Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 1 to 30 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43554

Received: 26/02/2010

Respondent: Val Hunnisett

Representation Summary:

So long as proper provision is made to prevent flooding, this could be a very good addition to the area.

Lifetime accessible homes, heat pumps, south facing windows, outside space for all.

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So long as proper provision is made to prevent flooding, this could be a very good addition to the area.

Lifetime accessible homes, heat pumps, south facing windows, outside space for all.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43565

Received: 26/02/2010

Respondent: Mrs Cathy Clapinson

Representation Summary:

I am not a resident of Cubbington, but this feels like a natural expansion joining Lillington and Cubbington. They could share the extra infrastructure needed, such as schools and shops etc and I believe it may enhance both villages. There are a great many roads leading out from this piece of land, so all traffic would not be liable to clog up any one road.

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I am not a resident of Cubbington, but this feels like a natural expansion joining Lillington and Cubbington. They could share the extra infrastructure needed, such as schools and shops etc and I believe it may enhance both villages. There are a great many roads leading out from this piece of land, so all traffic would not be liable to clog up any one road.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43571

Received: 28/02/2010

Respondent: ms sarah Megeney

Representation Summary:

I object to this particular site for a number of reasons. Firstly as a long standing resident of Cubbington the area has been subject to flooding and has only just recovered from the last floods Further building will only serve to exacerbate the already dire problems. This is not a new problem and it appears that over the last 20 years at least measures have failed to improve the situation.Secondly this is a green belt area an if this is built upon we are gradually destroying what little natural beauty we have along with the habitat for the wild animals.

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I object to this particular site for a number of reasons. Firstly as a long standing resident of Cubbington the area has been subject to flooding and has only just recovered from the last floods Further building will only serve to exacerbate the already dire problems. My parents live in New St and both themselves and their neighbours have had an incredibly stressful and distressing time. This is not a new problem and it appears that over the last 20 years at least measures have failed to improve the situation. There are a number of residents who have found it hard to even get insurance and due to this and other circumstances one resident has had their house repossessed.
Secondly this is a green belt area an if this is built upon we are gradually destroying what little natural beauty we have along with the natural habitat for the wild animals.
Thirdly it appears that Cubbington is always viewed as the easy option as was clearly demonstrated with the mobile phone masts which have been placed within the area.
Finally there needs to be consideration given as to whether these house would be part of Cubbington or Leamington. We are viewed as separate to Leamington as is blindingly obvious from the way the boundaries have been changed for the voting. If the Village - which will no longer be that way - is to accommodate a huge number of extra families where will the money come from to expand the schools and local services?


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43585

Received: 02/03/2010


Representation Summary:

Green Belt land should be last resort. Wildlife should be preserved. Recreational use of footpaths would be lost. Flooding could worsen. Vehicular access would not be easy.

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Green Belt land should be developed as a last resort. This greenbelt land supports many animals and birds, including skylarks, owls, buzzards, sparrows, blackbirds, foxes & badgers. There are a lot of public footpaths on this land, well used by local people and others.
Windmill Road/Offchurch Road has a lot of surface water when it rains. Water running from this proposed site would make it much worse unless steps were taken to stop it.
Access to this site would be a problem. Traffic would increase enormously in Lillington if roads there were extended. Access from Windmill Road, Offchurch Road or Welsh Road would cause delays as these are narrow country roads with quite a lot of traffic already.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43590

Received: 03/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Sheila Smith

Representation Summary:

Given that some green belt land will have to be used? This is a better option than putting all housing and development in the Harbury Lane area, as long as problems with flooding are addressed first.

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Given that some green belt land will have to be used? This is a better option than putting all housing and development in the Harbury Lane area, as long as problems with flooding are addressed first.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43595

Received: 04/03/2010

Respondent: mrs hollie hutchings

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to the proposed plan for new houses on the Gebe farm site, Cubbington. The traffic on the Cubbington Road is already very heavy at peak times and I think it will have a huge impact on the amount of cars using the road. Myself and my family use the area at least twice a week to run or walk and it would destroy what is at the moment a lovely place to live.

