Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 661 to 690 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44865

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: Arlington Planning Services LLP

Representation Summary:

Support the development of site but with proviso that it is extended to include Glebe Farm buildings. which have pp for a barn conversion to residential.
It is considered that it would be preferable for the Glebe Farm site to be included within the larger development as part of a comprehensive scheme.
Site is enclosed on three sides by existing development. It would therefore merge into the urban fabric in a way in which other sites would not.
Site is close to frequent bus service which could be diverted through the site.

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Support the development of site but with proviso that it is extended to include Glebe Farm buildings. these buildings have pp for a barn conversion to residential and a barn conversion to B1/B8 use, the latter of which has now lapsed.
It is considered that it would be preferable for the Glebe Farm site to be included within the larger development as part of a comprehensive scheme.
Site is enclosed on three sides by existing development. It would therefore merge into the urban fabric in a way in which other sites would not.
Site is close to frequent bus service which could be diverted through the site.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44866

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Brian Clarke

Representation Summary:

Apart from loss of Cubbington as village and way of life, there are many practical issues.
Traffic would be serious and critical problem. At peak traffic times, junction at Windmill Hill and Coventry Road would be chaotic. Additional traffic would turn down Welsh Road, through Offchurch. Single lane bridge and very narrow lane from village towards Fosse Way would make this dangerous. Cubbington already has serious flooding problem and this may make things worse. Site prone to flooding. Large settlement would put strain on schools, medical services. Environmental impact on wildlife and loss of well used footpaths

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Apart from the loss of Cubbington as a village and way of life, there are many practical issues.
Traffic would be one of the most serious and critical problems. At peak traffic times, the already very busy junction at Windmill Hill and Coventry Road (subject of numerous accidents) would be chaotic. Regardless of good intentions, additional traffic would turn right down Welsh Road, through Offchurch. The single lane bridge and very narrow lane from the village towards the Fosse Way would make this positively dangerous. Cubbington already has a serious flooding problem and I believe this may make things worse. The proposed site is prone to flooding. Such a large settlement would also put a severe strain on schools, medical and other services. There would also be an environmental impact on wildlife and the loss of well used footpaths


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44867

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Windle

Representation Summary:

- Will ruin the area and views.
- Too much pressure on villages, roads and Leamington.
- Bring down existing properties.
- Roads in Cubbington/ Rugby Road area too busy and dangerous and this will make matters much worse.
- Noise, mess, dirt etc when houses being built which could take years.
- Effects on public transport.
- Lovely village, protected for all these years which will be ruined and gone forever. Don't let Leamington, a beautiful town with so much history, go the same way as so many others in the UK and lose all uniqueness to commercialism and profit monsters.

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- Will ruin the area.
- Ruin the views.
- Too much pressure on villages, lanes, roads and Leamington as a whole
- Bring down existing properties.
- Roads in Cubbington/ Rugby Road area too busy as is with wreckless driving and many accidents, this will make matters much worse.
- Noise, mess, dirt etc when houses being built which could take years.
- Effects on public transport - we don't want more buses - roads too busy now without more.
- Lovely village, protected for all these years and survived for so long and it will be ruined and gone forever. Don't let Leamington, a beautiful town with so much history, go the same way as so many others in the UK and lose all uniqueness to commercialism and profit monsters.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44868

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Tristan Briggs

Representation Summary:

Destruction of greenbelt - flora and fauna, protected species, village life, ancient pathways through land.
Increase in destructive flooding in village, traffic and congestion in all directions. Increase in destructive polluton. Decrease of valuable and fast disappearing countryside - are we going to end up with one big boring city? yes if this continues. No to building on any green belt land!

