Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 721 to 750 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44928

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Jeremy William Lewitt

Representation Summary:

1. This particular greenbelt area, if built on as dense as suggested, will join Cubbington with Leamington and erode village life as we know it.
2. Flooding problems we now have will be more severe
3. Traffic congestion much worse to Offchurch Road - Windmill Hill etc.
4. Environmental impact on wildlife of these old fields and loss of old footpaths

Full text:

1. This particular greenbelt area, if built on as dense as suggested, will join Cubbington with Leamington and erode village life as we know it.
2. Flooding problems we now have will be more severe
3. Traffic congestion much worse to Offchurch Road - Windmill Hill etc.
4. Environmental impact on wildlife of these old fields and loss of old footpaths


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44929

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Sarra Perkins

Representation Summary:

The traffic at the junction of Parklands and Cubbington Road bad enough already. More houses means lots more traffic which would be awful!

Leamington is big enough already. It does not need Lillington being linked to Cubbington.

Closes off Parklands Avenue were never meant to be access roads for housing estates.

Flooding is bad enough now. It would only get worse with more buildings.

All the surrounding roads would not be able to cope with all the contractors vehicles as well as all the extra vehicles these houses will bring.

It must be stopped!

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The traffic at the junction of Parklands and Cubbington Road bad enough already. More houses means lots more traffic which would be awful!

Leamington is big enough already. It does not need Lillington being linked to Cubbington. The green space between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected!

Closes off Parklands Avenue were never meant to be access roads for housing estates. They are not built for it.

Flooding is bad enough now. It would only get worse with more buildings.

All the surrounding roads in Cubbington and Lillington would not be able to cope with all the contractors vehicles as well as all the extra vehicles these houses will bring. Usually two cars maybe more to each household!

It must be stopped!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44930

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mr D B Elliman

Representation Summary:

Building of houses on this site should not be allowed. We will need all farm land for food production in the future. Brown field sites must be used first.

Full text:

Building of houses on this site should not be allowed. We will need all farm land for food production in the future. Brown field sites must be used first.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44931

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Doreen Winters

Representation Summary:

1. This is greenbelt land.
2. 3000 new homes here would more than double the amount of those in Cubbington and would link up to Lillington.
3. Too high a proportion to be built in one area and would create urban sprawl.
4. The land has impervious heavy clay subsoil. So many new homes would make drainage of water worse than it is now.
5. Cause horrendous traffic jams
6. Pressure on local services and amenities.
7. Allowing such a vast housing estate, built by developers for greedy profiteering where housing would be like rabbit warrens with little or no aesthetics, would be a betrayal of the people affected.

Full text:

1. This is greenbelt land. There is plenty of brown field sites as long as the council stops allowing supermarkets and offices being built on them.
2. We were asked previously whether there was need of housing for LOCAL people - not all and sundry. 3000 new homes here would more than double the amount of those in Cubbington at present and would link up Lillington to Cubbington.
3. The number of 3000 out of 10,800 new homes needed in the next 16 years is much too high a proportion to be built in one area. Especially as it would create a large urban sprawl.
4. The land has impervious heavy clay subsoil. So many new homes would make drainage of water worse than it is now. Low lying homes in Cubbington could face even more flooding and misery.
5. All extra homes, people's cars would cause horrendous traffic jams at the top of Windmill Hill - right next to the first school. It's a dangerous junction now!
6. A second 'Warwick Gates' would put enormous pressure on local services and amenities.
7. Warwick council should be protecting the environment and the local people. Allowing such a vast housing estate, built by developers for greedy profiteering where housing would be like rabbit warrens with little or no aesthetics, would be a betrayal of the people affected. And, don't forget Cubbington could also be affect by a high speed rail from Birmingham to London, with no benefits to anyone living along its route.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44932

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mr John Bell

Representation Summary:

1. The large size would greatly increase traffic. The junction with the Cubbington Road would be overloaded.
2. The heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding. Large scale housing development increases the risk of flooding.
3. A government inspector four years ago did a detailed enquiry ruled against housing development on farmland adjoining the Glebe Farm proposed development. Some of the reasons he cited against that development apply to the current proposal.
4. Wildlife would suffer from loss of habitat.
5. There is no evidence that the existing local infrastructure could adequately cope.
6. This opens the way for speculative developers to buy farmland anywhere.

