Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 601 to 630 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44800

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Valerie Wallace

Representation Summary:

We can hardly cross the main Rugby Road and Offchurch Road and the island near the garage at the top of Windmill Hill is a total nightmare.
I had to have a battle with Severn Trent Water to get a supply of clean water and in enough supply to use the shower and washing machine.
The schools will not be able to take any more pupils
The police (of which we see very little) will be stretched to breaking point.
Traffic is a real problem, we can hardly get out of our road as it is. It is a very dangerous main road.

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We can hardly cross the main Rugby Road and Offchurch Road and the island near the garage at the top of Windmill Hill is a total nightmare.
I had to have a battle with Severn Trent Water to get a supply of clean water and in enough supply to use the shower and washing machine.
The schools will not be able to take any more pupils (the council money would be better spent upgrading these neglected schools instead of squandering our money!)
The police (of which we see very little) will be stretched to breaking point.
Traffic is a real problem, we can hardly get out of our road as it is. It is a very dangerous main road.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44801

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Ian Wallace

Representation Summary:

Encroachment on green belt separating Lillington/Cubbington. If developed will lose open space and end up with urban sprawl. Village will lose identity and become suburb of Leamington.
Rugby Road, Offchurch Road and Windmill Hill cross roads very busy roads. Extra traffic would cause congestion and disruption with increase in accidents.
Schools, doctors etc inadequate to support large increase in population.
Flooding has been a problem in Cubbington Village. Proposed development on clay subsoil could make worse.
May also affect property values.
Fields crossed by footpaths which are well used and regarded by many as an important local amenity. Development would adversely affect wildlife.

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It will be another encroachment on the green belt land which keeps the communities of Lillington and Cubbington separate. If this land is developed, we will lose open space which allows the area to 'breathe' and will end up with a large urban sprawl which links the areas with the rest of Leamington Spa. The village will lose its identity and just become another suburb of Leamington Spa.
The Rugby Road, Offchurch Road and the Windmill Hill cross roads (mini roundabout) are very busy roads even now and the large amount of extra traffic would cause congestion and disruption, particularly during rush hours, with an increase in accidents.
The local services - schools, doctors etc would be completely inadequate to support such a large increase in the local population
Flooding has been a problem in Cubbington Village. The proposed development on clay subsoil could make this problem worse - this could lead to Cubbington being graded as 'high risk of flooding area' making it difficult and expensive to get insurance. May also affect property values in the village as a result.
The fields in question are crossed by a number of footpaths which are well used by residents and regarded by many as an important local amenity which would be lost to the detriment of all. Development on this site would adversely affect wildlife - just at a time when we are being urged to be environmentally friendly


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44802

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs S Vials

Representation Summary:

Not only would we lose valuable farm land, wild life, open green fields and footpaths but our village as we know it also of great concern is the problem of flooding and the last thing we need is anything that will worsen the situation? Also with a development of this size is the inevitable increase in traffic would our roads especially through the village cope

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Not only would we lose valuable farm land, wild life, open green fields and footpaths but our village as we know it also of great concern is the problem of flooding and the last thing we need is anything that will worsen the situation? Also with a development of this size is the inevitable increase in traffic would our roads especially through the village cope


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44803

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Roger W McCubbin

Representation Summary:

Building on Glene Farm will destroy Cubbington as a village
Traffic at peak times is heavy now so building more houses would make it worse
Problems with flooding in village. Building more would put more strain on services
Can increase maintain level of services i.e. schools, facilities
Glebe Farm is green belt

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Building on Glene Farm will destroy Cubbington as a village
Traffic at peak times is heavy now so building more houses would make it worse
Problems with flooding in village. Building more would put more strain on services
Can increase maintain level of services i.e. schools, facilities
Glebe Farm is green belt


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44804

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs G Simms

Representation Summary:

1: We were flooded in June 2007 due to rainwater coming off the steep farmland. We have heavy clay type soil which cannot take heavy rain.
2: The roads through Cubbington are already extremely dangerous due to on-road parking and narrow roads.
3: The present 'rights of way' over the fields do not appear to have been considered. What will happen to all the wildlife?
4: If this proposal goes ahead we will have no village.
5: Is it intended to build more schools?
6: Where will all these people find work in the area?