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Destruction of greenbelt - flora and fauna, protected species, village life, ancient pathways through land.
Increase in destructive flooding in village, traffic and congestion in all directions. Increase in destructive polluton. Decrease of valuable and fast disappearing countryside - are we going to end up with one big boring city? yes if this continues. No to building on any green belt land!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44869

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Pamela Lewis

Representation Summary:

A case of turning a village into a suburb destrying the sense of community. Threat of increased flooding. Access onto already congested, narrow, unsuitable roads. Do schools have capacity for extra pupils?
Loss of well used (for over 20 years) footpaths.
Loss of Wildlife:-birds, small mammals, badgers (protected) crested newts (protected)
Green field land still being.

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A case of turning a village into a suburb destrying the sense of community. Threat of increased flooding. Access onto already congested, narrow, unsuitable roads. Do schools have capacity for extra pupils?
Loss of well used (for over 20 years) footpaths.
Loss of Wildlife:-birds, small mammals, badgers (protected) crested newts (protected)
Green field land still being.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44870

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: David Barr

Representation Summary:

1: The roadway exists from the proposed estates are far too small to take the heavy volume of traffic from so many houses.
2: The clay subsoil gives much trouble and in heavy rain, my back lawn is flooded sometimes to 2" deep and the water lies there for weeks.
3: The main road is not wide enough to take the extra traffic. There have been fatalities in this road.
4: The drainage of heavy rain has caused much trouble in Cubbington and not much has been done to improve this situation.

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My wife and I have lived at No 76 Rugby Road, Cubbington for last twelve years and have noticed many changes in this area - some for the better - some worse.
The suggestion to make the land at Glebe Farm, Cubbington into an area of saturated housing with perhaps ancillary services as well causes much alarm as this area could not possibly accommodate such an influx. I list below some reasons:
1: The roadway exists from the proposed estates are far too small to take the heavy volume of traffic which would naturally come with so many houses. The two exits into Parkland Avenue are far too small. Should you also use Offchurch Road with the two suggested exits, it would cause chaos - it is bad enough already.
2: The clay subsoil gives much trouble and in heavy rain, my back lawn is flooded sometimes to 2" deep and the water lies there for weeks. I know my neighbour at 74 Rugby Road has the same problem.
3: The main road - Rugby Road/ Cubbington Road is not wide enough to take the extra traffic. There have been facilities in this road.
4: The drainage of heavy rain has caused much trouble in Cubbington and not much has been done to improve this situation.
It seems to me that the council should abandon the proposal of development at Glebe Farm at once. With the better roads in the Warwick Gates area - this is the area to be looking for extra housing.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44871

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Julia Briggs

Representation Summary:

Green belt, full of wildlife including rare species. Several badger setts and mulitude of flora and fauna. Area also edge of flood plain, which would exacerbate existing problem of poor drainage and sewerage.
Object to any land around Cubbington, including allotments off Rugby Road. Bats roosting in area. Traffic would be greatly increased which apart from pollution would cause major congestion at peak times. Would no longer be village.
Should be working to preserve what we have left for future generations, improving and maintaining areas already occupied and encouraging people to look after nature. Once gone, can never be regained.

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Area is in green belt, full of wildlife including rare species such as crested newt. Several badger setts as well as mulitude of established flora and fauna all of which is disappearing at too rapid a rate. The area is also edging onto the flood plain, which if development went ahead, would exacerbate a problem already giving Cubbingtonians a huge amount of grief due to poor drainage and sewerage.
Object to any land around Cubbington, including the allotment area off Rugby Road - a very useful and productive project which provides many families with all their vegetables. Bats are also roosting in the area. Traffic would be greatly increased which apart from pollution would cause major congestion at peak times. We would no longer be a village.
Object to any development on any green belt land. Our countryside is disappearing at too rapid a rate. We should be working to preserve what we have left for future generations. We should be looking at improving and maintaining areas already occupied and encouraging people to learn how to look after nature. Once it has gone, it can never be regained. Many species are becoming extinct; global warming is a result of over-development. We are horrified at the depletion of rain forest and its species yet 'we' are ready to desecrate our fragile countyside and eco system!! Are we so backward in our thinking?


