
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44773

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: John Broad

Representation Summary:

Cubbington losing its village status would be wrong. Proposals would completely spoil things. Already there have been more houses built here and more people. Impact has been huge. Have noticed damage caused by floods - too many people, too many houses and insufficient resources to accommodate all needs. Council can not (or have not) thought it through, what happens to drains around village?
Land ingreen belt so needs protecting Disruption to village would be phenomenol. Schools would need to expand. Dont have facilities here to cope with more people.

Full text:

Cubbington losing its village status would be wrong. I have lived here all my life, over 50 years, and in that time I have experienced some major changes - some good, some bad, but whether the changes are good/bad we have had to adapt to them.
Now however, these proposals would completely spoil things. Already there have been more and more houses built here and more and more people. The impact of this has been huge. I (we) have noticed the damage caused by floods - which have even made national news - too many people, too many houses being built and insufficient resources to accommodate all their needs - e.g. sewerage - the council can not (or have not) thought it through, what happens to the drains around the village - extra people means each household will be using the toilet, running baths etc. and the water pipes then can not cope - the consequences have been there for all to see - yet nothing is done.
Also the land around here is part of the green belt and so needs protecting - we want to see our green and pleasant land forever more, not look out of our windows to housing estates. The disruption to the village would be phenomenol - it would be a building site for such a long time.
Plus, if more houses were built around this village the schools would also need to expand, spoiling the smaller classrooms our children have been used to and furthermore, we dont have the facilities here to cope with more people here.