
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44866

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Brian Clarke

Representation Summary:

Apart from loss of Cubbington as village and way of life, there are many practical issues.
Traffic would be serious and critical problem. At peak traffic times, junction at Windmill Hill and Coventry Road would be chaotic. Additional traffic would turn down Welsh Road, through Offchurch. Single lane bridge and very narrow lane from village towards Fosse Way would make this dangerous. Cubbington already has serious flooding problem and this may make things worse. Site prone to flooding. Large settlement would put strain on schools, medical services. Environmental impact on wildlife and loss of well used footpaths

Full text:

Apart from the loss of Cubbington as a village and way of life, there are many practical issues.
Traffic would be one of the most serious and critical problems. At peak traffic times, the already very busy junction at Windmill Hill and Coventry Road (subject of numerous accidents) would be chaotic. Regardless of good intentions, additional traffic would turn right down Welsh Road, through Offchurch. The single lane bridge and very narrow lane from the village towards the Fosse Way would make this positively dangerous. Cubbington already has a serious flooding problem and I believe this may make things worse. The proposed site is prone to flooding. Such a large settlement would also put a severe strain on schools, medical and other services. There would also be an environmental impact on wildlife and the loss of well used footpaths