
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44891

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: June Eames

Representation Summary:

New high speed railway will run through Cubbington Woods and now there is proposal to build housing between village and Lillington. Will decimate village and countryside.
Village has community spirit and own identity which would be lost if joined to Lillington making it another suburb of Leamington. Crime rate would increase.
Serious flooding would increase.
Two small schools won't be able to cope.
Increased traffic. Welsh Road and Offchurch Road busy at commuter times as direct access to Fosse Way. Schools at top of Windmill Hill. Difficult for children to cross safely.
Loss of wildlife.
Impractical to build on this land.

Full text:

New high speed railway will run through Cubbington Woods and now there is proposal to build housing between village and Lillington. This will decimate village and countryside.
Village has community spirit and own identity which would be lost if joined to Lillington making it another suburb of Leamington. Crime rate would increase with easier access.
Serious flooding would increase. Villagers live in dread of another flood.
Two small schools won't be able to cope, new schools would need to be built.
Increased traffic. Welsh Road and Offchurch Road busy at commuter times as direct access to Fosse Way. Schools at the top of Windmill Hill and traffic makes it difficult for children to cross safely.
Loss of wildlife. There is badger sett in field alongside Offchurch Road which has been carefully preserved by farmers.
Impractical to build on this land.