
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44895

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs P.S Farmer

Representation Summary:

Cubbington is a village and should remain just that. Any large development of houses etc would cause many difficulties for Cubbington-i.e infress or efress to already congested roads, particularly windmill hill.
Problems with existing areas of flooding in the village could well be excaberated. Green belt and wildlife habitat would be gone forever.

Surely, any wasteland and existing bounded up properties could be utilized if more housing required!

Full text:

Cubbington is a village and should remain just that. Any large development of houses etc would cause many difficulties for Cubbington-i.e infress or efress to already congested roads, particularly windmill hill.
Problems with existing areas of flooding in the village could well be excaberated. Green belt and wildlife habitat would be gone forever.

Surely, any wasteland and existing bounded up properties could be utilized if more housing required!