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1: We were flooded in June 2007 due to rainwater coming off the farmland behind our property. We have heavy clay type soil which cannot take heavy rain. The land mentioned above is on a steep incline, which clearly will not absorb rainwater and this will cascade down into the village causing more distress to villagers and very costly to the council and insurance companies solutions are still ongoing.
2: The main roads through Cubbington have already proved to be extremely dangerous due to on-road parking of vehicles and the problem of no car park at St Mary's Church or at Cubbington Methodist Church. The roads are also very narrow. Sadly, pleas for a one way system have been thrown out by the Parish Council as 'not viable'. Any extra traffic would be totally intolerable for all concerned.
3: The present 'rights of way' over the fields do not appear to have been considered. What will happen to all the wildlife?
4: We pay a heavy Poll Tax in this area for the pleasure of living in a village. If this proposal goes ahead we will have no village.
5: Is it intended to build more schools?
6: Where will all these people find work in the area? At present there is no employment here.
There are far more suitable areas to build i.e. the old Peugeot factory and Coventry Airport if not used in the future.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44805

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mr K S Capewell

Representation Summary:

Personal experience of the flooding in 2007. The pumping station has failed on numerous occasions. Development would inevitably increase the threat of more flooding.
The suggestion of access from the development opposite Queen Street would be catastrophic. Traffic now is heavy and constant including a bus route into the village centre. The potential road dangers are there to be seen, and they are increasingly being used by heavy lorries avoiding Leamington Town Centre.
The spread of more houses would remove the green belt and would mean the loss of countryside walks and open spaces. A severe impact on wildlife in general.

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With our personal experience of the flooding of our homes in June 2007, I eagerly await positive action to alleviate the over threat of more flooding. The pumping station in Offchurch Road has failed on numerous occasions over the past years and was immersed completely that it was inadequate to cope with the flood waters.
If redevelopment is allowed the amount of surface water from road and hard surfaces would inevitably rise and increase the threat of more flooding.
We are constantly reminded of the results of global warming with more drastic events. This will again threaten even more disasters.
The suggestion of access from the development opposite Queen Street would be catastrophic. Traffic now is heavy and constant including a bus route into the village centre.
With the severe bends at either end of Offchurch Road, and five junctions (Queen St, North Close, Ladycroft, Price Road & Cross Lane), the potential dangers are there to be seen. In addition to motor car traffic, Offchurch Road is increasingly being used by heavy lorries, 10 wheel articulated vehicles and tankers using the route to avoid Leamington Town Centre.
The spread of more houses would remove the green countryside belt which allows Cubbington to continue with a small but vibrant community which enjoys the values of village environments.
Again this development would mean the loss of countryside walks and open spaces for the enjoyment of people.
Also there would be a severe impact on birds and wildlife in general and the loss of these in our gardens and surroundings.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44806

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs M N Reed

Representation Summary:

Cubbington is a very old village, not built for masses of traffic and parked cars on the roadside. A village needs green fields to maintain its wildlife and village status. Flooding was a huge problem in 2007 and it will be again.

Windmill hill is not a suitable exit for a lot of houses, as it is narrow and twisty and the roundabout on Rugby Road/ Kenilworth Road/ Windmill Hill is a death trap for masses of traffic.

There are no doctors or chemists in the Cubbington area.

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Cubbington is a very old village, not built for masses of traffic and parked cars on the roadside. A village needs green fields to maintain its wildlife and village status. Flooding was a huge problem in 2007 and it will be again.

Windmill hill is not a suitable exit for a lot of houses, as it is narrow and twisty and the roundabout on Rugby Road/ Kenilworth Road/ Windmill Hill is a death trap for masses of traffic.

There are no doctors or chemists in the Cubbington area.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44807

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: J & M Matthews

Representation Summary:

I have lived in Cubbington all my life, and have never known flooding like our village had in June 2007. This is because the many natural ditches that we had which took away the water, have now been filled due to development. You can see how vulnerable Cubbington is to flooding, and as we are being told by the weather man, we can expect more adverse weather in the future so the risk of more flooding must be greater.

