Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 691 to 720 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44898

Received: 26/04/2010

Respondent: Mr D C Austin

Representation Summary:

In the height if the recent severe Cubbington floods and the perennial flood problems around Offchurch Bridge and general surrounding area, the proposed site must be a flood hazard especially of development. The infrastructure and access problems would be worsened. Not to mention destroying the green belt area and the awful fusing of the separate and unique individual villages of Lillington and Cubbington.

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In the height if the recent severe Cubbington floods and the perennial flood problems around Offchurch Bridge and general surrounding area, the proposed site must be a flood hazard especially of development. The infrastructure and access problems would be worsened. Not to mention destroying the green belt area and the awful fusing of the separate and unique individual villages of Lillington and Cubbington.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44899

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs A Bolt

Representation Summary:

1: Traffic/ Safety
The junction off Cubbington Road, Telford Avenue and Parklands Avenue is already a bottleneck at certain times of the day. There have been a number of accidents on this junction. On top of this, other junctions off Cubbington Road create traffic problems now.
The roads from Parklands Avenue to the site are of the 50s/70s which are not very wide with a number of cars parked on the road causing access issues.

2: Flooding
Cubbington has a history of serious flooding. My garden has been flooded, but with this field concreted over my house is seriously at risk!

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1: Traffic/ Safety
The junction off Cubbington Road, Telford Avenue and Parklands Avenue is already a bottleneck at certain times of the day, and with a school in Telford Avenue, the pedestrian crossing on Cubbington Road is very busy twice a day. This gives me concerns of the traffic flow as well as safety as there have been a number of accidents on this junction already mainly damage only but to my knowledge at least two serious. On top of this, both of the other junctions off Cubbington Road - Crown Way and Windmill Hill create traffic problems now. So these will only get worse.
The road infrastructure from Parklands Avenue to the site are estate roads of the 50s - 70s which are not very wide and as the houses on the south side of Oakridge Road have very small drives (will only accommodate 1 car), some cars are parked on the road which means you have to zig-zag to reach Leighton Close.

2: Flooding
As the soil on this proposed site is clay there must be a real danger of more serious flooding than we have at present. Cubbington has already a history of serious flooding and we in Lillington to a lesser extent. Some houses in Parkland Avenue opposite Oakridge Road have been flooded on a number of occasions with runoff water from the field at the top of Oakridge Road. Severn Trent Water have now fitted flood gates to these houses.
I live on the east side of Leighton Close and at times my garden has been flooded, but thankfully it has never reached the house, but with this field concreted over I am worried that my house is seriously at risk!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44900

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: R Isham

Representation Summary:

The green belt must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl and maintain the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village.
Pressure will arise to extend the development into the Green Belt around the Thwaites Factory.
The clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding, building would worsen this.
Roads will be affected and are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic from thousands of more houses and it will cause a disruption to all Cubbington Residents.
Will cause pressure on local schools and doctors.
Environmental impact in the wildlife and loss of footpaths

Full text:

The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl and maintains the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village. If not protected, village life as we know it will be gone forever.
Pressure will arise to extend the development into the Green Belt around the Thwaites Factory.
The clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding, building would worsen this.
Roads will be affected and are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic from thousands of more houses and it will cause a disruption to all Cubbington Residents.
Will cause pressure on local schools and doctors.
Environmental impact in the wildlife and loss of footpaths


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44901

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Tina Metcalfe

Representation Summary:

I object due to the extent of the site and the traffic upheaval it would cause. Also local schools would be affected, ie places are hard to come by at the present in our schools and another 10,800 homes would do it no favours.

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I object due to the extent of the site and the traffic upheaval it would cause. Also local schools would be affected, ie places are hard to come by at the present in our schools and another 10,800 homes would do it no favours.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44902

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Mildred Calvert

Representation Summary:

No more floods please! I was flooded out for 8 months

Full text:

No more floods please! I was flooded out for 8 months


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44903

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Bryan Alderson

Representation Summary:

-boost moribound social institutions

-confident that planning conditions won't exclude most groups

-It would also be possible for the council to ask the County Council for extra resources to be used for the benefit of the four primary schools in the area.

-future plans of traffic control is needed anyway

-The suggested problem is merely alarmist. No doubt=t it exists. The one opportunity to provide a permanent resolution of the problem could be a new development of the problem could be a new development and its associated drainage.