Full text:

1. The large size of the site (approx 12 acres) would greatly increase traffic from the new residents along Parklands Avenue and its junction with Cubbington Road. This would occur because the main access to the new houses would have to be along Parklands boundary. The junction with the Cubbington Road would be overloaded.
2. The heavy clay subsoil causes part of the site to be prone to flooding and surface water run-off is a well known problem. The lie of the land on the site contains significant slopes and dips and this feature combined with the soil conditions would mean large scale housing development increased the risk of flooding.
3. A government inspector four years ago, after a detailed enquiry ruled against housing development on farmland adjoining the Glebe Farm proposed development. Some of the reasons he cited against that development apply to the current proposal.
4. The farmland that would be lost to housing development has produced good crops over many years. Wildlife occupying the area would suffer from loss of habitat.
5. There is no evidence known to the writer that the existing local infrastructure could adequately cope with a large development of houses and their occupants. Pressure would increase on schools, doctor's surgeries and as stated earlier existing access roads designed in the 1960s for smaller estates. Water runoff on the site could overload existing sewers.
6. We are now told that greenbelts are no longer sacrosanct like Glebe Farm. This opens the way for speculative developers to buy farmland anywhere.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44933

Received: 18/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs C Biggerstaff

Representation Summary:

Glebe farm site is not suitable or desirable for housing development due to the following issues:
1. Drainage/ Flooding
2. Roads are congested now, would be worse with additional housing
3. Local services and infrastructure would not support more houses
4. This development would spoil the local environment and walks (green area)
5. Would probably increase local services costs to cope with extra houses/ families. Council tax increases
6. Increase to local road accidents due to extra traffic
7. Also increase traffic flows around North Leamington due to extra cars
8. Additional police, fire, ambulance services to cope with additional people.

Full text:

Glebe farm site is not suitable or desirable for housing development due to the following issues:
1. Drainage/ Flooding
2. Roads are congested now, would be worse with additional housing
3. Local services and infrastructure would not support more houses
4. This development would spoil the local environment and walks (green area)
5. Would probably increase local services costs to cope with extra houses/ families. Council tax increases
6. Increase to local road accidents due to extra traffic
7. Also increase traffic flows around North Leamington due to extra cars
8. Additional police, fire, ambulance services to cope with additional people.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44934

Received: 18/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs C Sciolti

Representation Summary:

This development would destroy village life and become urban sprawl.

The green belt will be lost along with wildlife, countryside access and protected species.

There is also an ongoing problem of flooding in Cubbington. The land consists of clay, which doesn't absorb surplus water, so the prospect of building here doesn't bode well for Cubbington, due to the inadequate storm water system.

Will create an increase in traffic. The streets could become very dangerous.

Great pressure on other services.

It will threaten Cubbington's excellent community spirit.

This village is also under siege from the proposed High Speed Rail.

Full text:

We wish to complain most strongly about the proposed development at Glebe Farm, Cubbington.

Cubbington is a unique ancient village over 1000 years old and is mentioned in the Domesday Book. To complete this development would destroy the village environment and way of life to become another urban sprawl connected to Lillington and Leamington.

There is also the green belt factor which will be lost if this proposal goes ahead. Our greenbelt countryside is rapidly disappearing under all the building work that is being done in recent times, with the loss of wildlife and countryside access or people during leisure periods. There are also protected species that live on that ground that will be lost if the proposed sites go ahead, namely, badgers, crested newts and other species.

There is also a problem of flooding in Cubbington. Living in New Street we know at first hand the trauma and upset this causes. We have been very fortunate in that so far we have managed to escape it, but each time it has flooded it gets closer and closer to us, and the floods of June 2008 were very close! Cubbington is situated in a hollow, so therefore all surplus water during times of flood flows into and across the lowest parts of the village. People had to evacuate their homes, and it was six months or more before they were able to return to them. This was a very traumatic and upsetting experience for them, and every time we have heavy rain they become very anxious and worried, as indeed we do, for fear of another flood. This is an ongoing problem that after many years has still not been resolved. It is common knowledge that the land surrounding this area consists of clay, which does not absorb surplus water, so the prospect of building 2000 houses in the vicinity, also on a hill, does not bode well for the inhabitants of Cubbington, due to the deficiencies of the inadequate storm water system.