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44872

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: Kevin Mehmet

Representation Summary:

Greenbelt - wildlife, protected species
Village life - huge impact negatively on village which has been here over 1000 years
Flooding - Flooding is a huge problem and will get worse
Traffic - Pollution, lack of schools, huge congestion
Footpaths - Used for many (50+) years for villagers through proposed fields
Loss of identity - will no longer be a village. Object to any building in green belt or allotment land

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Greenbelt - wildlife, protected species
Village life - huge impact negatively on village which has been here over 1000 years
Flooding - Flooding is a huge problem and will get worse
Traffic - Pollution, lack of schools, huge congestion
Footpaths - Used for many (50+) years for villagers through proposed fields
Loss of identity - will no longer be a village. Object to any building in green belt or allotment land


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44873

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Joyce Parr

Representation Summary:

This will eradicate the land between Lillington and Cubbington causing the loss of the village.

Cubbington has suffered from devastating floods and this would only exacerbate the problem. The problem that caused these floods has not been properly addressed yet.

Traffic would be increased 10 fold onto roads in the area which are already very busy.

Such a large scale development would put pressure on our schools, doctors etc. Not to mention the wildlife we would lose in the area.

Cubbington seems to be under immense pressure with this development on one side and now have high speed trains on the other.

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I object to the development of Glebe Farm in order to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa. This will eradicate the land between Lillington and Cubbington causing the village to become part of Lillington and therefore would not be a village, and it would be gone forever.

Cubbington has suffered from devastating floods and this concrete jungle would only exacerbate the problem in years to come. As far as I am aware the problem that caused this floods has not been properly addressed yet.

Traffic would be increased 10 fold onto roads in the area which are already very busy. Much money would be required to put in the necessary road infrastructure to cope with this.

Such a large scale development would put pressure on our schools, doctors etc. Not to mention the wildlife we would lose in the area.

In Cubbington we seem to be under immense pressure with this development on one side and now have high speed trains on the other.

Please leave us in peace.

Perhaps Coventry Airport could be proposed, and renamed Airport Village.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44874

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: David Tye

Representation Summary:

Need to be properly integrated providing schools, shops, public facilties, transport arrangements, adequate road.
Erosion of green belt and resulting pressure to extend in subsequent years and urban sprawl. Accessing site through existing link roads would hardly be suitable putting pressure on Cubbington Road junctions.
Danger of flooding likely to be increased and clay soil in area does not provide good foundation.
Give thought to way in which proposal will affect daily life.

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Not against development but would need to be properly integrated providing schools, shops, public facilties, transport arrangements, adequate road - a whole new village in fact and not just a mass of unsupported housing overloading the meagre existing facilties in the area.
Further points of concern are likely erosion of green belt and resulting pressure to extend in subsequent years and urban sprawl which would be created by adding dense housing development to existing built up area. Accessing site through existing link roads would hardly be suitable for development of the size envisaged and additional pressure would be put on the Cubbington Road junctions at peak times of day and on routes to south of the river food retailers.
Danger of flooding is likely to be increased (Cubbington residents have suffered badly in recent years) and the clay soil in the area does not provide a good foundation.
Give thought to way in which this proposal will affect daily life in this area and not simply authorise a particular number of houses to meet an unconsidered target.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44875

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Linda & Keith Fletcher

Representation Summary:

I thoroughly enjoyed the open views across the fields from my windows, one of the main reasons for buying my property.

This development has got to have a huge impact on the pluvial flooding and make it much worse.

My family enjoy walking the footpaths and the peace and quiet which I think we should protect as well as the greenbelt.

Traffic is getting heavier and faster every week, even without the development. I can see more accidents happening .

We want to protect Cubbington as a village which will be destroyed if this development goes ahead.

