
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44791

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr D Parry

Representation Summary:

Loss of village life
Loss of cultivated greenbelt = loss of produce
Loss of countryside
Loss of wildlife
Damage to environment - for us and future generations
Supposed to be protecting
Flooding - not resolved
Additional risk of more flooding
Traffic increase -
Roads are not wide enough or capable of taking more traffic
More traffic will create even more parking problems/accidents
Restricted access - ambulances, fire appliances, council refuse collecting, deliveries to shops, public transport etc
No employment in the area
Amenities will not cope
Schools are not big enough
Doctor's surgeries cannot take any more patients
Reduction in television and telephone reception
Loss of village life

Full text:

I moved to Cubbington village 40 years ago because it was a village in the countryside. If I had wanted to live in a town I would have stayed in Leamington.
Loss of village life
Loss of cultivated greenbelt = loss of produce
Loss of countryside
Loss of wildlife
Damage to the environment - not only for us but for future generations
Which we are supposed to be protecting
Flooding - still has not been resolved
plus additional risk of more flooding in Cubbington, Offchurch, Lillington etc
Traffic increase -
Roads are not wide enough or capable of taking more traffic
Parking is a problem in the village now - more traffic will create even more problems and accidents
Restricting access for - ambulances, fire appliances, council refuse collecting, deliveries to shops, public transport etc
No employment in the area
Amenities will not cope
Schools are not big enough
Doctor's surgeries cannot take any more patients
Reduction in television and telephone reception
It will become an extension of Leamington and Lillington and we will have lost our village life identity forever