
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44792

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs J E & C E Higgins

Representation Summary:

Object to detrimental effect the proposed development would have on the green belt area between Lillington and Cubbington, with strong regard for environment, wildlife and established right of way.
The individuality and community spirit of village residents must be preserved at all costs.
Flooding - This development would increase risk.
Pressure on local services, amenties and schools Proposed access would greatly increase the amount of traffic using Windmill Hill/Offchurch Road/Queen Street.

Full text:

Object to detrimental effect the proposed development would have on the green belt area between Lillington and Cubbington, with strong regard for environment, wildlife and established right of way used by many local residents.
The individuality and community spirit of Cubbington residents must be preserved at all costs, also that of the surrounding villages of Offchurch and Weston under Wetherley
Personally affected by the flooding of June 2007, causing great distress and trauma at that time, we are very much aware of the amount of surface water which comes from this area every time it rains and excesses onto Offchurch Road opposite our home. This development would surely very much increase the risk of flooding to many more homes in this low lying area.
The added pressure on local services, amenties and schools would not be a further 2000 homes in the vicinity and the proposed access from the development onto Offchurch Road, opposite Queen Street, would greatly increase the amount of traffic using Windmill Hill/Offchurch Road/Queen Street, which even today are 'no go' areas during the morning and evening 'peak times' due to the gridlock of traffic at the Rugby Road roundabout going nowhere. We personally even now plan out outings to avoid these times