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Such a development would help both communities by giving a fillip to the local economy and a boost to moribund social institutions.
I am confident that it is not beyond the expertise of the council and its local planning department to set down planning conditions that would overcome most, if not all, of the negative objections of the orchestrated NIMBY groups, e.g. as condition of granting permission the development would have to include a new, one level, Health Centre, with capacity for an extra doctor(s), to replace the existing, dual level, Cubbington Road Surgery.
It would also be possible for the council to ask the County Council for extra resources to be used for the benefit of the four primary schools in the area.
It cannot be too long before the Rugby Rd, Kenilworth Rd, Windmill Hill junction will require traffic lights anyway, if only to protect the safety of the majority of road users who are able to negotiate the mini-island properly against those who choose to ignore all the warning signs on the approaches.
The suggested problem is merely alarmist. No doubt=t it exists. The one opportunity to provide a permanent resolution of the problem could be a new development of the problem could be a new development and its associated drainage.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44904

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Mr A Hughes

Representation Summary:

Would put more pressure on the roads, more pressure on the schools and Cubbington would not be a village anymore. The flooding problem would be worse, and the sewers could not take any more houses. We love looking out onto the fields and countryside, all that would be lost if the development goes ahead.

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Would put more pressure on the roads, more pressure on the schools and Cubbington would not be a village anymore. The flooding problem would be worse, and the sewers could not take any more houses. We love looking out onto the fields and countryside, all that would be lost if the development goes ahead.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44905

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Caroline Marrow

Representation Summary:

1: This is green belt land
2: The area separates Lillington from Cubbington- two separate communities.
3: New residents will need access to employment, shops and schools most of which are not available locally.
4: The local road infrastructure is of rural nature and would require up-grading.
5: There has been serious flooding in Cubbington Village. The roads were designed for quiet cul-de-sacs not through traffic.
6: Will create further problems with flooding.
7: Regarding the WDC Landscape Character Assessment (February 2009), the existing 'harsh and prominent urban edge of Lillington' would be more satisfactorily enhanced by the demolition of the tower blocks.

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The area specified should not be built on for the following reasons:
1: This is green belt land not a brownfield site.
2: The area outlined in the proposal separates Lillington from Cubbington which are two separate communities. Development would also affect residents of Offchurch village.
3: The would-be residents will need access to employment, shops and schools most of which are not available locally. This would encourage commuting to Coventry, Warwick and South Leamington.
4: The local road infrastructure is of rural nature and would require up-grading, this would be detrimental to the area. At existing traffic levels there are already frequent accidents on the mini roundabout at the junction of Windmill Hill, Kenilworth Road and Rugby Road.
5: There has been serious flooding in Cubbington Village and the main road from Cubbington to Offchurch floods regularly at Offchurch and is impassable at these times. The alternative access points would increase traffic in Lillington where the road network was designed for quiet cul-de-sacs not through traffic.
6: Building on the Glebe Farm land will create further problems with flooding and the management of surface water run off
7: Regarding the WDC Landscape Character Assessment (February 2009), the existing 'harsh and prominent urban edge of Lillington' would be more satisfactorily enhanced by the demolition of the tower blocks.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44906

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Clifford S Cleaver

Representation Summary:

I have lived in Cubbington all my life and I strongly object to any further land within the parish being developed. Recent years has seen Cubbington suffer from the result of flooding and this proposal could generate more serious problems with any heavy rainfall. Furthermore Cubbington would lose its identity which the residents have enjoyed since Domesday. It would also increase the traffic problems which a development of this size would incur. There are also public rights of way footpaths across this parcel of land, which are used by members of the public.

Full text:

I have lived in Cubbington all my life and I strongly object to any further land within the parish being developed. Recent years has seen Cubbington suffer from the result of flooding and this proposal could generate more serious problems with any heavy rainfall. Furthermore Cubbington would lose its identity which the residents have enjoyed since Domesday. It would also increase the traffic problems which a development of this size would incur. There are also public rights of way footpaths across this parcel of land, which are used by members of the public.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44907

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Anna Fitzpatrick

Representation Summary:

Why can't the empty houses in and around Leamington Spa be developed and provide housing in town. My house has been underpinned twice and my neighbour's garden flood regularly because of the clay soil up here. More housing leading to more flooding. Too many houses in a small rural area. Ruin the area with buildings where there are already houses for development in the area with facilities in situ and no need for more pressure on resources and less pollution.