There is also the increase in traffic that this will create. The streets of Cubbington are already very narrow and parking by the shops is very limited now. Windmill Hill is not very wide and there is a school halfway up. The increased traffic that will be created could become very dangerous when children are attending and leaving, also the fact that many children have to be driven to school from outside the area.

The pressure on other services too, will be too great. There is another school in New Street too. The traffic that we have now in our street can be a problem due to the proximity of the school. We can't begin to imagine what it will become if more children start attending, or how the schools will cope due to a big influx of children. New Street is not very wide and when children are leaving school it is a nightmare, cars parked anyway the full length of the street, a full sized coach to take children home - never mind us residents. Very dangerous.

Cubbington is a friendly village to live in; we have an excellent community spirit. There is a Pensioners Association who work tirelessly throughout the year to raise money to take us out on trips, Christmas lunch, and many other things, if Cubbington loses its village status where will that leave us?

This village is under siege from East and West. Your development in the West, the threat of a high speed train in the East ploughing through our beloved woods, ancient English woodland that has been there for centuries, and can never be replaced. We deserve better than this.

Many generations of the family have lived in the village, and would have been devastated to learn of these threats to our way of life.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44935

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Jane Paginton

Representation Summary:

1. Use of the site would increase risk of flooding in Cubbington.
2. Additional amount of traffic and there is already traffic congestion at peak times. Additional cars would increase risk of accidents.
3. Additional residents would put a strain on local services.
4. Against building on land because of disturbance to the wildlife.
5. There are a number of signed public footpaths and these should not be built on.
6. To build on this site would merge Cubbington and Lillington together thus eliminating the village community.
7. Having been informed of who will benefit from the sale of this land is an insult to local residents.

Full text:

1. Use of the site would increase risk of flooding in Cubbington. Building on the land would cause increased risk of 'run-off' water.
2. Additional amount of traffic from Cubbington to Leamington and other commercial areas. There is already traffic congestion at peak times. Additional cars would increase risk of accidents.
3. Additional residents would put a strain on local schools/ doctors surgeries/ employment.
4. Against building on land because of disturbance to the wildlife: badgers (protected species); newts (protected species) etc...
5. A huge amount of residents have had the privilege of using the fields for walking in the countryside. There are already a number of signed public footpaths and these should not be built on.
6. To build on this site would merge Cubbington and Lillington together thus eliminating the village community. Many residents have lived in this village for many years, some (like myself) returned for village community life. To merge Cubbington to Lillington would take this away. Where would this stop? Would Offchurch and Radford Semele eventually be joined? We are not a city. Cubbington is a village!
7. Having been informed of who will benefit from the sale of this land is an insult to local residents. Why should private schools benefit from this sale? The majority of residents' children attend state schools!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44937

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Geoffrey Paginton

Representation Summary:

1. Combining Lillington and Cubbington will have a huge detrimental affect t on North Leamington as a whole.
a. Proven social issues that come with large estates
b. Loss of rural community and greenbelt land
2. Traffic congestion on local roads. With potential additional 4000 cars, the infrastructure will not cope.
3. Clay topsoil causes accelerated flow of water into Cubbington. Building will exacerbate the potential for flooding.
4. Infrastructure: In North Leamington the services are already at capacity.
5. Environmental: Loss of habitat of wildlife including protected species. Light pollution from the huge development.
6. Loss of recreational land in continuous use for hundreds of years.
7. Destroying communities for government strategy.

Full text:

1. Creation of a massive estate combining Lillington and Cubbington will have a huge detrimental affect not only on those communities but on North Leamington as a whole.
a. Proven social issues, behavioural, community wellbeing and quality of life come with large estates
b. Loss of rural community and greenbelt land used by many of the community for walking and recreation
2. Traffic congestion on the Rugby Road, Cubbington Road to Lillington Road island and down to 'Pinch Point' Campion Road, Clarendon Street Traffic lights. With potential additional 4000 cars, access via Cubbington (Windmill Hill), Park Road into Lillington to access town centre, South Leamington commercial areas. The infrastructure will not cope. Cross town congestion. School runs.
3. Proven flood risk. Clay topsoil causes accelerated flow of water into Cubbington and potential building area. Building will exacerbate the potential for flooding, not only in Cubbington but back along the River Leam basin.
4. Infrastructure: In North Leamington the doctors, schools and local roads are already at capacity.
5. Environmental: Loss of habitat of wildlife including protected species such as crested newts, badgers, birds of prey, buzzards, harrier kestrels. Light pollution from the huge development.
6. Loss of recreational land in continuous use for hundreds of years (Carbon Miles?)
7. No viable reason for building on this land. Destroying communities for government strategy.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44939