The traffic, coming down the Windmill Hill approaching the BLIND bend, where the proposed entrance would be located could be deadly.

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I have lived in Cubbington all my life, and have never known flooding like our village had in June 2007. The reason is I am sure, because the many natural ditches that we had, took away the water, but like many new houses that have been built, has meant that these ditches have been, either filled or reduced drastically.

The field, on which Brookfield road was built, often had standing water on it which came from the proposed site of development. You only have to stand on top of Windmill Hill to see how low and vulnerable Cubbington is to flooding, and as we are being told by the weather man, we can expect more adverse weather in the future so the risk of more flooding must be greater.

The speed of the traffic, coming down the Windmill Hill approaching the BLIND bend at the bottom, were the proposed entrance would be located could be deadly.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44808

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Roger Lee

Representation Summary:

1: Houses are being built on farmland which at the moment absorbs rain water from high ground and when this ground is built over, the excess will be directed onto the edge of Cubbington Village, which already has flood problems which have not been solved.

2: The proposed housing estate will take away the village identity of Cubbington and this increased traffic on Windmill Hill and Cubbington Road will further impact on an already busy area.

3: The current schools in the area will not suffice the additional children.

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We strongly object to the proposed building of new houses on Glebe Farm, Cubbington.

1: Houses are being built on farmland which at the moment absorbs rain water from high ground and when this ground is built over, the excess will be directed onto the edge of Cubbington Village, which already has flood problems which have not been solved.

2: The proposed housing estate will take away the village identity of Cubbington and this increased traffic on Windmill Hill and Cubbington Road will further impact on an already busy area.

3: The current schools in the area will not suffice the additional children.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44809

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Jo Fitzmaurice

Representation Summary:

1: FLOODING -Building on such a huge expanse of land so close to the main village can only make this problem worse.

2: TRAFFIC - with a development this size the traffic will be horrendous, especially as school pick up times.

3: DESTRUCTION OF GREENBELT - I am totally against using this type of land to build on when there are other alternatives.

4: VILLAGE LIFE - This development would destroy village life as we know it. If social housing is incorporated in the housing development I foresee big problems with vandalism, increase in crime etc.

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1: FLOODING - Cubbington has suffered with severe flooding problems in the past. Building on such a huge expanse of land so close to the main village can only make this problem worse, as the rainwater will have nowhere to drain and more flooding will result. I hope the council is prepared to accept responsibility if this happens.

2: TRAFFIC - with a development this size the traffic will be horrendous, especially as school pick up times. Apart from the pollution, there have already been many accidents at the mini roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill (I have witnessed three!) and this can only add to the danger.

3: DESTRUCTION OF GREENBELT - I am totally against using this type of land to build on when there are other alternatives. We are supposed to be looking after the environment, not destroying it! I regularly use local footpaths across the fields.

4: VILLAGE LIFE - I moved to Cubbington because I wanted to live in a village. This development would destroy village life as we know it. If social housing is incorporated in the housing development I foresee big problems with vandalism, increase in crime etc.

In conclusion, I am horrified by these plans and will do everything I can to stop this massive housing development going through.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44810

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Joan & Jean Smith

Representation Summary:

We strongly object to the proposed plan:
- Impact on increased traffic on existing narrow country roads
- Increased risk of flooding and inadequate drainage
- Impact on Cubbington Village's separate identity and wonderful community spirit.
- Lack of adequate support facilities and amenities (e.g. schools, doctors, leisure).
- Loss of countryside and impact on existing public rights of way.

Full text:

We strongly object to the proposed plan:
- Impact on increased traffic on existing narrow country roads
- Increased risk of flooding and inadequate drainage
- Impact on Cubbington Village's separate identity and wonderful community spirit.
- Lack of adequate support facilities and amenities (e.g. schools, doctors, leisure).
- Loss of countryside and impact on existing public rights of way.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44811

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Gould

Representation Summary:

- We are concerned that our house value, and our personal satisfaction will be destroyed forever.
- Flooding problems already exist the area from this land - and these would be made even worse.
- Already congested roads, junctions locally could not cope with more cars
- The loss of community spirit of a village something so precious, and yet, being taken away so fast in this country.
- Negative effect on Wildlife in this Greenbelt
- If we have to have more houses - add to Leamington where none of the above apply.

