
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44796

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Sylvia Briggs

Representation Summary:

Oject to losing green belt around village, wildlife, wild flowers etc which is and already are suffering due to carbon pollution. House was fllooded in 2007 and wouldn't want to go through that again and due to the elevation and clay subsoil it would be inevitable.
We will need all fields in the not too distant future for crop growing for the nation. Also cutting down of the rainforest and growing of soya beans is a big issue but this country is doing the same by taking green belt. Where would England's green and pleasant land be then?

Full text:

My objection is to losing the green belt around the village, wildlife, wild flowers etc which is and already are suffering due to carbon pollution. My house was fllooded in 2007 and we wouldn't want to go through that again and due to the elevation and clay subsoil it would be inevitable.
We will need all fields in the not too distant future for crop growing for the nation so we are told by the government. Also the cutting down of the rainforest and growing of soya beans is a big issue but this country is doing the same by taking green belt. Where would England's green and pleasant land be then?