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As a resident in Offchurch Road I strongly oppose the proposed development at Glebe Farm for the following reasons:

The thought of having a concrete jungle with up to 3000 dwellings on appals me. I have lived here almost 20 years and thoroughly enjoyed the open views across the fields from my windows, one of the main reasons for buying my property.

I have not been flooded myself but I have been completely surrounded by water which was frightening enough as the water has come within 1/2" of actually coming into the house. So the thought of this development has got to have a huge impact on the pluvial flooding and make it much worse. Another reason also is that fortunately the flooding has generally occurred either in the evenings or at the weekends, at times when we have a cloud burst you sit at work wondering exactly what you are going to be greeted with when you return home. Even getting to your house anyway round the village is a nightmare.

My family enjoy walking the footpaths over the fields to see the wildlife and the views, the peace and quiet which I think we should protect as well as the greenbelt.

Another factor is the traffic, which is getting heavier, faster and more dangerous every week, even without the development. I live not far round the bend as you come down Windmill Hill and sometimes cars come round on two wheels and have a job to control the vehicle due to speed. I can see more accidents happening with more volume and impatience.

We want to protect Cubbington as a village which will be destroyed if this development goes ahead.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44876

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: Peter Higgins

Representation Summary:

Access - Access via Parklands Avenue and side roads off it. No infrastructure to support volume of traffic. Junction of Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road is already a problem during busy periods of day without extra 2000-3000 vehicles.
Drainage - Drainage problems from heavy rainfall. Further development will aggrevate situation of surface drainage and foul drains.
Retail Services - are to south of Leamington which means greater use of road system to cross town to use them. Makes more sense for new development to be near them.

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Access - Outlines access via Parklands Avenue and side roads off it. This route does not have the infrastructure to support the volume of traffic this development will generate. the junction of Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road is at the moment a problem during the busy periods of the day without the possible extra 2000-3000 vehicles that would use this junction.
Drainage - Drainage problems form heavy rainfall with garden under water from surface water that flows from land north of property. Further development will aggrevate situation of surface drainage and foul drains which during flooding bring sewerage to garden.
Retail Services - are to south of Leamington which means greater use of road system to cross town to use them. Make more sense for new development to be near them.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44877

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: Aileen Bond

Representation Summary:

There is already a severe flooding problem in Cubbington -any major development in the vicinity would surely exacerbate the problem

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There is already a severe flooding problem in Cubbington -any major development in the vicinity would surely exacerbate the problem


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44881

Received: 11/06/2010

Respondent: Mrs Hazel Hay

Representation Summary:

There has already been flooding in the area and building here would inevitably increase the risk of this happening more frequently. The junction of Telford Avenue, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road is already overloaded at peak times and there have been many collisions there.

The major supermarkets are all situated south of the river and such a major development would greatly increase cross town traffic. This site would need to be accessed through Parklands Avenue, these roads were not built to take such a heavy increase in the traffic that would be generated from such a large development.

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There has already been flooding in Leighton Close, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Village, building on the Glebe Farm site, would inevitably increase the risk of this happening more frequently. The junction of Telford Avenue, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road is already overloaded at peak times and there have been many collisions there.

The major supermarkets are all situated south of the river and such a major development would greatly increase cross town traffic and cause heavy congestion. This site would need to be accessed through the closes off Parklands Avenue, these roads were not built to take such a heavy increase in the traffic that would be generated from such a large development.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44882

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs & Mr J & AE O'Sullivan

Representation Summary:

Need for green space for environment and leisure and for quality of life.
Threat of flooding due to rainfall run off from Thwaites and surrounding area which will be exacerbated by any such undertaking

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Need for green space for environment and leisure and for quality of life.
Threat of flooding due to rainfall run off from Thwaites and surrounding area which will be exacerbated by any such undertaking


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44883

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs margaret hodgskinson

Representation Summary:

1. productive agricultural land for local consumption-saves food miles

2. loss of countryside

3.the town needs to be protected by urban sprawl

4. Lillington and Cubbington not to be merged.

5. brownfield sites should be recycled for housing not greenfield sites.

