
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44890

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: laura drury

Representation Summary:

1) would cause crowdedness and destroy the rural feel

2) brownfield sites are still available so why arent they taken up

3) development wil cause large strain on the local infrastructure

4) if 11,000 new homes are introduced then an increased provision of schooling would be needed to be considered, which would mean further development.

5) The concerns of safety and increased policing of the site would be required

Full text:

We have lived in Leighton close for the past 3 years and chose it specifically because of its quiet, rural feel. With a huge housing estate on the cards it will shatter the peace and tranquility we had found within an already overcrowded town.
Leamington has enjoyed a number of developments in terms of housing over the previous 10 years and i cannot understand why more housing is planned when many of the houses built in recent years reamain unsold and vacant. Furthermore, why are there brownfield sites left in and around the town which are going to wastem when our much enjoyed farm and parkland is being taken up by developers?
I do believe that further housing on the globe farm site will cause a tremendous strain on the local infrastructure, especially our quet cul de sacs in the Parklands Avenue area. Furthermore, if a site is proposed that wil accomodate nearly 11,000 new homes, what is proposed about schooling in the area- will there be another Warwick Gates debate? Surely the local schoolsd of Cubbington, telford our lady and Lillington would not be able to cope with an influx of such a number of potential new residents?
A further point would be to question the worry of policing sucha a site, when there is already a tremendous amount of anti-social behaviour around Leamington already, this venture cannot surely be feasible in terms of supplying additional servies.