
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44774

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Diane Lovell

Representation Summary:

Object to any building in Cubbington as since more building was done we have had trouble with sewage and storm water and in 2007 my bungalow was flooded in 2 feet of water and I spent 10 months out of my home. I live in fear every time they forecast heavy rain.
Also Cubbington will no longer be a village

Full text:

Object to any building in Cubbington as since more building was done we have had trouble with sewage and storm water and in 2007 my bungalow was flooded in 2 feet of waer and I spent 10 months out of my home. I live in fear every time they forecast heavy rain.
Also Cubbington will no longer be a village