Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 511 to 540 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44710

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mr P Hadley

Representation Summary:

Increase in surface water drainage and sewerage volume required and flooding. Where are the schools going and secondary provision. Also doctors provision
Where are the buses going.
Will there be extra police persons.
The loss of countryside wildlife and trees, and bushes, is there going to be any replanting

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Increase in surface water drainage and sewerage volume required and flooding. Where are the schools going and secondary provision. Also doctors provision
Where are the buses going.
Will there be extra police persons.
The loss of countryside wildlife and trees, and bushes, is there going to be any replanting


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44711

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Aidrie J Felix

Representation Summary:

Proposed site access from Offchurch Road is ridiculous as is Parklands Avenue. Junction at top of Windmill Hill is already a problem; more cars just not acceptable. Cubbington will become car park.
Problems with flooding. Drainage system would require upgrading.
How will schools cope? What about doctors surgeries? Will be over crowding.
Cubbington residents do not want to be joined to Leamington. Village will be destroyed.
What about wildlife and environment, extra electricity/gas being used; extra cars on roads? Loss of public footpaths.
Must remain green belt. Working farms should be retained.

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No-one has thought about this and the problems others will experience should this site be developed
The proposed site access from Offchurch Road is ridiculous as is the idea of an entrance from Parklands Avenue. These access points will put even more traffic onto Offchurch Road, Windmill Hill, Rugby Road. The junction at the top of Windmill Hill is already a problem reference accidents; to have more cars approach the junction on a daily basis is just not acceptable. The junction would not be able to cope effectively. The roundbabout does not help with the accidents still happening. Cubbington will become one big car park.
The problems with flooding would be enhanced and even more homes would be flooded. The drainage system etc. would require a great deal of upgrading should this site be used.
How will our local schools cope? What will happen to doctors surgeries? There will be far too many people, over crowding.
Cubbington residents do not want to be joined to Leamington Spa. Our village will be destroyed.
What about all the wildlife that has made this their home, also what about the environment as a whole with all the extra homes, the extra electricity/gas being used; the extra cars on roads to name just a few? Local people will lose public footpaths should the site be used.
This site must not be passed as a site for dwellings. It must remain as part of the green belt and not be built on. Working farms are very few. Should we not be encouraging our local farmers to continue their good work for the next generation.
Farming is an art and how will children learn if you continue to destroy a working farm?


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44712

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Doug Sant

Representation Summary:

Flooding - prone to flooding due to run off. Drainage system cannot cope now.
Amenities - Affect on local amenities, schools, doctors etc We do not have a local doctor or pharmacy. Expanding schools will exacerbate traffic problems
Only large employer is Thwaites who has been cutting back workforce. Most jobs appear to be at Sydenham/Heathcote.
Cubbington and Lillington are two distinct communities. Joining them destroy village life. Development will ruin country environment for children.
What assurance that development will stop there?
Green belt currently protects against unrestricted sprawl of a large built up area. Would lose footpaths and wildlife.

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Flooding - As it is well known, the bottom of the village is prone to flooding. This is reportedly due mainly to run off. Under heavy rain conditions, it is common now for numerous drain covers in New Street and Price Road to lift. This has also happened at the bottom of Windmill Hill. If this site is mainly concrete and tarmac, how much more run off is there going to be? What are the implications for residents at the lower part of the village when all this extra water starts to build up? The drainage system cannot cope now.
Amenities - What steps will be taken to address the affect on local amenities, schools, doctors etc? We do not have a local doctor or pharmacy and to expand the current schools will only exacerbate traffic problems at these two sites. What about the sustainability of employment? The only large employer in the area is Thwaites. They have been cutting back on their workforce. Most of the jobs would appear to be at Sydenham or Heathcote, both of them at the other end of town.
Cubbington and Lillington are two distinct communities. Joining them up will destroy village life as many residents of Cubbington know it. I moved here 40 years ago to bring my children up in a country environment. My grandson is now being brought up similarly. This development will ruin that and for many more children in the future.
What assurance do we have that the development will stop there? Will it extend past and possibly include Thwaites? Will it eventually sprawl all the way to Offchurch?
This green belt currently protects against unrestricted sprawl of a large built up area and contains many well used footpaths and a wide variety of wildlife. These are important to us, the residents of Cubbington. They will be gone forever


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44713

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Ms V C Goodwin

Representation Summary:

Strongly object.
Far too many houses - too many cars driving too fast.
Rugby Road busy enough already - mini roundabout loads of accidents

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Strongly object.
Far too many houses - too many cars driving too fast.
Rugby Road busy enough already - mini roundabout loads of accidents


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44714

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Eric John Gaskin

Representation Summary:

Serious potential for flooding already exists in parts of Cubbington. Development of this type will increase this problem even further. Cubbington is a village in its own right with over a thousand years of history. It has its own distinct community and must not be allowed to be absorbed by urban sprawl (also increase in traffic).