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Elaine Golder

Representation Summary:

1. Cubbington village has suffered severe flooding on several occasions. A flood alleviation scheme to prevent future flooding has yet to be completed. Development will cause a greater risk of severe flooding in the future.
2. The roads through the village are not suited for the potential increase in numbers of road users. Several accidents have already occurred on the roads. A fatality occurred on the Rugby Road and calls for a pedestrian crossing have been rejected.
3. Local schools are running at capacity.
4. The character of Cubbington village will be lost if it is permanently joined to Lillington.

Full text:

1. Cubbington village has suffered severe flooding on several occasions - notably 2007 when residents were forced out of their homes for many months. A flood alleviation scheme to prevent future flooding has yet to be completed. Removal of the soak away ground (heavy clay and general incline of land) will cause a greater risk of severe flooding in the future.
2. The roads through the village are not suited for the potential increase in numbers of road users. Several accidents have already occurred at the mini-roundabout junction of Windmill Hill/ Rugby Road. A fatality occurred on the Rugby Road and calls for a pedestrian crossing have been rejected.
3. Local schools and particularly the Doctors Surgery are running at capacity. The potential increase in resident numbers would make for major problems within these vital services.
4. The character of Cubbington village will be lost if it is permanently joined to Lillington.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44940

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Ian Hadlet

Representation Summary:

Since the 2007 flooding, no remedial work has taken place. Extra dwellings will greatly add to the situation; possibly stopping residents from obtaining the appropriate flood insurance. In addition, the clay soil does not allow water to soak through, thus the fields around here do not take too much rain before water is cascading off them.

Travelling in Cubbington during rush hour is already a time consuming journey. Additional dwellings will only exacerbate this. We also lack the infrastructure that such a development would demand. Most of the employment opportunities are situated to the South.

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I object to this proposed development on Glebe Farm for several reasons.

Firstly, since the terrible flooding in 2007, no remedial work by either Severn Trent or the County Council has taken place. The possibility of an extra 2-3000 dwellings will only greatly add to the situation; possibly stopping residents from obtaining the appropriate flood insurance. In addition, the soil here is extremely heavy clay, which by definition does not allow water to soak into the lower levels of soil, thus the fields around here do not take too much rain before water is cascading off them.

My second objection is about the traffic chaos and lack of infrastructure. Travelling from Cubbington to Leamington during rush hour is already an extremely busy and time consuming journey. Adding several thousand more dwellings will only exacerbate the traffic problems around Cubbington. We also lack the infrastructure that such a development would demand i.e. schools, leisure facilities etc... Additionally most of the employment opportunities are situated on the South side of Leamington and thus it would make much more sense to develop opportunities in that area.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44941

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Daniells

Representation Summary:

Where does one start about this crazy scheme of building homes where you propose. The area is just not large enough and Cubbington will not be a village anymore. The greenbelt must be kept at all times.
1. Flooding - it would add to the problems it already has
2. Schools - the two we have would hardly be able to cope
3. Doctors - Pressure would be too great on the surgeries we have
4. Traffic - the pressure on Windmill Hill and the roundabout at the top is already at danger point, and parking in the village is already top heavy.

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Where does one start about this crazy scheme of building 10,000 plus homes where you propose. The area is just not large enough and Cubbington will not be a village anymore. The greenbelt must be kept at all times.
1. Flooding - it would add to the problems it already has
2. Schools - the two we have would hardly be able to cope
3. Doctors - Pressure would be too great on the surgeries we have
4. Traffic - the pressure on Windmill Hill and the roundabout at the top is already at danger point, and parking in the village is already top heavy.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44942

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Paul O'Rafferty

Representation Summary:

Noise Pollution
Cubbington will lose its village status
Wildlife loss

Full text:

Noise Pollution
Cubbington will lose its village status
Wildlife loss


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44943

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Gill & Peter Bishop

Representation Summary:

If building goes ahead - no longer distinct community village. Unmanageable traffic on the village roads. Local resources cannot cope with increased numbers. Serious concern about impact on flooding following previous experience of this. No availability of work on this side of Leamington, all traffic is going into Leamington, Warwick or Southam via the village. Impact on wildlife and loss of footpaths.

