
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44798

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs S Buckby

Representation Summary:

View from house will be spoilt. Amenities we have i.e. shops, post office, doctors, schools etc. and buses and quiet roads (normally); will be inadequate.
Also - the general quiet, slow pace of village will be lost.
Surely this is green belt and has a preservation order on it
Proposed development of Baginton Airport seemed to meet with approval with many attending meeting??
Also a suggetion that the old Peugeot site at Ryton could prove an alternative to our beloved village

Full text:

Our view from house will be spoilt. Amenities we have i.e. shops, post office, doctors, schools etc. and buses and quiet roads (normally); will be inadequate.
Also - the general quiet, slow pace of village will be lost.
Surely this is green belt and has a preservation order on ot??? - essential to wildlife and occupants?
After attending meeting in Cubbington this evening, I now know that green belts are rubbish!! Due to (we were told) a government ruling changed the purpose of such sites (they kept that quiet didn't they??)
Also at meeting - the proposed developmnet of Baginton Airport seemed to meet with approval with many attending meeting??
Also a suggetion that the old Peugeot site at Ryton could prove an alternative to our beloved village