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Serious potential for flooding already exists in parts of Cubbington. Development of this type will increase this problem even further. Cubbington is a village in its own right with over a thousand years of history. It has its own distinct community and must not be allowed to be absorbed by urban sprawl (also increase in traffic). Suggested reading for all planners and developers: Sir John Betjamin's poem 'inexpensive progress'.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44715

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Pauline Enstone

Representation Summary:

I feel we do need affordable homes. People are having to move away from friends and family because no affordable homes. We do need to think of others, not just ourselves. I'm lucky enough to have a council property. I have spoke to many people in the village, they said not complaining about houses, but flooding and traffic. i feel this can be solved. this about wildlife find other places to go.
So come on lets have more work for area and more trade for local shops.

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I feel we do need affordable homes. People are having to move away from friends and family because no affordable homes. We do need to think of others, not just ourselves. I'm lucky enough to have a council property. I have spoke to many people in the village, they said not complaining about houses, but flooding and traffic. i feel this can be solved. this about wildlife find other places to go.
So come on lets have more work for area and more trade for local shops.
My husband born and bred ub Cubbington and father live's across the road for 60 years in council property they have always know it will be built on.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44716

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Ray Menge

Representation Summary:

The development of Glebe Farm would cause Cubbington to lose its identity and become just another district of Leamington Spa. Wildlife including deer, fox and badger woulld lose their habitat. Following the closure of the post office in Kelvin Road, congestion has increased in Cubbington village with parking at a premium. Further housing development would exacerabate the situation.

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The development of Glebe Farm would cause Cubbington to lose its identity and become just another district of Leamington Spa. Wildlife including deer, fox and badger woulld lose their habitat. Following the closure of the post office in Kelvin Road, congestion has increased in Cubbington village with parking at a premium. Further housing development would exacerabate the situation.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44717

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Green

Representation Summary:

My main concern is the chance of more flooding in the area. We have had two severe floodings in the last few years through unproper drainage problems - the thought of more buildings being built is very worrying indeed.
Also, village life as we know it could be lost forever. Please do not allow this to happen. the green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to safeguard our lovely countryside and wildlife

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My main concern is the chance of more flooding in the area. We have had two severe floodings in the last few years through unproper drainage problems - the thought of more buildings being built is very worrying indeed.
Also, village life as we know it could be lost forever. Please do not allow this to happen. the green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to safeguard our lovely countryside and wildlife


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44718

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Irene Wilkin

Representation Summary:

Heavy clay soil causing flooding for the house in Lower Cubbington
Rugby Road and Welsh Road not suitable for all the extra traffic the new estate would bring
Could the local schools accept all of the extra children it would bring?
Would like Cubbington to remain a village not a suburb of Leamington Spa
Accidents would increase at the Windmill Hill junction
Loss of public footpaths over the lovely countryside

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Heavy clay soil causing flooding for the house in Lower Cubbington
Rugby Road and Welsh Road not suitable for all the extra traffic the new estate would bring
Could the local schools accept all of the extra children it would bring?
Would like Cubbington to remain a village not a suburb of Leamington Spa
Accidents would increase at the Windmill Hill junction
Loss of public footpaths over the lovely countryside


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44719

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Patricia Twizell

Representation Summary:

Cubbington village shoud remain as village. Building on green belt between Cubbington and Lillington would change this forever. Need to keep little villages - they are disappearing fast. Effect on wildlife would be devastating. Not to mention losing well used footpaths to big roads and more traffic causing congestion.
Our schools will suffer due to overload of children. Doctors surgery in the area will become pressurised due to excess patients.
Will be thousands more people travelling to and from the village making it more like a busy town or estate. Would be devastated to lose our little village

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Cubbington village shoud remain as a village, building on the green belt between Cubbington and Lillington would change this forever. We need to keep our little villages - they are disappearing fast. The effect on the wildlife in that area would be devastating. Not to mention losing our little well used footpaths to big roads and more traffic causing more congestion on our busy roads during rush hour.
Our schools will suffer due to overload of children. Doctors surgery in the area will become pressurised due to excess patients. It will become impossible to get appointments there.
there will be thousands more people travelling to and from the village making it more like a busy town or estate. Cubbington village needs to remain Cubbington village. Our family has lived here for over 45 yrs, we would be devastated to lose our little village


