
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44784

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Trevor & Cynthia Davies

Representation Summary:

Roads not adequate for further traffic. Drains/sewers need upgrading . Roundabout at top of Windmill Hill needs to be proper roundabout or, traffic lights because roundabout is accident waiting to happen.
Do not need to lose any more Green Belt also footpaths.
Flooding - after floods, obvious that drainage system and pumping station inadequate. No thought given to culvert that runs under Offchurch Road frontages. Due to clay subsoil, flooding problems would worsen. Where are new schools, doctors surgery and other shops etc being built.
Who is paying for houses to be built and who will buy them.
Also devaluation of properties

Full text:

Roads not adequate for further traffic. Offchurch Road was due to be widened in 1964-5. Nothing ever done. Drains and sewers need upgrading . The roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill needs to be a proper roundabout(enough room as adequate land was left initially) or alternatively, traffic lights, but something, because of the roundabout is accident waiting to happen and could mean a death.
Designated land at Glebe Farm is green belt land and we do not need to lose any more Green Belt also the footpaths on this land need to carry on being footpaths.
Flooding - after the Cubbington floods 3 years ago, it is obvious that the drainage system and pumping station are totally inadequate and nothing has been done to upgrade either. No thought has been given to the culvert that runs under the Offchurch Road frontages. A decent rainstorm now, it runs like a fountain in front of my house: again nothing has been done!
Due to the clay subsoil, these flooding problems would worsen with 10,800 houses being built (your figures) where are the new schools, doctors surgery and other shops etc being built.
Finally, who is paying for houses to be built and who is going to buy them. We do not need another 'Cubbingtongate'.
I and my wife are totally opposed to this proposed developmnet - another reason is the devaluation of our properties