
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44790

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs S A Jackson

Representation Summary:

Cubbington already has history of flooding. Building 2000 houses on fields that already drain badly will affect this situation.
Where will children be educated? What will be the impact on class sizes?
Development will be bounded by the bridle path - how will council prevent it from becoming a haven for gangs, drunks, drug use etc?
Why green belt when there are numerous brown field sites to be redeveloped?
Why are they required when there are empty properties?
How many social homes will be included in this development?
What is the predicted impact on traffic flows?
Cubbington is a village.

Full text:

Cubbington already has a history of flooding the council has failed to address - can the council explain how the building of 2000 houses on fields that already drain badly will affect this situation and provide their personal assurance that the situation will not be worsened?
How many children are forecast from those homes? Where will they be educated? What will be the impact on class sizes at Cubbington, Telford etc. Can the council provide assurances that the class sizes will not increase and the education of the children of existing residents be negatively impacted.
The planned development will be bounded by the bridle path - how will the council prevent the alley way from becoming a haven for gangs, drunks, drug use etc?
The planned development is on green belt - whuy is this when there are numerous brown field sites to be redeveloped per government policy?
Why are these new homes required when there are numerous empty properties in Leamington? Why isn't the council using these?
Can the council provide assurances that no rights of way/footpaths etc are impacted by this?
Where can I obtain the analysis supporting the requirement for these 2000 new homes? this sounds like a round number plucked from thin air.
How many social homes will be included in this development? Can the council provide assurances that the tone and tenner of the village won't be lowered as has happened for example on Crown Way, Lillington
What is the predicted impact on traffic flows and is the Highways Authority analysis available? Traffic on the Cubbington Road is already too high and this can only make it worse
Can the council provide assurances that the development is in no way connected to the planned high speed rail link? Won't this also impact the area between Cubbington and Offchurch@? Does the council intend to lay a concrete swathe across this entire region of Warwickshire?
Cubbington is a village and its residents object to any council member that supports plans to convert it into a 'new town'. This is a guaranteed vote loser - will the voting decisions of council members be published to it apparent which council members have supported the appalling scheme