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44720

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr N S Fox

Representation Summary:

Loss of green belt and farmland
Loss of Cubbington Village character
Too much additional traffic
Increase in local pollution
Increase in local light pollution
Development will be larger than Cubbington itself
Loss of footpaths and non-official paths around fields

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Loss of green belt and farmland
Loss of Cubbington Village character
Too much additional traffic
Increase in local pollution
Increase in local light pollution
Development will be larger than Cubbington itself
Loss of footpaths and non-official paths around fields


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44721

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Edward Macfetridge

Representation Summary:

Green belt between Cubbington and Lillington must be protected to prevent unrestricted sprawl of large built up area of Leamington Spa. It safeguards countryside from encroachment and maintains distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village
Impervious heavy clay sub-soil causes site to be prone to flooding. Building on this land would worsen village flooding position.
Huge increase in traffic will cause a great deal of disruption to Cubbington residents
This large settlement would cause great deal of pressure on local schools and doctors
Huge environmental impact on wildlfie of fields and lead to loss of well used footpaths
Loss of village identity

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Green belt between Cubbington and Lillington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa. It safeguards the countryside from encroachment and maintains the distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village
The impervious heavy clay sub-soil causes the site to be prone to flooding. Building on this land would worsen the village flooding position.
Huge increase in traffic will cause a great deal of disruption to Cubbington residents
This large settlement would cause a great deal of pressure on local schools and doctors
Huge environmental impact on the wildlfie of the fields and lead to the loss of the well used footpaths
Loss of village identity


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44722

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Anthony Lewenz

Representation Summary:


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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44723

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr B Sutton

Representation Summary:

After flooding in New Street, Knightly Close, Price Road in Lower Cubbington,
Additional pluvial flooding (run-off) would put these areas at greater risk.
Additional traffic using Welsh Road and Offchurch Road would be excessive, creating risk of accidents, injury or even death.
We in village value independence as a community and would like to preserve it. Community should decide what development is needed not some government directive.
Enough of our village has been lost to development. Small percentage was necessary, estate of this scale would be end of Cubbington village. Would be too convenient to say yes rather than recycle brown sites.

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After the relatively recent flooding in New Street, Knightly Close, Price Road in Lower Cubbington, I consider that the additional pluvial flooding (run-off) would put these areas at an even greater risk of flooding.
Also the additional traffic using Welsh Road and Offchurch Road would be excessive, creating risk of accidents, injury or even death.
We in the village value our independence as a community and would like to preserve it and the community should decide what, if any, development is needed not some government directive designed to meet targets.
I have lived in this village all my life nearly 55 years. Enough of our village has been lost to development over the years. I accept that a small percentage of this was necessary, but to build an estate of this scale would be the end of Cubbington as a village. I feel it would be too convenient to say yes to this proposal and appease profit motivated developers, rather than recycle appropriate brown sites.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44724

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Miss Eilish O'Neill

Representation Summary:

With the horrendous flooding in Cubbington village just a couple of years ago, I can only see this development worsening this phenomena.
I can't see there would be enough school places in Cubbington though my own children are in secondary school now.
The Cubbington Road, Windmill Hill and Kenilworth Roads in Cubbington are already horrendous to navigate at rush hour times. This development can only bring more traffic!!

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With the horrendous flooding in Cubbington village just a couple of years ago, I can only see this development worsening this phenomena.
I can't see there would be enough school places in Cubbington though my own children are in secondary school now.
The Cubbington Road, Windmill Hill and Kenilworth Roads in Cubbington are already horrendous to navigate at rush hour times. This development can only bring more traffic!!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44725

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Andrea Hartley

Representation Summary:

I strongly object.
An average of 32,000 people in such a small site will bring along traffic problems. Schools will be overcrowded. The village will be no longer. I worry about anti-social activities, so many houses/people will bring

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I strongly object.
An average of 32,000 people in such a small site will bring along traffic problems. Schools will be overcrowded. The village will be no longer. I worry about anti-social activities, so many houses/people will bring


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44726

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: M C Hadley

Representation Summary:

Why build on green belt land when you have the old Peugeot land at Ryton to build on. Also you have the land on the right of Europa Way to build on. We who live in Cubbington have seen the effects of flooding in the last ten years having 2000 more houses is not going to help the situation

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Why build on green belt land when you have the old Peugeot land at Ryton to build on. Also you have the land on the right of Europa Way to build on. We who live in Cubbington have seen the effects of flooding in the last ten years having 2000 more houses is not going to help the situation


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44727

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: John Hannan

Representation Summary:

Use brown field
Purchase brown field sites at government expense not at public expense
Too much 'green' is being eaten up. This is morally wrong
We moved to Cubbington village because it is a village and we would like it to remain so!!

