Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 631 to 660 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44835

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Doreen Twissell

Representation Summary:

Increase in volume of traffic and risk of flooding

Full text:

Increase in volume of traffic and risk of flooding


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44836

Received: 02/06/2010

Respondent: John Roberts

Representation Summary:

This is green belt land!
Cubbington's history (recent) of flooding would be made far worse by this development
The infrastructure that is in place could not support this development
Cubbington has a long history as a village and this would ? with this development

Full text:

This is green belt land!
Cubbington's history (recent) of flooding would be made far worse by this development
The infrastructure that is in place could not support this development
Cubbington has a long history as a village and this would ? with this development


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44837

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Keith Martin Crosskey

Representation Summary:

Please do not build any more houses within the Cubbington area!
I and the good people of Cubbington area oppose and object to any more development at Glebe Farm also around the general area of Cubbington. The land along Offchurch Road and low land within Cubbington village gets flooded. Therefore is not suitable for house building. The general roads are very narrow and cannot take any more traffic due to extra house building in the area

Full text:

Please do not build any more houses within the Cubbington area!
I and the good people of Cubbington area oppose and object to any more development at Glebe Farm also around the general area of Cubbington. The land along Offchurch Road and low land within Cubbington village gets flooded. Therefore is not suitable for house building. The general roads are very narrow and cannot take any more traffic due to extra house building in the area


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44838

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: Jane & David Print

Representation Summary:

This is the only green belt land that separates the ancient village of Cubbington from Leamington.

This development would mean putting thousands of extra cars onto roads which cannot take a high volume of traffic, where Parklands Avenue joins Cubbington Road it is extremely busy and dangerous now.

The fields are prone to flooding and development would exacerbate this.

Finally, such a large scale development would significantly increase cross town traffic and congestion as all major food retailers and employment opportunities are south of the river accessed by only four river crossings.

Full text:

We are writing to you to protest strongly against the proposed development at Glebe Farm. This is the only green belt land that separates the ancient village of Cubbington from the main town of Leamington, which is important to people, wildlife & our environment.

The impact of up to 2,000 houses on this piece of land would be catastrophic. The proposed entries onto this development would mean putting thousands of extra cars onto estate roads which are not built to take a high volume of traffic, where Parklands Avenue joins Cubbington Road it is extremely busy and dangerous now and the impact of increased traffic would only add to a serious problem.

The fields are prone to flooding which would increase the risk of further flooding in Cubbington which already has experience serious flood. The area has 3 schools and at term time is very hazardous on the roads already.

Finally, such a large scale development would significantly increase cross town traffic and congestion as all major food retailers and employment opportunities are south of the river accessed by only four river crossings.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44839

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs D Goodman

Representation Summary:

We believe this green space must be protected to safe guard the countryside from encroachment and maintain the distinct communities of Lillington and the village of Cubbington.

The roads of are not suitable to carry the increase of traffic which would be generated from development.

Junctions are already overloaded at peak times causing many accidents.

The clay sub soil is very prone to flooding already experienced in Cubbington village.

Increased congestion across town.

We talk of the environment constantly at local, national, and international level. Need to protect the natural habitat of wildlife living in this beautiful countryside for future generations.

Full text:

We strongly oppose the Glebe Farm Cubbington Site being used for housing development. We believe the green space between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to safe guard the countryside from encroachment and maintain the distinct communities of Lillington and the village of Cubbington. The existing greenbelt should be retained as there must be other non designated green belt sites which could be used for development within the district.

If the site is to be accessed via various closes off Parklands Avenue and the Crest and Mason Avenues; the roads of decades ago are not suitable to carry the immense increase of traffic which would be generated from such a large development.

The Telford Avenue/ Parklands Avenue & Cubbington Road junction is already overloaded at peak times causing many accidents trying to exit the avenues and crossing Cubbington Road.

The clay sub soil is very prone to causing flooding already experiences with surface water running from the read of Cubbington Road to properties in Oakridge Road, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington village.

Such a large development would certainly increase congestion across the town as all major employment opportunities are south of the river.

We talk of the environment constantly at local, national, and international level. What will the level of pollution be? Will anything be taken into consideration to protect the natural habitat of wildlife living in this beautiful countryside, denying all future generations the joy of living in this environment? Are they to be condemned into living in this concrete jungle?


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44840

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Amanda Parr

Representation Summary:

Traffic congestion in the general area is already bad enough, and there have been numerous accidents. Recent diversions due to gas works highlighted what driving in this area is like with additional traffic.

