffic which would make life for pedestrians, school children many aged persons who live in 'Old' Cubbington and existing motorists. Already it can be a nightmare leaving Cross Lane to join Offcurch Road/Windmill Hill. We walk trainee guide dog puppies and it can be very difficult now crossing, even at off peak times. Even now an enormous amount of traffic has to negotiate this roundabout at the junction of Windmill Hill/Rugby Road etc.
Where is all the surface water (which with the tarmac of new roads and footpaths) going to collect? This village of Cubbington could not cope with a large number of extra houses.
The water pressure in old and new Cubbington is not good even with the existing properties


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44755

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: Janet & John Cooper

Representation Summary:

Extra traffic
Higher flood risk
Loss of identity for Cubbington and Leamington
Loss of green environment
Threat to wildlife/insects/birds

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Extra traffic
Higher flood risk
Loss of identity for Cubbington and Leamington
Loss of green environment
Threat to wildlife/insects/birds


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44756

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: John Taylor

Representation Summary:

Cubbington village is busy as it is. Increased traffic will ruin village status. Sewerage system is inadequate. Have had flooding several times in recent years. In New Street when pupils arriving and leaving school, traffic and parking is horrendous and police do nothing. If this scheme goes ahead it will be worse and more dangerous.
Offchurch Road will become more dangerous as will Welsh Road.
Schools would not be able to cope with increased number of pupils this scheme would bring.
This idea would spoil a nice village. Nothing has been done to alleviate flooding situation

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This is a flawed scheme. Cubbington village is busy as it is. the increased traffic will ruin our village status. The sewerage system is inadequate. We have had flooding several times in recent years,. In New Street when pupils arriving and leaving school, the traffic and parking is horrendous and the police do nothing. If this scheme goes ahead it will be worse and more dangerous.
Offchurch Road which is already a busy road will become more dangerous as will Welsh Road.
The schools would not be able to cope with the increased number of pupils this scheme would bring.
This idea is stupid to say the least and would spoil a nice village. Nothing has been done to alleviate flooding situation


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44757

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Barbara Rawlings

Representation Summary:

I think this is wrong. Cubbington will no longer be a village. What happened to the green belt? This site is all green belt and should not be built on.
Traffic on Rugby Road will be increased

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I think this is wrong. Cubbington will no longer be a village. What happened to the green belt? This site is all green belt and should not be built on.
Traffic on Rugby Road will be increased


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44758

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: S & H Ireland

Representation Summary:

It will create over-burden of roads and communication. It will create and exacerbate drainage problems over a wide area

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It will create over-burden of roads and communication. It will create and exacerbate drainage problems over a wide area


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44759

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs W Quinn

Representation Summary:

Would worsen flooding problems in Cubbington and cause pressure on local services

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Would worsen flooding problems in Cubbington and cause pressure on local services


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44760

Received: 24/03/2010

Respondent: V.K. Clark

Representation Summary:

Devastation to flora and fauna plus loss of important agricultural land
Cul-de-sacs off Parkland Avenue not constructed for regular and heavy traffic - more accidents with traffic congestion
Development of housing estate will cause more flooding for Cubbington etc.
An increase of population will add strain to existing Lillington and Cubbington schools and doctors surgery

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Devastation to flora and fauna plus loss of important agricultural land
Cul-de-sacs off Parkland Avenue not constructed for regular and heavy traffic - more accidents with traffic congestion
Development of housing estate will cause more flooding for Cubbington etc.
An increase of population will add strain to existing Lillington and Cubbington schools and doctors surgery


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44761

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs M Munro

Representation Summary:

Green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington Spa. Safeguards countryside from encroachment and maintains two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington. If not protected village life will be gone forever. Proposed site is prone to serious flooding which would worsen existing village flooding problem. Such a large scale settlement would cause a great deal of pressure on local schools and doctors. Would you please justify why we need so many extra homes in Leamington, Stratford and Warwick district which has already had to absorb major housing development.

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The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa. It safeguards the countryside from encroachment and maintains the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village. If not protected village life as we know it will be gone forever. The proposed site is also prone to serious flooding which would worsen the existing village flooding problem. Such a large scale settlement would cause a great deal of pressure on local schools and doctors. Would you please justify why we need so many extra homes in Leamington, Stratford and Warwick district which has already had to absorb major housing development.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44762

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: A Edwards

Representation Summary:

The development of the proposed site would create much congestion on the roads around 'Parklands' and the proximity to Cubbington village would not benefit the village. There are existing drainage problems which would only be exacerbated by further development

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The development of the proposed site would create much congestion on the roads around 'Parklands' and the proximity to Cubbington village would not benefit the village. There are existing drainage problems which would only be exacerbated by further development


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44763

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: John Balls

Representation Summary:

I object to this development. It is too big and too imosition for the area. Where will the extra sewage go, where will the run off water go. The roads areound will not take the rush hour traffic. With the anouncement of the high speed rail link, I think this area has enough to worry about

