
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44770

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Tracy & Stuart Davis

Representation Summary:

This would be another 'Warwick Gates' next to our currently quiet, crime free village. The roads in Cubbington are narrow and could not support an increase in traffic. Resources such as schools and small shops could not cope with the huge increase in residents.
But more importantly Cubbington is a small village. If you allow this housing estate to be built then we lose our identity and we are just an extension to Lillington. We did not pay more to live in Cubbington so that we become part of a large housing site

Full text:

This would be another 'Warwick Gates' next to our currently quiet, crime free village. The roads in Cubbington are narrow and could not support an increase in traffic. Resources such as schools and small shops could not cope with the huge increase in residents.
But more importantly Cubbington is a small village. If you allow this housing estate to be built then we lose our identity and we are just an extension to Lillington. We did not pay more to live in Cubbington so that we become part of a large housing site