I object to the destruction of greenbelt land and the resident wildlife as this will destroy the character and appeal of the area. An area of important recreational land, the public footpaths, will be lost.

Much of the industry in Leamington is to the South of the town so the cross town congestion will be terrible.

Full text:

I object to the development of Glebe Farm for the following reasons:

Traffic congestion on the Rugby road and the area in general is already bad enough. The Windmill Hill/ Rugby Road island has seen numerous accidents. Recent diversions due to gas works highlighted what driving in this area is like when lots of traffic is coming along Kenilworth Road from the A46.

I also object to the destruction of greenbelt land and the resident wildlife as this will destroy the character and appeal of the area. In turn house prices will also be affected. The footpaths that cross this area are well uses by local residents and in destroying them, an area of important recreational land will be lost.

Given that much of the industry in Leamington is to the South of the town it would appear ridiculous to build new homes at the other end of town. The cross town congestion will be terrible and is unnecessary when there are available next to existing housing estates.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44841

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Jacqueline Bird

Representation Summary:

The development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington is potentially massive and would have a very real detrimental effect on Cubbington and Lillington. I strongly object to any development on this green belt land which would adversely affect local amenities, lead to traffic congestion and exacerbate the problems we have with flooding in Cubbington Village.

Full text:

The development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington is potentially massive and would have a very real detrimental effect on Cubbington and Lillington. I strongly object to any development on this green belt land which would adversely affect local amenities, lead to traffic congestion and exacerbate the problems we have with flooding in Cubbington Village. Please would you take the following points into consideration when arriving at a decision:

1: The loss of greenbelt land would have a severe impact on wildlife, their habitat lost forever. The loss of green fields is detrimental to wildlife, nature and local residents alike and I feel extremely strongly that green belt must be protected and that Cubbington remains a village.

2: The building of houses on such a large scale will inevitably lead to extra pressure on local amenities, schools, doctors etc.

3: The infrastructure is such that is would not be able to cope with the large volume of extra traffic generated by this enormous development. Offchurch Road, Welsh Road, Windmill Hill, Rugby Road and Kenilworth Road are already extremely busy. There are no pedestrian crossings on these roads and we have already had one fatal road accident by the shops in Rugby Road.

4: The mini roundabout at the top of windmill hill at its junction with Kenilworth Road and Rugby Road has been the scene of numerous road accidents and countless near misses. With a school (Our Lady and St Teresa's Primary School) near this mini roundabout, and the extra traffic from a huge development, the local roads will become dangerous, congested and have air quality more polluted.

5: Following the devastating floods in Cubbington Village in 2007, the plans put in place to alleviate the flooding problem remain inadequate. Building on these fields will inevitably worsen the situation resulting in Cubbington Village being even more prone to flooding on far worse a scale than that we have already experienced.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44842

Received: 04/06/2010

Respondent: James Robert Hinks

Representation Summary:

1: In recent years there has been considerable flooding arising from the heavy clay soil. Building a further 2000 plus houses on the proposed site would exacerbate the problem.

2: The development here would lead to a substantial increase in commuter traffic. Existing roads would struggle to cope particularly at peak times. The increase in pollution levels is not acceptable..
3: This urban sprawl would have a devastating impact on the environment. There is an abundance of wildlife on the land which would disappear along with footpaths which have been used for leisure for a long time.

Full text:

I strongly object to the proposals for the development of land at Glebe Farm on the following grounds:
1: In recent years there has been considerable flooding arising from the heavy clay soil, not only in the centre of the village but also in parts of New Cubbington and other areas. Some of the problem has arisen from householders paving or tarmacing over their gardens to accommodate the increasing number of cars owned. Building a further 2000 plus houses on the proposed site would exacerbate the problem.

2: Quite obviously Cubbington is not sited in an industrial area and the siting of the development here would lead to a substantial increase in commuter traffic. It is plain that existing roads would struggle to cope particularly at peak times. The increase in pollution levels is not acceptable. I would make more sense to build in an area where people in employment can walk to work or on convenient public transport. Such sites already exist just outside Coventry at the old Peugeot Works at Dunchurch and the virtually defunct airport at Baginton - Both brown field sites. It is sensible to consider siting housing as near to existing businesses/ manufacturing conurbations as possible and certainly not in rural surroundings.

