
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44870

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: David Barr

Representation Summary:

1: The roadway exists from the proposed estates are far too small to take the heavy volume of traffic from so many houses.
2: The clay subsoil gives much trouble and in heavy rain, my back lawn is flooded sometimes to 2" deep and the water lies there for weeks.
3: The main road is not wide enough to take the extra traffic. There have been fatalities in this road.
4: The drainage of heavy rain has caused much trouble in Cubbington and not much has been done to improve this situation.

Full text:

My wife and I have lived at No 76 Rugby Road, Cubbington for last twelve years and have noticed many changes in this area - some for the better - some worse.
The suggestion to make the land at Glebe Farm, Cubbington into an area of saturated housing with perhaps ancillary services as well causes much alarm as this area could not possibly accommodate such an influx. I list below some reasons:
1: The roadway exists from the proposed estates are far too small to take the heavy volume of traffic which would naturally come with so many houses. The two exits into Parkland Avenue are far too small. Should you also use Offchurch Road with the two suggested exits, it would cause chaos - it is bad enough already.
2: The clay subsoil gives much trouble and in heavy rain, my back lawn is flooded sometimes to 2" deep and the water lies there for weeks. I know my neighbour at 74 Rugby Road has the same problem.
3: The main road - Rugby Road/ Cubbington Road is not wide enough to take the extra traffic. There have been facilities in this road.
4: The drainage of heavy rain has caused much trouble in Cubbington and not much has been done to improve this situation.
It seems to me that the council should abandon the proposal of development at Glebe Farm at once. With the better roads in the Warwick Gates area - this is the area to be looking for extra housing.