Full text:

If building goes ahead - no longer distinct community village. Unmanageable traffic on the village roads. Local resources cannot cope with increased numbers. Serious concern about impact on flooding following previous experience of this. No availability of work on this side of Leamington, all traffic is going into Leamington, Warwick or Southam via the village. Impact on wildlife and loss of footpaths.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44944

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs I G Simpson

Representation Summary:

We feel like many other that village life should not be compromised by this project. It will corrupt village like by crime acceleration and other things such as excessive traffic speeding motorists who even now flout the 30mph speed limit through the village.

The habitat for wildlife will also be badly threatened. Having seen roe deer on the Offchurch Road at night it begs the question 'why on greenbelt land?' when there are plenty of brownfield sites that could be used.

Who will pay for the extra policing of such a large area?

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Having recently moved into Cubbington, my husband and I strongly object to the proposed building of over 2000 homes on Glebe Farm, Cubbington.

We feel like many other that village life should not be compromised by this project. It will corrupt village like by crime acceleration and other things such as excessive traffic speeding motorists who even now flout the 30mph speed limit through the village.

The habitat for wildlife will also be badly threatened. Having seen roe deer on the Offchurch Road at night it begs the question 'why on greenbelt land?' when there are plenty of brownfield sites that could be used, for example the land that used to be Peugeot Factory site.

Who will pay for the extra policing of such a large area (through the council tax going up again) making it difficult for the young and elderly to cope with ever rising costs.

Our hospital cover such an extra influence of care. Our doctors are over worked now.

All in all the objections raised we believe are valid and strongly oppose this project.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44945

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Helen O'Rafferty

Representation Summary:

Cubbington would lose its village status
Wildlife would be affected
House prices would be affected
I chose to live in Cubbington so that I was away from the hustle and bustle of living in a town; that would no longer be the case. Our walks would be drastically affected by so much housing.

Full text:

Cubbington would lose its village status
Wildlife would be affected
House prices would be affected
I chose to live in Cubbington so that I was away from the hustle and bustle of living in a town; that would no longer be the case. Our walks would be drastically affected by so much housing.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44946

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Sheryl Beard

Representation Summary:

1. Cubbington has a village heart, which would be lost if we joined to Leamington. Services would not cope with more people.
2. If this land was covered in concrete, flooding of the village would become worse, as we would lose the Green Area that drains the water.
3. Council refused planning between Radford Semele and Sydenham, so as to keep separate identities. Cubbington and Lillington should be kept the same.
4. Roads in the area are small and dangerous with traffic now.
5. Interference with endangered species
6. This land is green belt which should be protecting village areas.

Full text:

1. CUBBINGTON AND LILLINGTON NEED TO KEEP SEPARATE: Cubbington has a village heart, which would be lost if we joined to Lillington/ Leamington. Schools, doctors etc would not cope with more people.
2. If this land (52 hectares) was covered in concrete, flooding of the village would become worse, as we would lose the Green Area that drains the water. Thousands of pounds were spent 3 years ago putting people back into their homes after the flooding!!
3. Planning department/ council refused planning between Radford Semele and Sydenham, so as to keep separate identities. Cubbington and Lillington should be kept the same.
4. Roads in the area are small and dangerous with traffic now. They could not cope with more traffic. We have no work in this area so traffic would be moving around frequently.
5. Interference with endangered species such as badgers, great crested newts, bird habitats
6. This land is green belt which should be protecting village areas.
7. Whoever submitted this application either knows nothing of the area or has deliberately lied.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44947

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Miss R Mitchell

Representation Summary:

Greenbelt land should only be used when all brown sites have been used up.

Henry XIII Trust should have more care for village communities. It does not need cash at the moment.

Roads unsuitable for considerable extra traffic.

The scale of the development is out of proportion for the surrounding area and the local facilities, especially roads and drainage would be inadequate.

Full text:

Greenbelt land should only be used when all brown sites have been used up.

Henry XIII Trust should have more care for village communities. It does not need cash at the moment.

Roads unsuitable for considerable extra traffic.

