
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44868

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Tristan Briggs

Representation Summary:

Destruction of greenbelt - flora and fauna, protected species, village life, ancient pathways through land.
Increase in destructive flooding in village, traffic and congestion in all directions. Increase in destructive polluton. Decrease of valuable and fast disappearing countryside - are we going to end up with one big boring city? yes if this continues. No to building on any green belt land!

Full text:

Destruction of greenbelt - flora and fauna, protected species, village life, ancient pathways through land.
Increase in destructive flooding in village, traffic and congestion in all directions. Increase in destructive polluton. Decrease of valuable and fast disappearing countryside - are we going to end up with one big boring city? yes if this continues. No to building on any green belt land!