3: This urban sprawl would have a devastating impact on the environment. There is an abundance of wildlife and a number of badger sets on the land which would disappear along with footpaths which have been used for leisure of the People of Cubbington for a long time. The destruction of existing village life would inevitable follow with, I believe, disastrous results for many.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44843

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs J Dillam

Representation Summary:

The various roads off Parklands Avenue giving access to this project will become a severe traffic problem, affecting hundreds of people and their quality of life - plus the local flooding problems which exist.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, there would be the destruction of the two distinct communities.

While we appreciate the necessity of building new houses, surely other sites in would be more suitable.

Couple all this with the dreadful proposed Fast Rail System, we say LEAVE THIS STRECTH OF GREEN BELT ALONE!

We are extremely concerned about more urban sprawl to suit money making buy councils and developers.

Full text:

Having lived in the area for the past 36 years, we have enjoyed a happy, peaceful working (and now retired) life. This is the raison d'ĂȘtre of WHY we chose to live here. Naturally over the years we have seen and accepted increases in traffic etc but to build an estate of thousands of houses on the proposed Lillington/ Cubbington suggested development area beggars belief.

The various roads off Parklands Avenue giving access to this project will become a severe traffic problem, affecting hundreds of people and their quality of life - plus the problems of the Parklands Avenue/ Cubbington Road/ Telford Avenue junction and the local flooding problems which exist.

But MOST IMPORTANTLY, there would be the destruction of the two communities of Cubbington and Lillington - pleasant delightful village and suburban areas - each with a history and records of Greenbelt space.

While we appreciate the necessity of building new houses, surely, for many reasons, other sites in the Leamington/ Warwick/ Coventry area would be more suitable and appropriate to suit tick-box targets set by a distressed government.

Couple all this with the dreadful proposed Fast Rail System, which this government proposes to inflict on this area of Warwickshire (to save half an hour on a train journey at the cost of billions) and we say LEAVE THIS STRECTH OF GREEN BELT ALONE!

We are not NIMBYS but we do value the quality of life we enjoy - after many years of hard work, and now retirement, and which all of us in these communities have earned and deserve!

We are extremely concerned about more urban sprawl to suit money making buy councils and developers.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44844

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Dianne Freda Hinks

Representation Summary:

I object to the development for the following reasons:

A: Traffic competitions and the associated risks of accidents and pollution would severely affect the village of Cubbington and the surrounding areas, particularly at peak times.

B: Flooding is a major problem in Cubbington affecting not only the village centre but also outlying areas. Problems would be worsened by the proposed development.

C: Urban sprawl would affect existing village life and destroy forever the neighbourhood enjoyed by existing households. The removal of hedgerows and open land would have a devastating impact on the environments.

Full text:

I object to the development for the following reasons:

A: Traffic competitions and the associated risks of accidents and pollution would severely affect the village of Cubbington and the surrounding areas, particularly at peak times.

B: Flooding is a major problem in Cubbington affecting not only the village centre but also outlying areas. Problems would be worsened by the proposed development.

C: Urban sprawl would affect existing village life and destroy forever the neighbourhood enjoyed by existing households. The removal of hedgerows and open land would have a devastating impact on the environments.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44845

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Anthony Gardner

Representation Summary:

1: There are concerns as they have already had problems with flooding.

2: Increase in traffic is a major concern. Already we have congestion at peak times. Development will create twice the congestion we already have.

3: Wildlife will suffer. We will lose hundreds of yards of hedgerows and all associated fauna and flora.

4: The area is greenbelt which local residents enjoy. Nor do I think that extending urban development is the solution to the 'harsh and prominent' edge between buildings and countryside.

5: It would be very sad to see a historic settlement lose its identity.

Full text:

I object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington for a number of reasons.

1: The developers have stated there are no flooding issues. However, I know that many in Cubbington have read concerns as they have already had problems with flooding. Parklands Avenue too still has flooding problems.

2: Increase in traffic is a major concern. Already we have congestion in early mornings and when people return from work later afternoon. This is apparent at the Cubbington Road/ Crown Way junction and the mini roundabout by Compton's Garage/ Windmill Hill. Some 130 acres of new homes is going to make this problem much worse particularly during the school run. Supermarkets and work are only to be found in Leamington so everyone on the new estate are going to be heading down Mason Avenue, Buckley Road and the Cubbington Road creating twice the congestion we already have.

