
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44876

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: Peter Higgins

Representation Summary:

Access - Access via Parklands Avenue and side roads off it. No infrastructure to support volume of traffic. Junction of Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road is already a problem during busy periods of day without extra 2000-3000 vehicles.
Drainage - Drainage problems from heavy rainfall. Further development will aggrevate situation of surface drainage and foul drains.
Retail Services - are to south of Leamington which means greater use of road system to cross town to use them. Makes more sense for new development to be near them.

Full text:

Access - Outlines access via Parklands Avenue and side roads off it. This route does not have the infrastructure to support the volume of traffic this development will generate. the junction of Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road is at the moment a problem during the busy periods of the day without the possible extra 2000-3000 vehicles that would use this junction.
Drainage - Drainage problems form heavy rainfall with garden under water from surface water that flows from land north of property. Further development will aggrevate situation of surface drainage and foul drains which during flooding bring sewerage to garden.
Retail Services - are to south of Leamington which means greater use of road system to cross town to use them. Make more sense for new development to be near them.