6. Flooding

7. Traffic problems already

8. importance of saving greenfield sites

9.Developers wanting cheap, attractive building land to maximise profit.

10. Government policy demanding housing development sites may change with years to come.

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1.This is productive agricutural land which should continue in flood protection. People increasingly prefer locally produced food and we should strive to reduce food miles.
2. We need to prevent open countryside being nibbled away by urban sprawl. This land is criss crossed by public rights of way which are well used by public rights of way which are well used by local people as green open recreational spaces.
3. Unrestircted sprawl of the town should be prevented.
4. Open countryside should be safeguard from encroachment.
5. Lillington and Cubbington are distinct communities, neither wish to be merged.
6. Urban regeneration should be encouraged and derelict land should be identified and recycled for housing. Town centre brownfield sites whilst initially more expensive to develop mean reduced car journeys for work, leisure, essential services as people are able to walk. Less traffic, less pollution, less congestion.
7. Flooding already a big problem in Cubbington
8. Traffic on Rubgy road is nose to tail at rush hour. Winmill hill is already dangerous with cars parked outside St. Teresas School.
9. Mini Roundabout at Rugby Road/ Kenilworth Road/ Windmil Hill Many cose Shaves/ Minor accidents-more traffic would be impossible on this busy crossing.
10. Even if this were to be designated as 'last resort' building land only to be used when every other bit of brownfield /derelict/;contaminated land had been used. It would give the signal that building on greenbelt lamd is acceptable: it is not, Its a precious resource which people value and once lost it wont be retrieved.
11. Developers want cheap, attractive building land to maximise profit.
12. Government policy demanding housing development sites may change considerably in years to come. Having once designated greenbelt land for development this would be hard to rescind despite changed policy on numbers.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44884

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: Andrew Chambers

Representation Summary:

Traffic has increased significantly particularly during rush hours. Even with new access routes to development the current road infrastructure will not be able to cope.
Cubbington and surrounding villages remain examples of true english rural life, both people and countryside. regardless of the fact that development is impacting on green belt land, impact on english village way of life will be impossible to calculate.
3 years ago, every resident suffered by varying measures from flooding and now does so regularly. New development on steep hill, threat of flooding and worse can only increase. Who will be responsible if/when it does?

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Traffic has increased significantly particularly during rush hours. Even with new access routes to development the current road infrastructure will not be able to cope. e.g. Windmill Hill/Church Hill for access to schools, shops etc.
Cubbington and surrounding villages remain examples of true english rural life, both people and countryside. regardless of the fact that development is impacting on green belt land, impact on english village way of life will be impossible to calculate. Unless you live here you would never understand.
3 years ago, every resident suffered by varying measures from flooding. Judging from what I read and have been told some peoples lives were devastated. Raw sewage running through garden suffered but nothing done. Garage now floods regularly when it never did before. Concerns over global warming and increase of heavy rain storms and now new development on steep hill, threat of flooding and worse can only increase. Who will be responsible if/when it does?


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44885

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: P D & M N S Gorrill

Representation Summary:

The existing road network is just about adequate but would be totally inadequate without further major road works.

The existing schools in the area are already oversubscribed and could not possibly cope with the additional number of children that this development would bring. Just look at the mess that was created to the children's scholastic needs at Warwick gates.

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The existing road network is just about adequate but would be totally inadequate without further major road works.

The existing schools in the area are already oversubscribed and could not possibly cope with the additional number of children that this development would bring. Just look at the mess that was created to the children's scholastic needs at Warwick gates.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44886

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: Deborah C Hoare

Representation Summary:

Cubbington village should stay as it has done for many years, in a village environment with countryside, wildlife, farmland, peaceful walking open areas, woodland nearby. Place of choice to live.
Housing would cause chaos with repeated flooding, excessive traffic build-up, especially with 2 schools in village. Increase in crime or reckless driving. Village currently within reasonable police protection with community working together with neighbourhood watch etc. Could not continue if massive, sprawling housing development was allowed to go ahead. If it did go ahead, people would not consider buying given high speed train proposals nearby.