3: Wildlife will suffer in particular badgers and bats (protected species) as both use the area being considered for development. Also skylarks rest on this sit and are already on a red list because of the dramatic decline in breeding sites over the past 50 years due to such developments. We will lose hundreds of yards of hedgerows and all associated fauna and flora.

4: The area is greenbelt which I know is not sacrosanct but it does enable residents in the surrounding area to enjoy the countryside using public rights of way. For an area that is already well populated and with a particularly high density where I live, that I think is important. Nor do I think that extending urban development is the solution to the 'harsh and prominent' edge between buildings and countryside. Most architecture and developments plant trees to soften that edge not add more buildings.

5: Finally, as an ex-Cubbingtonian it would be very sad to see a historic settlement lose its identity and become part of a greater Leamington.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44846

Received: 04/06/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Scott

Representation Summary:

We strongly object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington. Any development on this land would be detrimental to both Cubbington and Lillington, in particular the Parklands Avenue/ Cubbington Road area, which are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic that would be generated by any large scale development of the site.

Full text:

We strongly object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington. Any development on this land would be detrimental to both Cubbington and Lillington, in particular the Parklands Avenue/ Cubbington Road area, which are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic that would be generated by any large scale development of the site.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44847

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs D Scott

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington. Any development on this land would be detrimental to both Cubbington and Lillington areas and take away Cubbington's identity as a village.

Full text:

I strongly object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington. Any development on this land would be detrimental to both Cubbington and Lillington areas and take away Cubbington's identity as a village.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44848

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs D Hastings

Representation Summary:

Maintain the two district communities.

Development will increase traffic to a level in excess of what the existing infrastructure can cope with.

Heavy traffic congestion is already very evident especially at school times.

Could the existing schools in the area cope with a further influx of school children?

Whilst there are other non-designated green belt sites suitable for development, the proposed development at Glebe Farm should not even be considered.

Parts of Cubbington are already subject to flooding and development could exacerbate the problem.

The greenbelt safeguards the countryside from encroachment and is valued by many people.

Full text:

It is vital that we keep the proposed area of development as green belt in order to maintain the separation of district communities of Lillington and Cubbington village.

The development of the proposed site will increase traffic to a level in excess of what the existing infrastructure can cope with (existing estate roads were built for 50s-60s and 70s traffic levels) and will therefore add considerably to stress levels of road users and pedestrians in the area, making driving and walking more dangerous especially to older and disabled residents plus children.

The area of Lillington and Cubbington will already be subject to increased traffic flow due to the new Tesco store on the old Walnut Tree Pub site.

Heavy traffic congestion is already very evident at the Parklands Avenue/ Telford Avenue / Cubbington Road junction especially at school times and would be made even worse with any increase in school children to the schools in the area. Crown Way / Lime Avenue junction is also heavily congested at present as is the top of Windmill Hill mini roundabout junction without adding increased vehicles to the area.

The question must arise as to whether the existing schools in the area could cope with a further influx of school children should the proposed development go ahead.

Whilst there are other non-designated green belt sites suitable for development, the proposed development at Glebe Farm should not even be considered.

Parts of Cubbington are already subject to flooding and therefore any action which could increase the likelihood of making the situation worse should be avoided.

Development of Glebe Farm for housing will increase considerably the traffic as road users make their way to town as all major food retailers and employment opportunities are located south of the river and are accessed by only four river crossings.

The present greenbelt is very important as it safeguards the countryside from encroachment by preventing the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa. It is valued by many people in the area and is essential to keep the present balance between town development and open countryside.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44849

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Catherine Gilhooly

Representation Summary:

Any development will radically change the character of the village of Cubbington - for the worse. The increased traffic will swamp the area.

With flooding already a problem, surely new developments will exacerbate the problems.

At the moment, Cubbington and Lillington are distinct; a new development would make one big sprawling urban mass and put pressure on local services.

I enjoy walking in the local woods. I chose to live in Cubbington because it has a rural character. This would be ruined by large scale housing development and it will affect our local wildlife and habitats dramatically.

Full text:

Any development will radically change the character of the village of Cubbington - for the worse. The increased traffic will swamp the area, causing congestion. How will the mini roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill cope?

With flooding already a problem, surely new developments will exacerbate the problems.

At the moment, Cubbington and Lillington are distinct; a new development would blur this boundary and make one big sprawling urban mass. New housing would put pressure on local services - from shops through to schools and GPs.