Full text:

I strongly object to the proposed plan for new houses on the Gebe farm site, Cubbington. The traffic on the Cubbington Road is already very heavy at peak times and I think it will have a huge impact on the amount of cars using the road. Myself and my family use the area at least twice a week to run or walk and it would destroy what is at the moment a lovely place to live.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43599

Received: 05/03/2010

Respondent: Patricia Robinson

Representation Summary:

THis area would benfit from development-good access to Coventry and Birmingham and not so congested as south of Warwick and Leamington

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THis area would benfit from development-good access to Coventry and Birmingham and not so congested as south of Warwick and Leamington


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43604

Received: 05/03/2010

Respondent: Nick Rogers

Representation Summary:

Pressure on the green belt, reduction of open land will increase flood risk to existing bordering properties, pressure on existing road infrastructure especially the already overloaded and dangerous Telford Ave/Parklands Ave/Cubbington Rd junction. Pressure on existing services, shops, schools and the associated increased traffic, on-road parking that that entails as well as the disturbance while development is going on.

Full text:

Pressure on the green belt, reduction of open land will increase flood risk to existing bordering properties, pressure on existing road infrastructure especially the already overloaded and dangerous Telford Ave/Parklands Ave/Cubbington Rd junction. Pressure on existing services, shops, schools and the associated increased traffic, on-road parking that that entails as well as the disturbance while development is going on.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43617

Received: 08/03/2010

Respondent: mrs jane muddeman

Representation Summary:

I object to the building of housing on this site, we have problems with flooing at the moment, sort that out first before we all drown under excess water coming from the new housing. we also don't want to be joined up to everything else. we are a village, and what about the wildlife that lives in those fields, don't you care at all?

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I object to the building of housing on this site, we have problems with flooing at the moment, sort that out first before we all drown under excess water coming from the new housing. we also don't want to be joined up to everything else. we are a village, and what about the wildlife that lives in those fields, don't you care at all?


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43620

Received: 09/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Reginald Smith

Representation Summary:

Main objections.
Increased danger from flooding.
Loss of viable agriculural land.
Loss of Green Belt.
Traffic congestion, safety.
Access to the site.
Cosideration given to the owners of Hill Farm House.

Full text:

I strongly object to the development of Glebe Farm Cubbington. Warwick District Council know that the low part of Cubbington Village was severely flooded June 14/15 2007. 48 properties were damaged to such an extent which necessitated many residents being moved to temporary accommodation for a minimum of 6 months. The topography of the proposed development site is such that surface water will naturally fall towards the Offchurch Road/ Welsh Road, Cubbington. This will exacerbate Cubbington's Flooding problem. At the moment the land around Glebe Farm is arable land and is always with crops. At the moment this land provides a sustainable drainage system for surface water. It will be disastrous to hard surface the area. The problem of flooding is my main objection but ther are other problems, such as access to the development. It has been suggested that there is vehicular access to the site on the north eastern boundary, off the Offchurch Road. A particularly nasty junction with Queen Street righht on a bend. This existing access serves Hill Farm House. Has any thought been given to the affect this would have on the owners of Hill Farm House? On the Western boundary it is suggested that acces will be provided by opening up cul de sacs off Parklands Avenue. Traffic density would increase in both Parklands Avenue and Offchurch Road Cubbington. Finally the erosion of the Green Belt is to be deplored. I do not want to see the wedge of viable agriculural land between Lillington and Cubbington urbanised.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43628

Received: 04/03/2010

Respondent: Toby Hutchings

Representation Summary:

I disagree with the idea of building alot of houses in cubbington because its a nice bit of countryside which I like to walk down.It would also cause loads of traffic and noise which won`t be very nice.

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I disagree with the idea of building alot of houses in cubbington because its a nice bit of countryside which I like to walk down. It would also cause loads of traffic and noise which won`t be very nice.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43630

Received: 10/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Sue Thom

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to the proposed development on the following grounds:

Increased pressure on local facilities - doctors surgeries, schools etc.

Increased traffic with associated risk to pedestrians, especially the elderly and school children.

Loss of Cubbington's unique village character and separate identity.

Loss of attractive and accessible countryside and health giving amenities i.e. well used footpaths.

Full text:

I strongly object to the proposed development on the following grounds:

Increased pressure on local facilities - doctors surgeries, schools etc.

Increased traffic with associated risk to pedestrians, especially the elderly and school children.

Loss of Cubbington's unique village character and separate identity.