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As Oakridge Road residents 200 yards from the proposed development, we are seriously concerned that our house value, and our personal satisfaction with where we live will be destroyed forever.

The proposed site is also totally inappropriate because:
- Flooding problems already exist in Oakridge Road, Parklands Avenue, Meadow Close, Cubbington Village, from this land - and these would be made even worse.
- Already congested roads, junctions locally could not cope with another 3000+ cars
- The loss of community spirit of a village, also felt by those of us immediately adjoining Cubbington - somethi ng so precious, and yet, being taken away so fast in this country.
- Negative effect on Wildlife in this Greenbelt
- If we have to have more houses - add to Leamington where none of the above apply.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44812

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Natalie Hodges

Representation Summary:

I strongly object.

I am about to become a new mother. This development is going to put massive strain on the local amenities (doctors, schools etc). If this development occurs I would seriously consider leaving the area.

Please do not build on our green belt.

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I strongly object.

I am about to become a new mother. This development is going to put massive strain on the local amenities (doctors, schools etc). If this development occurs I would seriously consider leaving the area.

Please do not build on our green belt.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44813

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: James Hodges

Representation Summary:

Oppose development at Glebe Farm

Greenbelt is given that name for a reason. Development would destroy areas of natural beauty and damage wildlife

Development would also put too much pressure on local schools and doctors.

We need to keep the identity of Cubbington as a village

Government targets are ill conceived. We need new houses where appropriate. This area is not appropriate. Incoming government may scrap this scheme (hopefully). Consideration should be given to brown field sites such as Ryton - not Greenfield sites.

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Oppose development at Glebe Farm

Greenbelt is given that name for a reason. Development would destroy areas of natural beauty and damage wildlife

Development would also put too much pressure on local schools and doctors.

We need to keep the identity of Cubbington as a village

Government targets are ill conceived. We need new houses where appropriate. This area is not appropriate. Incoming government may scrap this scheme (hopefully). Consideration should be given to brown field sites such as Ryton - not Greenfield sites.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44814

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Kathleen Clarke

Representation Summary:

We need our open fields for walking and breathing some fresh air. The traffic would be diabolical. The Windmill Hill, Cubbington Road crossroads is a nightmare already. The flooding problem is still there at the bottom of Windmill Hill & Ladycroft. Some friends were out of their soaked bungalow for a year when the last flood occurred.

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We need our open fields for walking and breathing some fresh air. The traffic would be diabolical. The Windmill Hill, Cubbington Road crossroads is a nightmare already. The flooding problem is still there at the bottom of Windmill Hill & Ladycroft. Some friends were out of their soaked bungalow for a year when the last flood occurred.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44815

Received: 28/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Tidmarsh

Representation Summary:

- Fear of flooding,
- traffic would be horrendous

I do not want this development on our doorstep. It would be just like Warwick Gates.

Cubbington Village is fine as it is, so build the houses somewehere else

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- Fear of flooding,
- traffic would be horrendous

I do not want this development on our doorstep. It would be just like Warwick Gates.

Cubbington Village is fine as it is, so build the houses somewehere else


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44816

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: David Sim

Representation Summary:

1: The increase in traffic. Junctions are already busy and are accident hot spots. The increase of traffic creates problems for the town as all the main retail and employment are to the South. All this extra traffic will have to go over 1 of 4 bridges all of which get congested with.

2: Flooding from surface water running into Cubbington, an area already prone to flooding. As it is now the clay soil will not soak up the water.

3: This new development would be built on greenbelt and we would lose Cubbington as a village.

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1: The main objective will be the increase in traffic in Parkland Avenue and the junction at Cubbington Road. This junction is bust at peak times of the day. With an extra 2000 houses which could mean 3000 extra cars getting off the estate down Parklands Avenue and Valley Road onto the Offchurch Road up to the junction at the top of Windmill Hill. This junction and Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road have had a lot of accidents over the years which would increase if this development is given the go ahead. The access to Parklands would be down narrow roads which were made to serve only the houses in them. The increase of traffic creates problems for the town as all the main food supermarkets are south of the town, as is all the main employment. All this extra traffic will have to go over 1 of 4 bridges all of which get congested with.