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Cubbington village should stay as it has done for many years, in a village environment with countryside, wildlife, farmland, peaceful walking open areas, woodland nearby. Place of choice to live.
Housing would cause chaos with repeated flooding, excessive traffic build-up, especially with 2 schools in village. Increase in crime or reckless driving. Village currently within reasonable police protection with community working together with neighbourhood watch etc. Could not continue if massive, sprawling housing development was allowed to go ahead. If it did go ahead, people would not consider buying given high speed train proposals nearby.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44887

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Colin F Gardner

Representation Summary:

I wish that we should preserve our Greenfield sites and concentrate on other alternatives for a building project of this size.

I do not believe that the roads which would be accessed by such a project (i.e. Cubbington Road and Offchurch Road) are suited to handle the extra traffic that would ensue.

I believe that such a project would increase the flood risk to the low land surrounding it (particularly Cubbington Village itself)

The current infrastructures surrounding the project are not robust enough to sustain the increase in population.

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I wish that we should preserve our Greenfield sites and concentrate on other alternatives for a building project of this size.

I do not believe that the roads which would be accessed by such a project (i.e. Cubbington Road and Offchurch Road) are suited to handle the extra traffic that would ensue.

I believe that such a project would increase the flood risk to the low land surrounding it (particularly Cubbington Village itself)

The current infrastructures surrounding the project are not robust enough to sustain the increase in population.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44888

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs R J Ellis

Representation Summary:

Amount of traffic using Parkland Avenue and Telford

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Amount of traffic using Parkland Avenue and Telford


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44889

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs S Buswell

Representation Summary:

My main concern is the traffic congestion it will cause. We do not go out of the village before 9.15 and avoid the 3.30 school rush and after 5 work traffic. Getting across the top of Windmill Hill is difficult. I have witnessed a few accidents and many near misses.

My other concerns are of course flood water, could the schools cope with that many extra children? No doctor in the village, there is only one local surgery and they are always busy.

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My main concern is the traffic congestion it will cause. We do not go out of the village before 9.15 and avoid the 3.30 school rush and after 5 work traffic. Getting across the top of Windmill Hill is difficult. I have witnessed a few accidents and many near misses. Coming out of Parklands to go home to Cubbington we often have to turn left to go down one of the side roads and come back up Telford because we can't turn right because of the traffic.

My other concerns are of course flood water, could the schools cope with that many extra children? No doctor in the village, there is only one local surgery and they are always busy.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44890

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: laura drury

Representation Summary:

1) would cause crowdedness and destroy the rural feel

2) brownfield sites are still available so why arent they taken up

3) development wil cause large strain on the local infrastructure

4) if 11,000 new homes are introduced then an increased provision of schooling would be needed to be considered, which would mean further development.

5) The concerns of safety and increased policing of the site would be required

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We have lived in Leighton close for the past 3 years and chose it specifically because of its quiet, rural feel. With a huge housing estate on the cards it will shatter the peace and tranquility we had found within an already overcrowded town.
Leamington has enjoyed a number of developments in terms of housing over the previous 10 years and i cannot understand why more housing is planned when many of the houses built in recent years reamain unsold and vacant. Furthermore, why are there brownfield sites left in and around the town which are going to wastem when our much enjoyed farm and parkland is being taken up by developers?
I do believe that further housing on the globe farm site will cause a tremendous strain on the local infrastructure, especially our quet cul de sacs in the Parklands Avenue area. Furthermore, if a site is proposed that wil accomodate nearly 11,000 new homes, what is proposed about schooling in the area- will there be another Warwick Gates debate? Surely the local schoolsd of Cubbington, telford our lady and Lillington would not be able to cope with an influx of such a number of potential new residents?
A further point would be to question the worry of policing sucha a site, when there is already a tremendous amount of anti-social behaviour around Leamington already, this venture cannot surely be feasible in terms of supplying additional servies.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44891