Loss of attractive and accessible countryside and health giving amenities i.e. well used footpaths.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43637

Received: 11/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Dan Cresswell

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington.
The area is already known for flooding after heavy rainfall. The building of an estate on 53 hectares would undoubtedly exacerbate this problem, due to the removal of vast swathes of natural drainage, and construction of estate roads, buildings, drives etc.
There is no suitable access point for this development on the Cubbington side, and should an unsuitable access be put in, the trips generated by such a development would surely swamp Cubbington and indeed Lillington.

Full text:

I strongly object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington.
The area is already known for flooding after heavy rainfall. The building of an estate on 53 hectares would undoubtedly exacerbate this problem, due to the removal of vast swathes of natural drainage, and construction of estate roads, buildings, drives etc.
There is no suitable access point for this development on the Cubbington side, and should an unsuitable access be put in, the trips generated by such a development would surely swamp Cubbington and indeed Lillington.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43638

Received: 11/03/2010

Respondent: mrs jan meacher

Representation Summary:

I object to the loss of green open spaces and I am especially concerned about the increase of traffic on the Cubbington road area. This would be a disaster for this area.

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I object to the loss of green open spaces and I am especially concerned about the increase of traffic on the Cubbington road area. This would be a disaster for this area.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43639

Received: 11/03/2010

Respondent: mr james rowland

Representation Summary:

this is part of the green belt and must kept as such.the green belt idea was most important when first interduced and is just as important to-day and must be saved.
to develope this would enormous traffic problems,added to loss of green this scheme must not be allowed,


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this is part of the green belt and must kept as such.the green belt idea was most important when first interduced and is just as important to-day and must be saved.
to develope this would enormous traffic problems,added to loss of green this scheme must not be allowed,



Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43641

Received: 12/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Rebecca Rooker

Representation Summary:

Loss of green belt land. Increased flooding implications for residents. Impact on local wildlife. Where are all the extra children going to be schooled? Impact on traffic in and around Cubbington and Lillington. At the moment the area is used by many local people for recreation, it is a peaceful place to live, putting a large housing estate on this land would destroy this for future generations.

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Loss of green belt land. Increased flooding implications for residents. Impact on local wildlife. Where are all the extra children going to be schooled? Impact on traffic in and around Cubbington and Lillington. At the moment the area is used by many local people for recreation, it is a peaceful place to live, putting a large housing estate on this land would destroy this for future generations.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43644

Received: 12/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Julian Hill

Representation Summary:

Object to the loss of open space/farmland when there are alternative brownfield sites. Concerned about the demand that will be placed on local services and infrastructure.

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Object to the loss of open space/farmland when there are alternative brownfield sites. Concerned about the demand that will be placed on local services and infrastructure.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43647

Received: 13/03/2010

Respondent: mr mark graham

Representation Summary:

all cubbington needs is a small area of low cost housing to anable local people to get on the property ladder we all live here because we want the sense of village life and this would totally distroy this

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all cubbington needs is a small area of low cost housing to anable local people to get on the property ladder we all live here because we want the sense of village life and this would totally distroy this


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43652

Received: 13/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Adam Pitt

Representation Summary:

this site development doesnt impact so much on the rural aspect and there is still plenty rural countryside helthy lifestyle impacted less

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this site development doesnt impact so much on the rural aspect and there is still plenty rural countryside helthy lifestyle impacted less


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43659

Received: 13/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Oliver Shiell

Representation Summary:

Using Glebe Farm for new housing will have a negative irreversible impact:

Environment - destroying natural heritage of open fields increase vehicle volume on roads will have an unnecessary and detrimental effect.

Social - physical connection, merging Lillington and Cubbington will result in a loss of historical, cultural and social identity. De-individualisation caused by mass urbanisation is a root cause of social unrest, and increased crime.

Transport - B road system is inadequate for current volume and is struggling to cope during peak times.

Services - stress will be forced on schools, police, fire, transport and water sewage services.

Full text:

Using Glebe Farm for new housing will have a negative irreversible impact:

Environment - destroying natural heritage of open fields increase vehicle volume on roads will have an unnecessary and detrimental effect.

Social - physical connection, merging Lillington and Cubbington will result in a loss of historical, cultural and social identity. De-individualisation caused by mass urbanisation is a root cause of social unrest, and increased crime.

