
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44787

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Gillian, Michael, Richard Betts

Representation Summary:

Development will lead to further flooding.
Will be even more traffic congestion than there is now. All roads are narrow and could not take much more traffic.
The mini roundabout at top of Windmill Hill alreadyaccident blackspot.
Littel employment in area so new residents would have to travel to work.
Loss of status as village. Community life would be lost if joined up to Leamington.
Loss of green belt/ public footpaths. Badger setts in the area. Development would mean loss of wildlife.
Two schools in area would not be able to accommodate the increased numbers of children causing more travelling at peak times

Full text:

We had previous flooding in our road in June 2007 and further development will mean there will be less land for rainwater to soak into, leading to further flooding. Our area is at the lowest point of the village and all the rainwater collects there.
There will be even more traffic congestion than there is now. All roads are narrow and could not take much more traffic.
The mini roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill is already a blackspot with serveral accidents and 'near misses'.
There is not much employment in the area so all of the new residents would have to travel to work
The loss of status as a village. I have lived here for 52 years and my husband has lived here all his life (71 years) as we choose to stay here because of the community life which would be lost if we are joined up to Leamington.
The loss of green belt - it is lovely to be able to take a walk along the public footpaths which have been walked along for over 20 years!!!
There are badger setts in the area and development would mean the loss of these and other areas of wildlife.
The two schools in the area would not be able to accommodate the increased numbers of children again causing more travelling at peak times