The scale of the development is out of proportion for the surrounding area and the local facilities, especially roads and drainage would be inadequate.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44948

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Lee Gruszeckyj

Representation Summary:

Building on the little amount of countryside we have left will have a massive affect on the village of Cubbington. The area planned to be built on separates Lillington and Cubbington and is what makes Cubbington a village. There will also be a huge rise in traffic, particularly on the already busy Windmill Hill where the school is situated and would increase the chances of accidents. With Cubbington being a village I don't think it has the infrastructure to support a further 2500 houses.

Full text:

Building on the little amount of countryside we have left will have a massive affect on the village of Cubbington. The area planned to be built on separates Lillington and Cubbington and is what makes Cubbington a village. There will also be a huge rise in traffic, particularly on the already busy Windmill Hill where the school is situated and would increase the chances of accidents. With Cubbington being a village I don't think it has the infrastructure to support a further 2500 houses.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44949

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Joan B Gibbs

Representation Summary:

I object to the proposed development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington. If this area were to be developed it would create one enormous urban sprawl, and Cubbington would lose its identity. The chosen site is of heavy clay and would be prone to heavy flooding. Recent history has shown the impracticality of more concrete and tarmac.

Site access such as Parklands Avenue, Rugby Road, Offchurch Road and Windmill Hill are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic.

What of the environmental impact on the protected species of wildlife, and the well trodden footpaths.

Full text:

I object to the proposed development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington. If this area were to be developed it would create one enormous urban sprawl, and Cubbington would lose its identity. The chosen site is of heavy clay and would be prone to heavy flooding. Recent history has shown the impracticality of more concrete and tarmac, which would have to be used in this area.

Site access such as Parklands Avenue, Rugby Road, Offchurch Road and Windmill Hill are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic. 10,800 homes could mean over 20,000 more vehicles during rush hour.

What of the environmental impact on the protected species of wildlife, and all the well trodden footpaths.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44950

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: F W Jackson

Representation Summary:

1. Cubbington has been a separate village, individual and discrete for over a thousand years. It will be a crime to link it to Lillington/ Leamington
2. The site has many old and well trodden footpaths all of which would be lost
3. The large are of tarmac and concrete which would inevitably follow exploitation of this site will exacerbate the already known flooding problems in Cubbington
4. The thousands of additional cars will add to the present road traffic problems
5. The sewerage network is already insufficient for the old village. More housing will make it worse.
6. We would lose precious farmland

Full text:

1. Cubbington has been a separate village, individual and discrete for over a thousand years. It will be a crime to link it to Lillington/ Leamington
2. The site has many old and well trodden footpaths all of which would be lost
3. The large are of tarmac and concrete which would inevitably follow exploitation of this site will exacerbate the already known flooding problems in Cubbington
4. The thousands of additional cars will add to the present road traffic problems
5. The sewerage network is already insufficient for the old village. More housing will make it worse.
6. We would lose precious farmland


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44951

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Edward George Clack

Representation Summary:

The council should set a good example by protecting the greenbelt. The effect on the surrounding roads by the increase in traffic particularly at Windmill Hill cross roads which is now an accident waiting to happen. Then there is the effect this proposed development will have on the local schools, doctors, clinics etc. Having been in the construction industry for 55 years I think the soil in this area is not suitable for building on. It always remains flooded even at the high level which freezes in the winter. This proposal should never see the light of day.

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The council should set a good example by protecting the greenbelt. The effect on the surrounding roads by the increase in traffic particularly at Windmill Hill cross roads which is now an accident waiting to happen. Then there is the effect this proposed development will have on the local schools, doctors, clinics etc. Having been in the construction industry for 55 years I think the soil in this area is not suitable for building on. It always remains flooded even at the high level which freezes in the winter. This proposal should never see the light of day.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44952

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Deborah Lord

Representation Summary:

The two main roads out of the village onto the Cubbington Road are very busy at peak times as there are schools located nearby. These roads, along with Queen Street, are often single lane due to the amount of cars that are parked for various reasons - schools churches pubs. Any further development of houses would only add considerably more traffic to the roads. The issue of flooding in the area cannot be over stressed and nor can the impact on the wildlife in the area, which would be devastating.

