
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44778

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs P Mottram

Representation Summary:

As Cubbington residents we wish to reside in a small village surrounded by beautiful countryside to walk our dog.
The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa. Also Lillington and Cubbington must not be joined as this will affect village life of Cubbington residents.
Cubbington is already prone to flooding. The building of new property on this scale will worsen the flood problem.
The schools in the area are mostly full to capacity and could not meet the demand that the new housing estate would require.

Full text:

As Cubbington residents we wish to reside in a small village surrounded by beautiful countryside to walk our dog.
The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up are of Leamington Spa. Also Lillington and Cubbington must not be joined as this will affect village life of Cubbington residents.
Cubbington is already prone to flooding. The building of new property on this scale will worsen the flood problem.
The schools in the area are mostly full to capacity and could not meet the demand that the new housing estate would require.
Please take into consideration Cubbington villagers strong opposition to this unfair proposal