
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44786

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs J M Capewell

Representation Summary:

Will lead to more flooding.Pumping station inadequate to cope with heavy rainfall in past and in June 07 was flooded and out of action.
Possibility of more flooding being caused by building!
One of proposed entrances opposite Queen St will be dangerous and hazard to parents/children trying to reach schools. Road from Offchurch very busy with vehicles bypassing Leamington.
Cubbington an unspoilt village with friendly relaxed atmosphere, will be totally altered if scheme approved.
Loss of wildlife habitat will be disasterous and obliteration footpaths

Full text:

Deeply concerned that this area is even to be considered a 'preferred site' to build on.
The building of houses on this land will lead to more flooding from the run off from roads and pavements etc as this ground is so much higher than this address.
The pumping station opposite the entrance to Ladycroft has been inadequate to cope with heavy rainfall in the past and in June 07 was itself flooded and completely out of action.
With the continual warnings in the press, television etc of the risk of global warming. I am particularly very worried by the added possibility of more flooding being caused by building on this land!!
One of the proposed entrances to this site opposite Queen St will be extremely dangerous and a hazard to parents and children trying to reach the schools. The road from Offchurch is already very busy with both cars and heavy lorries using it to bypass Leamington. I am sure a traffic census will prove this point.
Cubbington still remains as an unspoilt village with a friendly relaxed atmosphere, but I feel this will be totally altered if this scheme is approved and Cubbington will compleetly lose its identity as a village.
The loss of wildlife habitat in this area will also be disasterous and the obliteration of natural footpaths which so many local people enjoy walking and exercising their dogs would be a curtailment of peoples liberty and pleasure