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: June Eames

Representation Summary:

New high speed railway will run through Cubbington Woods and now there is proposal to build housing between village and Lillington. Will decimate village and countryside.
Village has community spirit and own identity which would be lost if joined to Lillington making it another suburb of Leamington. Crime rate would increase.
Serious flooding would increase.
Two small schools won't be able to cope.
Increased traffic. Welsh Road and Offchurch Road busy at commuter times as direct access to Fosse Way. Schools at top of Windmill Hill. Difficult for children to cross safely.
Loss of wildlife.
Impractical to build on this land.

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New high speed railway will run through Cubbington Woods and now there is proposal to build housing between village and Lillington. This will decimate village and countryside.
Village has community spirit and own identity which would be lost if joined to Lillington making it another suburb of Leamington. Crime rate would increase with easier access.
Serious flooding would increase. Villagers live in dread of another flood.
Two small schools won't be able to cope, new schools would need to be built.
Increased traffic. Welsh Road and Offchurch Road busy at commuter times as direct access to Fosse Way. Schools at the top of Windmill Hill and traffic makes it difficult for children to cross safely.
Loss of wildlife. There is badger sett in field alongside Offchurch Road which has been carefully preserved by farmers.
Impractical to build on this land.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44892

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Alex Rosielle

Representation Summary:

The green space between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent unrestricted sprawl, safeguard the countryside, and maintain the two distinct communities.

The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding. There is water runoff to the rear of Cubbington road and to properties in the local area.

Such a large scale development would significantly increase cross town traffic as all of the major food retailers and employment opportunities are located south of the river.

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The green space between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa. It safeguards the countryside from encroachment and maintains the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village. The protecting given by the existing greenbelt should be retained whilst there are other non designated greenbelt sites which are suitable for development in this district.

The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding particularly along the North Western Boundary. There is water runoff to the rear of Cubbington road and to Properties in Oakridge Road, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Village.

Such a large scale development would significantly increase cross town traffic and congestion as all of the major food retailers and employment opportunities are located South of the river, accessed only by 4 crossings.

Pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development to the clearly defined boundary of Welsh Road and into the Greenbelt, extended into and around the Thwaites Factory.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44893

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Brian and Janet Cooper

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected at all cost to prevent the unrestricted urban sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa, its there to prevent enroachment of the countryside and maintains the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village. If its not protected, vilage life as we know it will be gone forever. It wil also be inevitable the development will eventually extend to the clearly defined boundary of the welsh road

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The green be;t between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected at all cost to prevent the unrestricted urban sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa, its there to prevent enroachment of the countryside and maintains the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village. If its not protected, vilage life as we know it will be gone forever. It wil also be inevitable the development will eventually extend to the clearly defined boundary of the welsh road


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44894

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Healey

Representation Summary:

Have not long moved to the village because of its lovely small village feel/ life. This will be lost. The roads are busy enough now as they are quite narrow. They would become dangerous as the elderly, young and pets all cross over. Already a lot of accidents. Not everywhere is suitable to become large estates.

Keep Cubbington the small friendly village it is.

Full text:

Have not long moved to the village because of its lovely small village feel/ life. This will be lost. The roads are busy enough now as they are quite narrow. They would become dangerous as the elderly, young and pets all cross over. Already a lot of accidents. Not everywhere is suitable to become large estates.

Keep Cubbington the small friendly village it is.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44895

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs P.S Farmer

Representation Summary:

Cubbington is a village and should remain just that. Any large development of houses etc would cause many difficulties for Cubbington-i.e infress or efress to already congested roads, particularly windmill hill.
Problems with existing areas of flooding in the village could well be excaberated. Green belt and wildlife habitat would be gone forever.