Full text:

The two main roads out of the village onto the Cubbington Road are very busy at peak times as there are schools located nearby. These roads, along with Queen Street, are often single lane due to the amount of cars that are parked for various reasons - schools churches pubs. Any further development of houses would only add considerably more traffic to the roads. The issue of flooding in the area cannot be over stressed and nor can the impact on the wildlife in the area, which would be devastating.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44953

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: J Bradley

Representation Summary:

Protection of the greenbelt between Cubbington and Lillington

Destruction to wildlife

Flooding problems to the village

Traffic congestion

Full text:

Protection of the greenbelt between Cubbington and Lillington

Destruction to wildlife

Flooding problems to the village

Traffic congestion


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44954

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: J Waine

Representation Summary:

Traffic - volume of new traffic would make Welsh Road and Offchurch Road dangerous.
Volume of people - there is not enough infrastructure, services etc e.g. shops, buses, roads, schools, doctors etc.

Full text:

Traffic - volume of new traffic would make Welsh Road and Offchurch Road dangerous.
Volume of people - there is not enough infrastructure, services etc e.g. shops, buses, roads, schools, doctors etc.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44955

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: E & M H Pulford

Representation Summary:

Proposed area is a flood plain.
Traffic congestion would be cause for concern
It would destroy natural habitat
Proposal would mean an end to our village life.

Full text:

Proposed area is a flood plain.
Traffic congestion would be cause for concern
It would destroy natural habitat
Proposal would mean an end to our village life.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44956

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: E J Holden

Representation Summary:

There are already drainage problems without adding to it.
Traffic comes along Offchurch Road and Windmill Hill sometimes on the wrong side of the road at speed. Added difficulty from huge farming vehicles. It is very dangerous getting out of my drive on Cross Lane. If Windmill Hill is blocked with cars it will be horrendous. Cars going past the church are usually one lane as cars are parked up there.
Added delays, more traffic, none of these lanes were designed for speeding cars and big vehicles. It is all too dangerous as it is with traffic passing through Cubbington.

Full text:

Cubbington gets flooded. There are already drainage problems without adding to it. The system is very poor.
Traffic comes along Offchurch Road to the top of Windmill Hill and vice versa, sometimes on the wrong side of the road at speed. There are also cut-throughs i.e. Cross Lane from Coventry, and turning left along to Offchurch and Vice versa. Cars and big vehicles speed. Added difficulty from huge farming vehicles. Drivers don't care about speed sound bends up towards the church. It is very dangerous getting out of my drive on Cross Lane on the bend on the hill. If Windmill Hill is blocked with cars it will be horrendous. Not to mention children crossing and the silly island at the top. All the traffic is trying to get to Leamington Spa or Coventry. Not to mention the new Tesco's traffic in Crown Way and vice versa. Cars going past the church are usually one lane as cars are parked up there.
If all this blocked maybe we could go Offchurch to Leamington. What happens when that is flooded?
The right just over the bridge in front of the pub is blind and people just do it without seeing cars coming at speed from Fosseway. Added delays, more traffic, none of these lanes were designed for speeding cars and big vehicles. It is all too dangerous as it is with traffic passing through Cubbington and around and believe me 30 mile and hour speed limit only angers people as well I know having them glare at you and drive on the boot of your car! Same happens down to Leamington.
I strongly object to extra housing as it is dangerous already.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44963

Received: 30/06/2010

Respondent: H Goult

Representation Summary:

Objects to development at Glebe Farm, Cubbington but considers that development of the north western corner adjacent to Cubbington would be acceptable.

Full text:

More should be done to incorporate brown field or previously developed land before building on greenfield. Development should be dispersed through the district rather than burdening the infrastructure in one place.
Supports development at Kenilworth Wardens and Woodside Training Centre as this is a sensible extension to the site at Thickthorn upon previously developed land.

Objects to development south of sydenham but considers that development north of the bridleway to to Radford Semele would be acceptable.
Objects to development at Glebe Farm, Cubbington but considers that development of the north western corner adjacent to Cubbington would be acceptable.
Objects to the development of Loes Farm but considers that a small development next to the Saxon Mill.
Objects to the development of Hurst Farm, Burton Green but a small extension to the University of Warwick would be acceptable.
Objects to development of the land around Baginton airport but considers that development of the large brown field site south of the airport would be acceptable.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44967

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: Jacqui Rogers

Representation Summary:

Absolutely not! Cubbington girl born and bred. Keep our village! Increased traffic and crime. Just too big for the area.

Full text:

Absolutely not! Cubbington girl born and bred. Keep our village! Increased traffic and crime. Just too big for the area.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44968

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: Emma Grant

Representation Summary:


Full text:
