
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44872

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: Kevin Mehmet

Representation Summary:

Greenbelt - wildlife, protected species
Village life - huge impact negatively on village which has been here over 1000 years
Flooding - Flooding is a huge problem and will get worse
Traffic - Pollution, lack of schools, huge congestion
Footpaths - Used for many (50+) years for villagers through proposed fields
Loss of identity - will no longer be a village. Object to any building in green belt or allotment land

Full text:

Greenbelt - wildlife, protected species
Village life - huge impact negatively on village which has been here over 1000 years
Flooding - Flooding is a huge problem and will get worse
Traffic - Pollution, lack of schools, huge congestion
Footpaths - Used for many (50+) years for villagers through proposed fields
Loss of identity - will no longer be a village. Object to any building in green belt or allotment land