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Use brown field
Purchase brown field sites at government expense not at public expense
Too much 'green' is being eaten up. This is morally wrong
We moved to Cubbington village because it is a village and we would like it to remain so!!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44728

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: S M Riley

Representation Summary:

Local facilities can not support new housing
Cubbington is a village and should not be just part of Leamington
Erosion of green land
Why are we not using brown land at Peugeot works at Ryton
Destroy woodland, public footpaths, wildlife, bird life, farmland

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Land liable to flooding
Road access poor
Local facilities can not support new housing
Cubbington is a village and should not be just part of Leamington
Erosion of green land
Why are we not using brown land at Peugeot works at Ryton
Destroy woodland, public footpaths, wildlife, bird life, farmland


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44729

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs S Copeland

Representation Summary:

Recognise need for housing, but Cubbington site unsuitable. Soil is clay and its' inpenetrable properties are prone to cause flooding. Area has clay sub layer. Heavy rainfall sends surface water running down fields into road drains. Converge in village and system unable to cope with volume in short time.
More drainage pipes would cause more stress in rainfall periods and make flooding more common.
Distress to residents in village is not worth value of new housing. Main concern is for village people. Suggest choose another site more suitable for new housing

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Although I recognise the need for more housing, I do not think that the Cubbington site that has been proposed is suitable. My main objection is that the soil is clay and its' inpenetrable properties are prone to cause flooding which we have already experienced in Cubbington village. The whole area has this clay sub layer and heavy rainfall sends surface water running down the fields into the road drains. They converge in the village and the system is unable to cope with the large volume in the short time it occurs. As evidenced with the heavy flooding experienced in the lowest roads in Cubbington a few years ago.
To add more drainage pipes to the existing system would cause more stress in rainfall periods and make flooding a much more common occurance.
The terrible distress caused to residents in the village when their homes were flooded is not worth the value of new housing to people who need it. Our main concern is for the village people and to protect them form flooding so we have to suggest you choose another site more suitable for a new housing development


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44730

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Snowden & W M Whitelock

Representation Summary:

No support for this housing development whatsoever.
A green belt is a protected area of open countryside around a town, so why build on it. There would be no Leamington, Lillington and Cubbington, but just urban sprawl of Leamington spreading towards Coventry. If it were to happen where would all the surface water drain to in winter? Cubbington is prone to flooding in New Street and Offchurch Road by Thwaites. This vast estate would make matters worse. Cleaning the roadside ditches and leaving a wall of dredged soil - as is the case - between the road and the ditches will not be enough to solve the problem but it will keep the water on the road until such time when the soil is washed back into the ditches then we are back to square one!
More problems with traffic and road congestion, Leicester Street Hill, Parklands Avenue, Crown Way and Windmill Hill could not cope with the extra traffic. People would use the 'back route' (rat run) from Leamington through Offchurch village, the blind left hand turn by The Stag and the narrow single lane bridge, would be a nightmare for villagers - not to mention builders lorries and concrete mixer lorries trying to negotiate the canal bridge as well. Refurbish and use all the empty properties and put a tight restriction on immigration and we wouldn't need to build on green belt land.

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No support for this housing development whatsoever.
A green belt is a protected area of open countryside around a town, so why build on it. There would be no Leamington, Lillington and Cubbington, but just urban sprawl of Leamington spreading towards Coventry. If it were to happen where would all the surface water drain to in winter? Cubbington is prone to flooding in New Street and Offchurch Road by Thwaites. This vast estate would make matters worse. Cleaning the roadside ditches and leaving a wall of dredged soil - as is the case - between the road and the ditches will not be enough to solve the problem but it will keep the water on the road until such time when the soil is washed back into the ditches then we are back to square one!
More problems with traffic and road congestion, Leicester Street Hill, Parklands Avenue, Crown Way and Windmill Hill could not cope with the extra traffic. People would use the 'back route' (rat run) from Leamington through Offchurch village, the blind left hand turn by The Stag and the narrow single lane bridge, would be a nightmare for villagers - not to mention builders lorries and concrete mixer lorries trying to negotiate the canal bridge as well. Refurbish and use all the empty properties and put a tight restriction on immigration and we wouldn't need to build on green belt land.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44731