2: The second main problem is the surface water running of the estate into Cubbington and the Parkland Road area. This would be due to the soil not taking the water. As it is now the water will not soak through the soil sue to the shallow amount of top soil before hitting the clay base. This would make the surface run off the land even more into the area. Which are prone to flooding now.

3: This new development would be built on greenbelt area and would join Cubbington and Lillington into one, hence it would no longer be a village.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44817

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: R.W & J. Richards

Representation Summary:

Oakridge Road is not suitable as a through road. The Parklands Avenue/ Cubbington Road/ Telford Avenue junction is very difficult to get on at peak times - a further influx of traffic would make it impossible.

There is quite a lot of water that runs down from the field. The drains have been but there is still quite a stream that runs down after a heavy rainfall. If the proposed buildings take place this means that excess water will run onto Welsh Road. Lastly we do not think Cubbington and Lillington joining up is a good idea.

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Oakridge Road is not suitable as a through road. The road is not wide enough. The Parklands Avenue/ Cubbington Road/ Telford Avenue junction is very difficult to get on at peak times now - a further influx of traffic would make it impossible.

There is quite a lot of water that runs down Oakridge from the field. The drains have been enlarged to take this water as three houses at the bottom of the road have been flooded several times. There is still quite a stream that runs down after a heavy rainfall. If the proposed buildings take place this means that excess water will run onto Welsh Road - where flooding has been a big problems. Lastly we do not think Cubbington and Lillington joining up is a good idea.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44821

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: Ann Byrne

Representation Summary:

Strongly Object. It would worsen flooding issues in the centre of Cubbington. RRoads and schools lack capacity. Also it would join up 2 areas leaving little green space in between.

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Strongly Object. It would worsen flooding issues in the centre of Cubbington. RRoads and schools lack capacity. Also it would join up 2 areas leaving little green space in between.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44823

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Ms & Mr K. Rogers & R. Barnbrook

Representation Summary:

1: This will massively increase demands on our already over burdened roads.

2: Increased traffic will have a massive impact on the safety of our roads.

3: Loss of our local environment and associated quality of life for residents.

4: Added demand for school places in the local area.

5: Destroys the existing wildlife and prevents new species to migrate to the area.

6: Green belt land destroyed.

7: Increase in noise pollution from increase in traffic.

8: The proposal for dwellings is in a flood plain and on a site that has regularly flooded in the past.

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1: This will massively increase demands on our already over burdened roads. Traffic in and around the Rugby Road is congested enough at present. The addition of so many new house will add to this problem.

2: Increased traffic will have a massive impact on the safety of our roads. There have been a number of accidents on the Rugby Road already.

3: The development will mean the loss of a key part of our local environment and associated quality of life for residents.

4: It will create added demand for school places in the local area.

5: Destroys the existing wildlife and prevents new species to migrate to the area.

6: Green belt land destroyed when brown land available elsewhere.

7: Increase in noise pollution from increase in traffic.

8: The proposal for dwellings is in a flood plain and on a site that has regularly flooded in the past.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44824

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: J. G & R. F Derbyshire

Representation Summary:

Present road system totally inadequate for proposed size of development.

Serious risk of sever flooding during heavy rainfall because of the low lying land in this propsed site.

Loss of footpaths in this area regularly used by myself and other villagers.

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Present road system totally inadequate for proposed size of development.

Serious risk of sever flooding during heavy rainfall because of the low lying land in this propsed site.

Loss of footpaths in this area regularly used by myself and other villagers.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44825

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs D Batchelder

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to Cubbington Village joining with Lillington. The flooding in Cubbington has not yet been resolved. Water collects at the junction of Offchurch Road and Queen Street. We have two excellent schools in Cubbington - where are more children from these proposed house to be educated? We at Cubbington want to keep our open areas, footpaths, farm animals, wildlife; we pay high rates for this privilege. We want to stay a village, not one large housing estate!

