
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44782

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Nora Mayne

Representation Summary:

Flooding in Cubbington village - Offchurch and Parklands Avenue
Old Victorian drains - How much more can they take?
At present, inadequate roads - pot holes - dangerous junctions and islands
Increase in school parking
Windmill Hill school area -
Apart from the above - land is able to absorb rainfall - good productive agricultural land which provides wild-life habitat
Would be unwise to build here until roads and sewers are updated
Final point - making access through cul-de-sacs off Parklands Avenue is not acceptable to householders

Full text:

Flooding in Cubbington village - Offchurch and Parklands Avenue
Old Victorian drains - How much more can they take?
At present, inadequate roads - pot holes - dangerous junctions and islands
Increase in school parking - already overstretched, particularly Telford. Both sides of road used by buses
Windmill Hill school area -
Apart from the above - this land is able to absorb rainfall - it is good productive agricultural land which also provides wild-life habitat
It would be unwise to build here until roads and sewers are updated
Final point - making access through cul-de-sacs off Parklands Avenue is not acceptable to householders - they chose to buy their homes in these quiet locations for the peaceful atmosphere not to be part of a main road. Surely we have rights and it is understandable that we wish to defend those rights