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Lorraine Hazel Smith

Representation Summary:

There is nothing in place that could support a development of this size. The current schools, doctors and shops in the area are insufficient to cope with a developmnet of that enormity

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There is nothing in place that could support a development of this size. The current schools, doctors and shops in the area are insufficient to cope with a developmnet of that enormity


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44732

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs D Chiles

Representation Summary:

We strongly object. Cubbington should be protected, the countryside and wildlife not encroached upon but kept as it is. Traffic in this area would be unbearable causing accidents in an area already known for accidents, particulalry Windmill Hill. Flooding is bound to happen again but would be much worse for Cubbington residents. Increased traffic between Cubbington and Offcurch which inevitably would cause major problems and added congestion. No no no.

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We strongly object. Cubbington should be protected, the countryside and wildlife not encroached upon but kept as it is. Traffic in this area would be unbearable causing accidents in an area already known for accidents, particulalry Windmill Hill. Flooding is bound to happen again but would be much worse for Cubbington residents. Increased traffic between Cubbington and Offcurch which inevitably would cause major problems and added congestion. No no no.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44733

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Kenneth Lawton

Representation Summary:

Identity of the village totally lost.
Greater volume of traffic.
Increased danger of flooding.
Loss of valuable farm land - extra burden on schools, doctors, etc Pollution from extra traffic. Devastation of the environment. Try 'brownfield' sites not green belt

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Identity of the village totally lost.
Greater volume of traffic.
Increased danger of flooding.
Loss of valuable farm land - extra burden on schools, doctors, etc Pollution from extra traffic. Devastation of the environment. Try 'brownfield' sites not green belt


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44734

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Keith & Barbara Stanford

Representation Summary:

Traffic problems would become a greater problem - cars belonging to houses on Offchurch Road are already encroaching in North Close and Brookfield Road, which really is not acceptable
Green belt land should stay as green belt -the impact on wildlife would be detrimental
We would no longer be a village.
Flooding problems are very bad with the horrendous floods in New Street over the past years - Offchurch Road, North Close would become a target if this land is built on
Pressure on local schools which are already at full capacity
Site access onto the Offchurch Road/Queen Street would create horrendous traffic problems

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Traffic problems would become a greater problem - cars belonging to houses on Offchurch Road are already encroaching in North Close and Brookfield Road, which really is not acceptable
Green belt land should stay as green belt -the impact on wildlife would be detrimental
We would no longer be a village and know village life as it is
Flooding problems are already very bad with the horrendous floods in New Street over the past years - Offchurch Road, North Close would become a target if this land is built on
Pressure on the local schools which are already at full capacity
Site access onto the Offchurch Road/Queen Street would creare horrendous traffic problems


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44735

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Peter Bowell

Representation Summary:

My primary objection is about the impact on the environment and local wildlife i.e. badgers and owls which use the land for hunting
Environmentally the road infrastructure could not possibly cope with such a large increase in traffic
The clay subsoil leads to flooding problems which would increase with any large development
There would be no more Lillington or Cubbington just a sprawling mass which would further reduce any feeling of community which exists within the defined area

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My primary objection is about the impact on the environment and local wildlife i.e. badgers and owls which use the land for hunting
Environmentally the road infrastructure could not possibly cope with such a large increase in traffic
The clay subsoil leads to flooding problems which would increase with any large development
There would be no more Lillington or Cubbington just a sprawling mass which would further reduce any feeling of community which exists within the defined area


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44736

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Cubbington Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Their development would mean the loss of identity of the village of Cubbington
There is inadequate surface water drainage
There is inadequate sewerage
The village floods quite regularly, sometimes, seriously
Present infrastructure unsuitable for large numbers of extra houses
The 3 schools unable to provide large influx of entra pupils
Erosion of public rights of way
Wildlife would suffer

Full text:

Their development would mean the loss of identity of the village of Cubbington
There is inadequate surface water drainage
There is inadequate sewerage
The village floods quite regularly, sometimes, seriously
Present infrastructure unsuitable for large numbers of extra houses
The 3 schools unable to provide large influx of entra pupils
Erosion of public rights of way
Wildlife would suffer


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44737

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Roger & Christine Gibbs

Representation Summary:

Loss of identity for Cubbington residents. Housing would merge village into sprawl of Leamington. Green belt between Lilllington/Cubbington must be protected to safeguard countryside from encroachment and maintain distinct communities.
Fears of flooding will be increased due to additional run off. Impervious heavy clay subsoil causes site to flood. Building would worsen problem.
Traffic implications horrendous.Will have truly massive impact on local congestion. Area not suitable to support increase in traffic and will cause disruption to Cubbington residents.
Environmental impact on wildlife, as well used footpaths disappear. Extra pressure placed on local schools and doctors.
Quality of life will disappear.