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I object to this development. It is too big and too imosition for the area. Where will the extra sewage go, where will the run off water go. The roads areound will not take the rush hour traffic. With the anouncement of the high speed rail link, I think this area has enough to worry about


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44764

Received: 14/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Diana Wall

Representation Summary:

The Conservation Area of Cubbington has been selected as a place with special characteristics worthy of designation. Important to preserve as historical and social record, together with pleasant environment'
Green belt land between Cubbington and Lillington should be protected. Preference should be given to non-designated green belt sites for development. Proposed development would cause devastation to local wildlife.
Access roads off Parklands Avenue are unsuitable for huge increase in traffic.
Heavy clay soils increase problems of flooding causing great distress to the residents.
Food retailers situated south of town. Leamington would become more congested as people travel to supermarkets.

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I refer to the WDC document on Cubbington Conservation Area whihc states 'Conservation areas are a fragile environment which can soon be destroyed by unsympathetic changes. The village of Cubbington has been selected as a place with special characteristics worthy of designation as a part of our local and national heritage. It is important to preserve them both as a historical and social record, together with a pleasant environmetn to be enjoyed by those who live in them and for the enjoyment of others'
The green belt land between Cubbington and Lillington should be protected as Cubbington village and Lillington are two separate communities. Preference should be given to non-designated green belt sites for development. The proposed development would cause devastation to the local wildlife.
The access roads off Parklands Avenue are unsuitable for the huge increase in traffic. Congestion would become unbearable and there have already been many collisions at the junction of Telford Avenue, Cubbington Road and Parklands Avenue. This would only increase if the development goes ahead.
THe heavy clay soils would increase the problems of flooding which Cubbington village and properties in Oakridge Road, Cubbington Road and Parklands Avenue have already experienced, causing great distress to the residents.
All the major food retailers are situated at the south of the town and Leamington would become more congesteed as people travel to the supermarkets putting additional pressure on the towns bridges.
For the reasons above, I strongly believe that the Glebe Farm site should not be considered for development


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44765

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Wilma B Lawson

Representation Summary:

Flooding in Cubbington village would become worse if these houses were built
Roads, schools, doctors would be put under much greater pressure. Roads are already very busy, especially at peak times
The green belt between Cubbington and Lillington must be protected for the sake of the welll being of the present residents, wildlife would be decimated in this very beautiful area

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Flooding in Cubbington village would become worse if these houses were built
Roads, schools, doctors would be put under much greater pressure. Roads are already very busy, especially at peak times
The green belt between Cubbington and Lillington must be protected for the sake of the welll being of the present residents, wildlife would be decimated in this very beautiful area


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44766

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Mary E Moore

Representation Summary:

It would increase the chance of flooding. Cubbington village is a nice place to live. Changes would destroy it as a village.
Building 100's of extra houses would destroy the value of our houses

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It would increase the chance of flooding. Cubbington village is a nice place to live. Changes would destroy it as a village.
Building 100's of extra houses would destroy the value of our houses


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44767

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Maureen Armfield

Representation Summary:

The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa. If not protected, village life as we know it will be gone forever. Such a large scale development would cause a great deal of pressure on local schools and doctors

Full text:

The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa. If not protected, village life as we know it will be gone forever. Such a large scale development would cause a great deal of pressure on local schools and doctors


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44768

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: John & Pat Collins

Representation Summary:

Cubbington does not have capacity to accommodate increase in traffic or cope with parking in shopping area.
Does not have infrastrucutre to cope with volume of traffic needing access to main roads. Small roundabout at top of Windmill Hill already has a high accident rate. An increase in traffic will increase this and create difficulty for pedestrians and children attending St Teresa's school.
Area already prone to flooding.
Cubbington will no longer be a village.
It would dwarf our green belt, reduce wildlife, and take away our access to public walks and the countryside

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Cubbington does not have the capacity to accommodate the increase in traffic or cope with parking in the shopping area.
It does not have the infrastrucutre to cope with the volume of traffic needing access to the main roads. The small roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill already has a high accident rate. An increase in traffic will increase this rate and will also create difficulty for pedestrians wishing to cross the roads and children attending St Teresa's school.
The area is already prone to flooding and the scale of housing proposed will increase this risk.
Cubbington will no longer be a village if this scale of housing goes ahead.
It would dwarf our green belt, reduce wildlife, and take away our access to public walks and the countryside


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44769

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Peter Sugars

Representation Summary:

Development would very likely cause severe traffic congestion at peak times - progress into town in the morning is already very slow
The building of houses on this site would destroy the rural aspect of the area
On a more personal note, we prefer to live near the countryside, if we wanted to live in the middle of town, we would have bought a house there

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Development would very likely cause severe traffic congestion at peak times - progress into town in the morning is already very slow
The building of houses on this site would destroy the rural aspect of the area
on a more personal note, we prefer to live near the countryside, if we wanted to live in the middle of town, we would have bought a house there