Transport - B road system is inadequate for current volume and is struggling to cope during peak times.

Services - stress will be forced on schools, police, fire, transport and water sewage services.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43660

Received: 13/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Neil Batchelder

Representation Summary:

No, this development is not needed - it is just a chance for speculative quick profit.

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No, this development is not needed - it is just a chance for speculative quick profit.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43661

Received: 13/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Julia Travis

Representation Summary:

1. Flooding - It would make the existing Cubbington flood problem alot worse.
2. Ingress into Green Belt Land.
3. Traffic issues - especially dangerous for school children at St Teresa's.

Full text:

I object to the development at Glebe Farm because:
1. Cubbington is already subject to flooding problems due to its low lying geographical situation and an ancient drainage and sewerage system which wasn't designed to service the existing number of homes, let alone a new development. If this is allowed to go ahead many more homes will be flooded in the village on a regular basis.
2. More ingress into Greenbelt land shouldn't be allowed. Cubbington is a village, not part of the urban sprawl of Leamington. A development of this type will destroy the character. Development of Brown Field sites would be more acceptable and appropriate.
3. Traffic issues. There are only two exits from Cubbington - Windmill Hill and Church Hill. There are two proposed access roads into Offchurch Road, this would cause a traffic nightmare at peak times and be dangerous to schoolchildren attending Our Lady and St Teresas. This is already a busy and dangerous road.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43662

Received: 13/03/2010

Respondent: Mr S Cooper

Representation Summary:

I object to use of green field land between Cubbington and Lillington. It will spoil the village and lead to overcrowding and congestion as well as a strain on local infrastructure.

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I object to use of green field land between Cubbington and Lillington. It will spoil the village and lead to overcrowding and congestion as well as a strain on local infrastructure.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43663

Received: 13/03/2010

Respondent: Laura Wright

Representation Summary:

I rent in Cubbington and believe I am the type of person that this housing is aimed at. However I have found these types of housing developments to provide small houses with cramped living conditions, this is how they meet their targets/make a profit. It is a terrible idea to try to link lillington and cubbington, the places have different atmosphere's and would create a generic urban sprawl which would lack individual village identity. Offchurch road would need widening to cope with the extra traffic and causing further environmental impact! Green field sites should be exactly that!

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I have recently moved to Cubbington into rented accommodation and believe that I am the type of person that this housing strategy is aimed at. However I would refuse to buy one of these houses as I have found these sort of developments to be very small, cramped living conditions, how else can they meet their targets/make a profit? I think it is a terrible idea to try to link lillington and cubbington, they places with very different atmosphere's and identities and would just create a generic urban sprawl which would be lacking in the identity that villages have. Roads such as offchurch would need widening to cope with the extra traffic and this would further disrupt the wildlife which will already have been made homeless by this development! Green field sites should be exactly that! Countryside, water absorbing areas to be enjoyed.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43664

Received: 13/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Alison Kirk

Representation Summary:

Full text:

I am extremely concerned about the possibility of a development in Cubbington. My primary concern is about flooding. Cubbington suffered extreme flooding in June 2007 which was due in part to the fact that the sewers and drains were unable to cope with the amount of surface water runoff from the surrounding fields. Nothing has been done to tackle this issue to date. If hundreds of homes were to be built uphill of the village, this would seriously reduce the lands ability to soak up rainwater which would instead run down into the village. In addition, all the water and waste from the development would run straight into our drains and sewers. The obvious impact of this would be that we flooding would be more frequent and severe in Cubbington. What are we paying our council tax and taxes for if council and the government cannot be bothered to sort out this issue and in fact are considering making it significantly worse? I am extremely annoyed and dissillusioned with the council and government. I have not even mentioned all the other obvious problems such as ruining the beautiful countryside in this area, which was a large factor in us moving here. In addition, the roads are very congested in this area and Cubbington school is already oversubscribed. I would imagine that opinion of the residents will be all the more inflamed by the announcement of the new high speed rail line which will be running right past our village. What are you guys doing?!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43666

Received: 14/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Marie Teal

Representation Summary:

A sizeble development in Lillington/Cubbington would impact on road safety as the infrastructure is not designed to cope with more traffic

The roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill is a nighmare at peak times.