Full text:

The proposed development of alternative site 3 Glebe Farm Cubbington would mean a total loss of identity for the people of Cubbington as the proposed housing would merge the village into the unrestricted sprawl of the Leamington conurbation. We believe that the green belt between Lilllington and Cubbington must be protected to safeguard the countryside from encroachment and maintain the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington.
The very real fears of flooding will be significantly increased due to the additional run off of rainwater caused by the loss of green land. The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding, so building on this land would only worsen the existing problem. If this development should be approved the potential for flooding could be for worse than the disaster which hit Cubbington three years ago.
Traffic implications of the scheme are horrendous and will have a truly massive impact on local congestion, in particular at the roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill/Rugby Road, where many accidents already occur. This area is really not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic from the thousands more houses travelling to and from the village at 'rush hour' morning and evening and will cause a great deal of disruption to all Cubbington residents.
The environmental impact of such a huge development on wildlife, as the old fields and well used footpaths disappear, is a real concern as is the great deal of extra pressure that would be placed on local schools and doctors if such a large scale settlement was to take place.
We believe that if the area is not protected the quality of life for the people who live in Cubbington will disappear forever and ask you therefore to refuse the proposed development of Glebe Farm Cubbington


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44738

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Kathleen Serhyniuk

Representation Summary:

Housing would merge village into sprawl of Leamington. Green belt between Lilllington/Cubbington must be protected to safeguard countryside from encroachment and maintain distinct communities.
Fears of flooding will be increased due to additional run off. Impervious heavy clay subsoil causes site to flood. Building would worsen problem.
Traffic implications horrendous.Will have truly massive impact on congestion. Area not suitable to support increase in traffic.
Environmental impact on wildlife, as well used footpaths disappear. Extra pressure placed on local schools and doctors.
Quality of life will disappear.

Full text:

I wish to object to the proposed development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington, as I believe that the green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa. It is important to safeguard the countryside from encroachment and maintain the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village.
Cubbington has suffered disastrous flooding in recent years and this is an issue that has still not been properly resolved. The very real fear of flooding can only be significantly increased if the proposed building of thousands of new homes on impervious heavy clay subsoil takes place due to the additional run off of rainwater caused by the loss of green land. This would only worsen the existing village flooding problem.
Such a large scale settlement would, of course, put a great deal of pressure on local schools and doctors, which will have a detrimental effect on the people who live in the village and have a massive impact on wildlife as old fields and well used footpaths disappear, If not protected, village life as we know it will be gone forever.
A further worry is the horrendous implications this proposed scheme will have on traffic for the local area, in particular at the roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill where many accidents have already occured. I believe this area is not at all suitable to support the extra traffic that will be generated around the village during 'rush hour' both morning and evening should this development go ahead.
I hope you will take into consideration the above very real concerns and objections and reject the proposed developmnet of alternative site 3 Glebe Farm, Cubbington


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44739

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Barbara Hall

Representation Summary:

Loss of irreplaceable green belt land. We must retain as much agricultural land as possible to feed us now and in future.
Inrastructure will be put under great strain e.g. doctors, schools and loss of village community.
The roads will become no more than a crawl when people are going to work or coming home.
If I had wanted to live in a town I would move into Leamington.
Brownfield sites should always be used before encroaching on green belt which is ultimately our food store

Full text:

I object to this proposal because of the loss of irreplaceable green belt land. Without agriculture food has to be imported at great cost in terms of both money and the environment. We must retain as much agricultural land as possible to feed us now and in the future. As well as this, the infrastructure of the area will be put under great strain e.g. doctors, schools as well as the loss of yet another village community. Great sprawling estates never have it and never get a community atmosphere.
The roads will become no more than a crawl when people are going to work or coming home. This situation was highlighted recently when roads had to be closed to replace the gas mains.
If I had wanted to live in a town I would move into Leamington and this proposal gives everyone less and less choice as to how they live.
I consider brownfield sites should always be used first before encroaching on green belt which is ultimately our food store