
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44797

Received: 19/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs J D & J J Holmes

Representation Summary:

Danger of flooding - in particular to properties at Tanners Farm and Tanners Cottage which border the brook down stream from Cubbington. Would need sustantial new flood protection scheme
Major flooding occured in 2007, when the brook flooded causing £50,000 of damage. Difficult to see how even major relief project could protect these properties.
Future green belt encroachment of village boundary. If the planning authority are serioulsy considering this option, we believe that the southern boundary of the site should be revised to provide a more logical containment of the village.

Full text:

Danger of flooding - in particular to the properties at Tanners Farm and Tanners Cottage which border the brook down stream from Cubbington and would need a sustantial new flood protection scheme
Major flooding occured in 2007, when the brook flooded, becoming a raging torrent causing £50,000 of damage to the garden walls and external works of these properties. It is very difficult to see how even a major relief project could protect these properties which are down stream from the major new residential development proposed.
Future green belt encroachment of village boundary. If the planning authority are serioulsy considering this option, we believe that the southern boundary of the site should be revised to provide a more logical containment of the village.
(plan and description of suggested boundary follows on original submission)