The local schools / Doctors would find the in take to large to cope with.
There would be a need for further development of commercial bussiness to support a larger residential community.
There would be an increase in crime - put more pressure on the local police etc

To build further will only diminish the beauty of Leamington Spa and reduce the value of this much sort after area.

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A sizeble development in any area of Lillington/Cubbington would impact on road safety as the road infrastructure is not designed to cope with heavy traffic.
We live on Kenilworth Road which has seen a dramitic increase in traffic since small developments have cropped up in the area, the mini roundabout at the top of Widmill Hill is a nighmare at peak times.
The disruption would be unbareble for existing residents.
Our properties are showing signs of diapidation due to the heavy thundering of traffic which causes ground movement.

The local schools / Doctors etc would find the in take to large to cope with, there would be a need for further development in the way of commercial bussiness to support a larger residential community.
There would no doubt be an increase in crime which will put more pressure on the local police and emergencie services.

The green belt outskirt of Lillington and Cubbington is the bordering for Leamington Spa, to build further concrete jungles will only diminish the beauty of Royal Leamington Spa and reduce the value of this much sort after area.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43667

Received: 14/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Nicola Wells

Representation Summary:

This suggestion is ludicrous for numerous reasons already hi-lighted in previous comments. I would like to add the not inconsiderable impact to residents directly affected. We live on Offchurch Road and are appalled to be faced with the prospect of losing the open aspect at the front of our property to be replaced instead by a sprawling housing estate. We were prepared to pay a premium to live in this location, the value of which will almost certainly be negated by this development. The only beneficiaries to this ridiculous scheme wil be the greed-motivated land owners and developers.

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This suggestion is ludicrous for numerous reasons already hi-lighted in previous comments. I would like to add the not inconsiderable impact to residents directly affected. We live on Offchurch Road and are appalled to be faced with the prospect of losing the open aspect at the front of our property to be replaced instead by a sprawling housing estate. We were prepared to pay a premium to live in this location, the value of which will almost certainly be negated by this development. The only beneficiaries to this ridiculous scheme wil be the greed-motivated land owners and developers.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43668

Received: 14/03/2010

Respondent: mr craig crawford

Representation Summary:

It would be a disaster for Cubbington to be extended. No more walks over the fields,traffic chaos, loss of wildlife, no identity as a village. And that is only the tip of the iceberg.

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It would be a disaster for Cubbington to be extended. No more walks over the fields,traffic chaos, loss of wildlife, no identity as a village. And that is only the tip of the iceberg.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43669

Received: 14/03/2010

Respondent: David Clarke

Representation Summary:

As my home was built on green belt land 70 years ago, I cannot and do not have any objection in principle to further green belt development.

Provided that -
the homes are needed, and in particular the development meets affordable / starter housing needs;
the infrastructure and services locally are or will be sufficient to fully meet the increased demand;
traffic is properly managed.

I would be very concerned if the environment agency or the police raised objections.

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As my home was built on green belt land 70 years ago, I cannot and do not have any objection in principle to further green belt development.

Provided that -
the homes are needed, and in particular the development meets affordable / starter housing needs;
the infrastructure and services locally are or will be sufficient to fully meet the increased demand;
traffic is properly managed.

I would be very concerned if the environment agency or the police raised objections.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43670

Received: 14/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Jeff Cummings

Representation Summary:

Objections are:

1) Local infrastructure is not at all suitable for this development

2) We should be protecting this green belt land for our children and their children and not building on it.

3) Natural drainage in the area is poor and this may lead to exacerbating the issues local residents have experienced over the years.

I have viewed the other sites and they provide a far more suitable location for this development than site 3 (Glebe Farm).

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I object to this proposal for the following reasons:

1) The local infrastructure is not at all adequate to support this kind of development without vast expenditure given to improvement. This is not the case with a number of the other possible locations.

2) The land forms a natural boundary between Lillington and Cubbington and the removal of this will be to the detriment of our children and their children. My daughter currently enjoys walks on this land with our dog as do many local residents. Removing green belt land is not the most appropriate measure when we have more suitable land available in the other sites. Warwick District Council should be looking to protect this land not build on it.

3) The natural drainage of this area poses a problem and by building on it this will exacerbate the issues experienced by Cubbington residents over the past few years.