
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44772

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs F Gil-arranz

Representation Summary:

To protect green belt between Lillington and Cubbington and safeguard countryside for future generations
Protect community spirit and village life of Cubbington
Building would worsen existing flooding problem in Cubbington
Such a large scale settlement would create pressure on existing schools and doctors etc
Current infrastructure will not cope with proposed scale of new development - will cause major disruption to Cubbington residents and through traffic. Particular concern is amount of traffic on small road. Often accidents at roundabout at top of Windmill Hill.
Would be really, really sad to lose more countryside and diminish village life of Cubbington

Full text:

To protect the green belt between Lillington and Cubbington and safeguard the countryside for future generations
To protect the community spirit and village life of Cubbington
Building on this land would worsen the existing flooding problem in Cubbington
Such a large scale settlement would create pressure on existing schools and doctors etc
The current infrastructure will not cope with the proposed scale of the new development - it will cause major disruption to Cubbington residents and through traffic. A particular concern is the amount of traffic on such a small road. There is often accidents at the roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill as it is
It would be really, really sad to lose more countryside and diminish village life of Cubbington