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I strongly object to Cubbington Village joining with Lillington. The flooding in Cubbington has not yet been resolved. Water collects at the junction of Offchurch Road and Queen Street. We have two excellent schools in Cubbington - where are more children from these proposed house to be educated? We at Cubbington want to keep our open areas, footpaths, farm animals, wildlife; we pay high rates for this privilege. We want to stay a village, not one large housing estate!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44826

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Barry & Pat Simmons

Representation Summary:

Too much traffic in village.

We already have problems with flooding.

We wish to retain rights to public footpaths

Disagree with using the green belt for building

Erosion of village life

Wildlife in these fields needs to be protected.

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Too much traffic in village.

We already have problems with flooding.

We wish to retain rights to public footpaths

Disagree with using the green belt for building

Erosion of village life

Wildlife in these fields needs to be protected.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44827

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Miss P Ongley

Representation Summary:

The size of this proposal development is ridiculous. Many of the new homes would have 2+ cars. I cannot believe it is even being considered. Traffic volume is bad now at peak times. Covering such a vast area with concrete could escalate the flooding, already a problem in Cubbington. Goodbye Cubbington village, its wildlife and pleasant walks. I guess the residents of Lillington would be equally appalled.

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The size of this proposal development is ridiculous. Many of the new homes would have 2+ cars. I cannot believe it is even being considered. Traffic volume is bad now at peak times. Covering such a vast area with concrete could escalate the flooding, already a problem in Cubbington. Goodbye Cubbington village, its wildlife and pleasant walks. I guess the residents of Lillington would be equally appalled.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44828

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Miss Paula Morris

Representation Summary:

I object due to the wildlife living here. Also due to the quietness and safety of our village, we have not much crime and can leave anything out. Plus no damage to property has ever been done. We find access to town easy enough using our usual bus service. Also, there is a community spirit in our village. To have new development would ruin our village structure. Why doesn't the council use up buildings that already stand empty?

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I object due to the wildlife living here. Also due to the quietness and safety of our village, we have not much crime and can leave anything out. Plus no damage to property has ever been done. We find access to town easy enough using our usual bus service. Also, there is a community spirit in our village. To have new development would ruin our village structure. Why doesn't the council use up buildings that already stand empty?


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44829

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mr R Wallbanks

Representation Summary:

Cubbington is a village. Residents chose to live in a village, not in a suburb of a large town. The proposed site is a greenbelt area and this should not be amended.

Flooding - Cubbington is already over developed. The present drainage system is inadequate, and development on the proposed site would only increase the risk of flooding.

The trustees for the owners of the proposed site do not live in the area and have no personal interest in what happens.

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Cubbington is a village. Residents chose to live in a village, not in a suburb of a large town. The proposed site is a greenbelt area and this should not be amended.

Flooding - Cubbington is already over developed. The present drainage system is inadequate, and development on the proposed site would only increase the risk of flooding.

The trustees for the owners of the proposed site do not live in the area and have no personal interest in what happens.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44831

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Nicholas Briggs

Representation Summary:

I object to the development of land at Cubbington. It would spoil a beautiful village. I chose to buy property in Cubbington because of its semi rural location, community spirirt, wildlife and quietness away from Leamington.

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I object to the development of land at Cubbington. It would spoil a beautiful village. I chose to buy property in Cubbington because of its semi rural location, community spirirt, wildlife and quietness away from Leamington.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44832

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Soden

Representation Summary:

Would not like to see Cubbington & Lillington linked up. Flooding would be a big issue and extra traffic problems. We would loose natural animal habitat and what about all our walks across the fields?!

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Would not like to see Cubbington & Lillington linked up. Flooding would be a big issue and extra traffic problems. We would loose natural animal habitat and what about all our walks across the fields?!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44833

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs J Phillips

Representation Summary:


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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44834

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs M Robinson

Representation Summary:

Likelihood of flooding for Cubbington. Poor roads to accommodate the extra traffic. More accidents likely all traffic to go over bridge to the other side of Leamington Spa and services. Certainly not a very good plan at all. Must not have been though through very well.

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Likelihood of flooding for Cubbington. Poor roads to accommodate the extra traffic. More accidents likely all traffic to go over bridge to the other side of Leamington Spa and services. Certainly not a very good plan at all. Must not have been though through very well.