
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44793

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr J F Price

Representation Summary:

Flooding - with Cubbington's long history of flooding, proposed site would increase the danger/scale of further flooding.
Destruction of green fields, wildlife, and wildlife habitat.
The erosion or destruction of well established right of way footpaths.
Erosion of individual and rural village life.
Creation of urban sprawl. Giving rise to traffic congestion in already crowded roads not built or planned for this type of built up area, with no adequate or acceptable access points to or from this proposed site.
Lack of the infrastructure to accommodate same.

Full text:

Flooding - with Cubbington's long history of flooding, this proposed site would certainly increase the danger and scale of further flooding.
Destruction of green fields, wildlife, and wildlife habitat.
The erosion or destruction of well established right of way footpaths. As a member of the 'ramblers association' I would request our association take issue with any interference with these public rights of way.
Erosion of individual and rural village life.
Creation of urban sprawl. Giving rise to traffic congestion in already crowded roads not built or planned for this type of built up area, with no adequate or acceptable access points to or from this proposed site.
Lack of the infrastructure to accommodate same.