Surely, any wasteland and existing bounded up properties could be utilized if more housing required!

Full text:

Cubbington is a village and should remain just that. Any large development of houses etc would cause many difficulties for Cubbington-i.e infress or efress to already congested roads, particularly windmill hill.
Problems with existing areas of flooding in the village could well be excaberated. Green belt and wildlife habitat would be gone forever.

Surely, any wasteland and existing bounded up properties could be utilized if more housing required!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44896

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Alan Allcock

Representation Summary:

1: Additional water runoff from the site and subsequent flooding in Cubbington.

2: Exits/ entrance to the site from large number of new buildings would cause major problems into:
a.) Offchurch Road. Already a rat run with awkward junctions and the scene of several accidents.
b.) Parklands Avenue. An unsuitable route not designed for through traffic
c.) Access alongside existing footpath onto Rugby Road. The Rugby road is already busy at peak times.

3: Local amenities, shops etc very limited at present.

4: Greenbelt needs to be preserved for the benefit of both Leamington district residents and wildlife

5: Infill brownsites first.

Full text:

1: Additional water runoff from the site, if not into Cubbington Village then into Offchurch Road - would cause water back up and subsequent flooding in Cubbington.

2: Exits/ entrance to the site from large number of new buildings would cause major problems into:
a.) Offchurch Road. Already a rat run from the Kenilworth/ Coventry to Southam/ Harbory/ Radford etc, it is narrow with several bends and awkward junctions. School in Windmill Road already a problem area with the school run. Route already a cause of several accidents at roundabout on Rugby Road.
b.) Access into Parklands Avenue. An unsuitable route not designed for through traffic providing mp direct route into Leamington, disgorging onto busy Rugby Road or into congested Lillington
c.) Access alongside existing footpath onto Rugby Road, logical but would require large roundabout in Rugby Road. The Rugby road is already busy at peak times. When Leicester Lane was closed the extra traffic made it difficult to exit side roads and properties. This would be similar with increased traffic from the proposed site.

3: Local amenities, shops etc very limited at present.

4: Greenbelt needs to be preserved. This area offers extensive relatively unspoilt vies from the residential area. To the north Cubbington woods and farmland is to be decimated by the new high speed rail. This buffer needs to be preserved. For both Leamington district residents and wildlife

5: Infill brownsites first.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44897

Received: 30/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs R I Goodey

Representation Summary:

We already have considerable traffic problems, especially at peak. Some junctions are already dangerous. Shops, library and the clinic will be overloaded.

The site is part of the greenbelt. What happened to the promise to keep these much needed breathing spaces? Will there be any recreational spaces or will people have to use their cars once again?

The underlying clay will inevitably cause more flooding.

There is a lack of facilities and work opportunities in the area.

Will these houses be suitable for the average person to buy? Or will they be left empty as so many overpriced properties are around town.

Full text:

As a resident of Telford Avenue I am very concerned about traffic. We already have considerable traffic problems, especially at times when parents are delivering and collecting children from Telford School. The junction of Telford Avenue, Parklands and Cubbington Road is already very dangerous. With the arrival of a Tesco store (albeit a small one) at Crown Way, the area will also be difficult to negotiate. The store is bound to attract shoppers who would not normally use Crown Way, plus additional housing is going to put a strain on the area. I understand that the new development will not include any facilities - thus shops, library and the clinic will be overloaded.

The site involved is at the moment part of a greenbelt area. What happened to the promise to keep these much needed breathing spaces? Will there be any recreational spaces or will people have to use their cars once again?

The underlying clay will inevitably cause more flooding to an area which already has problems.

With a lack of facilities and work opportunities in the area, would it not be better to find sites nearer to these necessary requirements?

Will these houses be suitable for the average person to buy? Or will they be left empty as so many overpriced properties are around town.