
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44799

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Dennis Senior

Representation Summary:

Hard to understand how green belt status is suddenly invalid.
Cubbington is village with own identity and generations have cared for it. All that independence will be lost if it is just tagged on the edge of other communities.
Horrendous when Windmill Hill was impassable due to ice. Only other exit via Church Lane was gridlocked. Roundabout at top of Windmill Hill already accident blackspot.
Environmental effect - wildlife should be protected. Peaceful pathway amenity that people need.
Flood level may be higher if water cannot drain.
The schools and medical facilities are suitable and adequate and the existing community does not want expansion.

Full text:

Cubbingotn village is part of our English heritage and it would be outrageous to build on this site.
having lived on both sides of the site, it is hard to understand how the green belt status is suddenly invalid once builders become able to purchase land.
Cubbington is a village with its own identity and generations have cared for it. (Penns Close is an example of neighbours united to enter and win Britain in Bloom). All that independence will be lost if it is just tagged on the edge of other communities who also want to retain their own identity.
The recent snow has highlighted the nightmare that would be created by additional traffic on Offchurch Road. It was horrendous when Windmill Hill was impassable due to ice. The only other exit from the village via Church Lane was gridlocked. Traffic was queuing from Offichurch at busy times of the day. The roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill is already a notorius accident black spot.
It is terrifying to think of the environmental effect of large-scale building. The wildlife should be protected - badgers and deer etc can be seen in that area and it is just a peaceful pathway amenity that people need.
Having narrowly escaped recent flooding it is frightening to think that the flood level may be higher if the water cannot drain on the land.
The schools and medical facilities are suitable and adequate and the existing community does not want expansion due to many extra households.
Please reconsider and remove this site from any development plan and don't allow the money available to buy this site disrupt the lives of many villagers