I enjoy walking in the local woods. I chose to live in Cubbington because it has a rural character. This would be ruined by large scale housing development and it will affect our local wildlife and habitats dramatically.

Surely, there are more suitable sites for building 2000 homes - somewhere with space and room for infrastructure, rather than squeezing it next to a small village.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44850

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Erik Ivens

Representation Summary:

The size and structure of the village, its roads and amenities are not sufficient built for such an outrageous notion!

Cubbington has its own identity. The natural beauty of Warwickshire is in danger of being lost forever if developers get the go ahead to build on Glebe Farm.

Building on Glebe Farm is likely to exacerbate the flooding problem. Traffic in this confined area will become a major problem if this development goes ahead. Wildlife will suffer and the new massive influx of people will upset the natural harmony of the local surrounding wildlife and countryside.

Full text:

I strongly object to the proposed housing development in Cubbington. The size and structure of the village, its roads and amenities clearly are not sufficiently built for such an outrageous notion!

Cubbington has its own identity and is a village in its own right - just as Leamington is a charming and individual town in its own right. The natural beauty of Warwickshire is in danger of being lost forever if developers get the go ahead to build on Glebe Farm.

Flooding is evidently a big problem in Cubbington. Building on Glebe Farm is likely to exacerbate this problem. Traffic in this confined area will become a major problem if this development goes ahead. Wildlife will suffer at the hands of these developers and the new massive influx of people will upset the natural harmony of the local surrounding wildlife and countryside.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44851

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs D Wickes

Representation Summary:

This area is green belt and always has been in the past. It has been turned down for building on and we are very upset and concerned that you have put forward for this to be built on now.

We live next to the field and we have lots of wildlife.

We would be getting a lot of cars and lorries which the roads in this area could not take. There are a lot of crashes. The flooding in this area is very bad and with putting extra houses will once again increase.

Full text:

This area is green belt and always has been in the past. It has been turned down for building on and we are very upset and concerned that you have put forward for this to be built on now.

We live next to the field and we have lots of wildlife such as foxes, badgers, pheasants, moles, all types of birds, we even get bats flying round our windows at night.

We would be getting a lot of cars and lorries which the roads in this area could not take. There are always crashed at Comptons Garage, Telford Avenue and Crown Way, which will increase. The flooding in this area is very bad and with putting extra houses will once again increase. We also have a lot of people taking dogs for walks..


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44852

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Marion & Dennis Briggs

Representation Summary:

The development would totally dwarf our ancient village making us just part of unrestricted sprawl.

There has been no provision for adequate surface water drainage since the floods of July 2007 and development t on heavy clay subsoil would only make matters worse.

Our infrastructure is totally inadequate to take such increases with rush hour traffic already very heavy. Could our local doctors cope and there would certainly be a lack of places in our schools.

The proposed site is Greenbelt land so we have to consider the environmental impact to wildlife and the loss public rights of way.

Full text:

We object to the proposed development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington because such a large building programme would totally dwarf our ancient village which was first mentioned in the Doomsday Book, making us just part of the unrestricted sprawl of the built up area of Leamington Spa. We want to keep our village identity not become part of the town.

There has been no provision for adequate surface water drainage since the floods of July 2007 therefore such a large number of new houses being built on heavy clay subsoil would only make matters worse for our low lying areas during increased rainfall.

Our infrastructure is totally inadequate to take such increases with rush hour traffic already very heavy. Could our local doctors cope with so many new residents wanting to be placed on their lists and there would certainly be a lack of places in our schools meaning local children possible having to be driven to schools further afield instead of walking, increasing traffic.

Also let us not forget that the proposed site is Greenbelt land so we have to consider the environmental impact to wildlife on these old fields and the loss of the well used footpaths and public rights of way.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44853

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Jill Waring

Representation Summary:

Exiting Parklands Avenue to cross the Cubbington Road is often dangerous and chaotic. Telford School creates heavy traffic already.

Full text:

Exiting Parklands Avenue to cross the Cubbington Road is often dangerous and chaotic. Telford School creates heavy traffic already.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44854

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Frank Edward Waring

Representation Summary:

Oakridge Road is often awash with water coming of the fields.

Lillington and Cubbington should retain their greenbelt.

Full text:

Oakridge Road is often awash with water coming of the fields.

Lillington and Cubbington should retain their greenbelt.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44855

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs M Lee

Representation Summary:

My husband and I have lived in Cubbington for over 40 years and in that time there have been numberous estates which has greatlty affected the water and sewearge system. A large estate which is proposed would be a disaster to this village, besides which we have had enough houses built - anymore and we would lose our village status so please no more houses in Cubbington!

Full text:

My husband and I have lived in Cubbington for over 40 years and in that time there have been numberous estates which has greatlty affected the water and sewearge system. A large estate which is proposed would be a disaster to this village, besides which we have had enough houses built - anymore and we would lose our village status so please no more houses in Cubbington!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44856

Received: 30/03/2010

Respondent: Mr James McIntyre

Representation Summary:

Traffic and access
Use of arable land/conservation of wildlife and loss of rural amenities and village life

Full text:

The land on which it is proposed to build has a heavy clay sub-soil and readily and regularly floods. The last time was 2007 and 47 houses in Cubbington had to be evacuated and renovated for an average of 6 months and some for 12 months.
Cubbington village lies in a natural hollow below Windmill Hill. There is natural drainage from the upper church end of the village to the Pingle Brook but this is unable to drain away sufficiently.
The addition of 2500 further houses, roads and paved driveways on the new estate on the existing flood prone area with additional water from the stream at Offchurch, would make matters many times worse.
I understand that there has been no progress on any work to alleviate the flooding since the 2007 problem. Are Severn Trent and the National Rivers Authority along with the Environment Agency (DEFRA) willing and able to provide the expensive drainage and pumping systems necessary to prevent the risk of flooding of the centre of the village?
There has been a road sign placed outside Thwaites factory stating that the road is laible to flooding and likely to be impassable at certain times (see also traffic)
Traffic and New Proposed Access:
There is a single access point to the estate shown on the Cubbington side of this development and this would see to place reliance on the use of a private drive to Hill Farm being given over for the purpose.
The access from Lillington would be by 2/3 at present cul-de-sac side roads off Parklands Avenue. These are totally unsuitable as entry roads.
There is inadequate space for a suitable sized roundabout at the exit from the estate on to the Offchurch Road at the foot of Queens Street, Cubbington. Heavy lorries would have difficulties passing at this point.
The existing traffic is already busy along the Offchurch Road to Windmill Hill or to Offchurch village. The former route goes past St Theresa's School where there is insufficient lay-by space and danger to children crossing the road at school times including lunch time. Then there is a mini-roundabout at the top of the hill, which crosses the Cubbbington Road and is an accident black spot as drivers still consider the Cubbington Road to be the main road and take it as having priority
Drivers, especially lorry drivers who wish to avoid this mini roundabout cut along Cross Lane or Queens Street and through Cubbington village centre and up Church Lane. This produces great dangers of an accident as the streets are narrow and there are cars parked on one or both sides of the street. This can cause difficulties with the peoples' access to Cubbington Church of England School
Associated Amenities:
Schools - it is understood that there is no room for expansion at Cubbington C Of E and St Theresa's schools. Cubbington and both Telford Infants and Junior Schools have had temporary classrooms for many years.
It would seem that a new school would be required.
Medical Services - There is a single medical practice at Highland Road Lillington and this already serves the outlying villages as well as Cubbington and Lillington.
Additional midwifery and nursing services may well be required
Dental services would be required
Water and Sewage Services:
The present service network cope but additional facilites are likely to be required.
Policing - There is already youth trouble in the area and additional cover would be required
At the public meeting held on 17 March 2010 at the Cubbington Sports & Social Club, the Warwick and Leamington District Council representatives from the planning department were unable to indicate that any new large employers or sizeable existing employers were likely to be coming to the area. It was indicated that several brown field sites had been designated as available for industry in Leamington Spa and Warwick. This begged the question as to why they were not available for these housing developments rather than taking existing green belt land currently in agricultural use?
As previously stated the road network to reach work in Leamington Spa and Warwick Industrial Estates is poor; similarly for Kenilworth via Kenilworth Road, Bericot Road and via the very busy Chesford Bridge.
Arable Land Conservation of Wildlife and Rural Amenities:
The proposal if adopted to swallow up 53 hectares of arable land in current agricultural use.
It is an undisturbed area for wildlife including badgers, crested newts and birds. There are many footpaths, which cross these fields. The villagers are regular and frequently walk the paths.
The village of Cubbington has records going back to 1066 and the people appreciate the value of their countryside and do not wish to be linked up to the town sprawl of Leamington
The people of Cubbington appreciate and wish to continue their rural life
The value of living in beautiful open countryside must not be lost forever


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44857

Received: 30/03/2010

Respondent: Mr R C Goodey

Representation Summary:

Concerned about traffic. Already have considerable problems, at Telford school.
Junction of Telford Avenue, Parklands and Cubbington Road alreadydangerous and difficult to negotiate with Tesco store at Crown Way. Additional housing will put strain on area. New development will not include facilities.
Green belt. What happened to the promise to keep these. Will there be recreational spaces or will people have to use cars.
Underlying clay will cause more flooding to area which already has problems. Would it not be better to find sites nearer to amenities.
Will these houses be suitable for the average person to buy or will they be left empty.

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As a resident of Telford Avenue, I am very concerned about traffic. We already have considerable traffic problems, especially at times when parents are delivering and collecting children from Telford school.
The junction of Telford Avenue, Parklands and Cubbington Road is already very dangerous with the arrival of a Tesco store, albeit a small one, at Crown Way, the area will also be difficult to negotiate. The store is bound to attract shoppers who would not normally use Crown Way, plus additional housing is going to put a strain on the area. I understood that the new development will not include any facilities - thus shops, library and the clinic will be overlooked.
The site involved is at the moment part of a green belt area. What happened to the promise to keep these much needed breathing spaces. Will there be any recreational spaces or will people have to use their cars yet again.
The underlying clay will ineveitably cause more flooding to an area which already has problems. With lack of facilities and work opportunties in the area, would it not be better to find sites nearer to these necessary requirements.
Will these houses be suitable for the average person to buy or will they be left empty as so many over priced properties are around the town.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44858

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Mr and Mrs K Richards

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

Traffic implications of this scheme would horrendous especially the round about at top of windmill with congestion in Cubbington through to Offchurch.
Pluvial flooding (Run Off from site could be worse than disaster in Ladycroft and Cubbington three years ago plus sewage and draining problems.

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Traffic implications of this scheme would horrendous especially the round about at top of windmill with congestion in Cubbington through to Offchurch.
Pluvial flooding (Run Off from site could be worse than disaster in Ladycroft and Cubbington three years ago plus sewage and draining problems.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44859

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Simon Vallis

Representation Summary:

This would cause significant increase to traffic, serious flooding problems and also
is a Green Belt,which is full of wildlife and still farmed continuously.The countryside should be retained,that divides Lillington and Cubbington. The very undulating land would be unsuitable for building on as it floods. There's been recent serious flooding in Cubbington and properties in of Parklands Avenue. Buliding 2000 homes in this area would greatly increase further risk of serious flooding. As far as the increase in traffic is no direct access from the side up to main road. Roads in Lilington and Cubbington aren't suitable for increaseing traffic.

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I strongly object to any development of the above site of the grounds of significant increase to traffic, serious flooding problems and also this is Green Belt land which is full of wildlife and is still farmed continuously. I think the countryside should be retained that divides Lillington and Cubbington. I would also suggest the very undulating land would be unsuitable for building on as it frequently floods. There has also been recent serious flooding in Cubbington and properties in of Parklands Avenue. Buliding 2000 homes in this area would greatly increase further the risk of serious flooding. As far as the increase in traffic is no direct access from the side up tp the main road. Most of the roads in Lilington and Cubbington are not suitable for a heavy increase in traffic.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44860

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Elizabeth McIntyre

Representation Summary:

Arable land
Conservation of wildlife
Village Life

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The land on which is proposed to build is clay which does not drain. Cubbington sits in a trough and its natural drainage is from the church end of the village to Offchurch Road. Because of the building already there, the Pingle Brook is no longer able to drain the land and the drainage arrangements at the moment are insufficient for the purpose as was proved three years ago.
Should houses, roads and paved driveways be built on the proposed site, all the surface water from that area would drain down towards Offchurch Road and add to the already existing problems. An access road at the end of Queen Street would channel surface water into the village at that point.
Who would be responsible to ensure proper drainage over the whole area of Cubbington Parish and maintenance of drainage systems over the long term.
There is only one access/exit point proposed on the Cubbington side of the development which will lead a larger volume of traffic at peak times on the already busy Offchurch Road at the end of Queen Street
From the current plan produced, it would appear that there is no actual point where the development site meets the road and the private drive of Hill farm would have to be taken over for this purpose.
There is very little space for a suitable roundabout as proposed at this point of Offchurch Road leaving no room for large vehicle to pass through. Traffic would disperse from this point through the very narrow roads of Offchurch Road or up Windmill Hill.
The Offchurch route would be blocked frequently during periods of heavy rainfall when the ford floods.
The route up Windmill Hill would bring a high volume past St Theresa's school where there is already insufficient parking for parents dropping children off and it would create danger for children crossing to the school.
At the top of Windmill Hill the mini roundabout is already a dangerous spot. Traffic entering Leamington has to negotiate the traffic calming island, a feature which distracts drivers from noticing the existence of the roundabout. Many drivers including bus drivers still consider Cubbington Road to be a main road and expect to have right of way over drivers approaching from Kenilworth and Offchurch Road.
To avoid this mini roundabout drivers are likely to try to cut through Cubbington village by way if Queen Street and Church Lane; Queen Street, Ledbrook Road and Broadway or Cross Lane, New Street and Church Lane. This would create problems in the centre of the village, danger in the side roads and at the access to Cubbington school
Schools - there is no room for expansion at Cubbington or St Theresa's school, Cubbington and Telford schools already have temporary classrooms. Surely the government promised better accommodation at schools than terrapin huts!
Doctors - the nearest surgery is at least a mile away at Highland Road. there are medical provisions in Weston or Offchurch who must rely on the Highland Road Surgery already
Water and Sewage - is it possible for the present water and sewage network to cope with the expansion required and are Severn Trent prepared to provide it?
Policiing - Cubbingotn already has problems with idle youths hanging round the village. At the moment Cubbington is a separate village. Are the police prepared to provide the policiing required by a suburb of Leamington which is what Cubbington would become when it can be accessed from Lillington near Eden Court
It is stated that the availability of employment is taken into consideration when large areas of housing are built. There is no employment or prospective employment in this are or at this side of Leamington
To reach employment in south Leamington access could be via Offchurch but as stated this si via very narrow roads and a ford.
To reach employment anywhere in Leamington means access via Cubbington Road and throuygh town and this already has a large volume of traffic from Cubbington, New Cubbington, Lillington, Rugby and out-lying villages.
To reach employment in Coventry traffic would affect Kenilworth Road and the Coventry Road through Stoneleigh or via Leicester Lane.
To reach employment in Kenilworth traffic would affect Kenilworth Road, Bericote Lane, which is narrow and add to the already heavy traffic at Chesford Bridge.
Arable Land:
There are many greenfield sites consisting of poor land little used for production. Despite the clay soil this is arable land which is used for production. Despite the clay soil this is arable land which is used for production of crops. the ability of greater production of crops in Britain is important as it means products do not have to be transported great distances round the world causing greenhouse gases.
Conservation of wildlife:
There are badgers, newts and many other creatures well established in this site. For the health and well being of the population in all areas, open spaces available to many people is very important. to fill in this green arm of land between Cubbington and Lillington would not only annihilate vital wildlife habitat but be detrimental to the local population.
There are many established footpaths on this site would have to be incorporated into the design of the road plans. However, access to paved walkways instead of country footpaths would as said above be detrimental to the local population.
Village Life:
the people of Cubbington and those in the houses surrounding this site chose to live there for the village life Cubbington provides. Village life is fast being lost in this country and suburban life is causing many physical and mental health, road safety, crime and drug problems/ Surely village life should be valued and retained.
This council will gain money via the council tax on each proposed house, but the value of many existing properties will drop and as council tax is based on the tax band according to the value of a house, many residents will warrant a reduction in their council tax.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44861

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Barbara Mitchell

Representation Summary:

Traffic congestion
Wildlife wil be affected
Property Development
I have a small garden and dont likte the idea of being overlooked
Flooding lower Cubbington

Full text:

Traffic congestion
Wildlife wil be affected
Property Development
I have a small garden and dont likte the idea of being overlooked
Flooding lower Cubbington


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44862

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Rachel Caddy

Representation Summary:


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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44863

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Olive Jenkins

Representation Summary:

1)This area is subject to flooding and would cause more problems.
2)Additional traffic would be dangerous
3)The choice would need to be extended
4)Cubbinton as a rural village would not exist

Full text:

1)This area is subject to flooding and would cause more problems.
2)Additional traffic would be dangerous
3)The choice would need to be extended
4)Cubbinton as a rural village would not exist


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44864

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: L H Hunt

Representation Summary:


Too much overdelop and possible flooding made traffic problems worse

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Too much overdelop and possible flooding made traffic problems worse