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Why can't the empty houses in and around Leamington Spa be developed and provide housing in town. My house has been underpinned twice and my neighbour's garden flood regularly because of the clay soil up here. More housing leading to more flooding. Too many houses in a small rural area. Ruin the area with buildings where there are already houses for development in the area with facilities in situ and no need for more pressure on resources and less pollution.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44908

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Sheila Webster

Representation Summary:

Concerned about flooding
Concerned about traffic
Concerned about services
Also a threat to village life

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Concerned about flooding
Concerned about traffic
Concerned about services
Also a threat to village life


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44909

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs K & M Widdows

Representation Summary:

1. Valuable agricultural land farmed for generations would be lost forever! Together with old footpaths still much used today.
2. In spite of pre-war ribbon development and post-war infilling, Cubbington has retained a village environment and community, separated from Lillington and Leamington. Open spaces are desirable assets not to be lost lightly.
3. The proposed development is primarily motivated by profit and not to satisfy any local need.
4. Traffic generated from such a large development would overwhelm the existing roads, already under pressure at peak periods
5. Drainage problems would be considerably increased.

Full text:

1. Valuable agricultural land farmed for generations would be lost forever! Together with old footpaths still much used today.
2. In spite of pre-war ribbon development and post-war infilling, Cubbington has retained a village environment and community, separated from Lillington and Leamington. Open spaces are desirable assets not to be lost lightly.
3. The proposed development is primarily motivated by profit and not to satisfy any local need.
4. Traffic generated from such a large development would overwhelm the existing roads, already under pressure at peak periods
5. Drainage problems would be considerably increased.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44910

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Peter Beard

Representation Summary:

The development will exacerbate the flooding problems that already plague Cubbington. The increase in traffic will clog up the roads around. There are already numerous accidents at the roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill. When flooding blocks the road at Offchurch it will be chaos. The villages of Lillington and Cubbington will lose their identities and become one urban sprawl. Loss of habitat - great crested newts at Glebe Farm.

Full text:

The development will exacerbate the flooding problems that already plague Cubbington. The increase in traffic will clog up the roads around. There are already numerous accidents at the roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill. When flooding blocks the road at Offchurch it will be chaos. The villages of Lillington and Cubbington will lose their identities and become one urban sprawl. Loss of habitat - great crested newts at Glebe Farm.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44911

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Hilary Dawber

Representation Summary:

1. Cubbington is prone to flooding. Due to the heavy clay soil and ridge line. Development would only exacerbate this.
2. There will be a massive increase of traffic. This would create heavy congestion at rush hours into and out of Leamington. The roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill is already quite dangerous.
3. Diminution of greenbelt land - loss of wildlife habitat and footpaths.
4. Village life would be eroded and Cubbington would become part of yet more urban sprawl.
5. There would be pressure on schools.
6. Insufficient work locally leading to more car journeys.

Full text:

1. Cubbington village and Tanners Farm are prone to flooding. On 14 June 2007, homes in the village were flooded and there was extensive damage at Tanners Farm caused by run-off from the heavy clay soil. The ridge line in the village is a watershed. The concreting and tarmacing of the land in question would only serve to exacerbate this serious problem.
2. There will be a massive increase of traffic onto Offchurch Road and Parklands Avenue. There is regular flooding by the small, ancient bridge in Offchurch and the road has to be closed. Even in dry weather Offchurch is too small a village to cope with this increase in traffic. There could be an extra 4000 cars used by the householders. This would create heavy congestion at rush hours into and out of Leamington. The roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill is already quite dangerous and it would become more so.
3. If this development were to go ahead it would be yet another diminution of greenbelt land which would mean loss of wildlife habitat (Badgers, hares, birds, great crested newts) and footpaths for future generations.
4. People live in Cubbington to enjoy village life. This would be eroded and Cubbington would become part of yet more urban sprawl.
5. There would be intolerable pressure on local schools.
6. There will be insufficient work locally for the increase in population, leading to more car journeys.
Cannot social housing be accommodated in small areas of available land in the region rather than in single, large developments which cause such serious problems to the environment and infrastructure.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44912

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Jan Kelly

Representation Summary:

The reason Cubbington is a wonderful place to live is the fact we are virtually surrounded by Greenfields with many walks and lot of wildlife which our whole family enjoy. The facilities such as schools and doctors could not support such a large development.

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The reason Cubbington is a wonderful place to live is the fact we are virtually surrounded by Greenfields with many walks and lot of wildlife which our whole family enjoy. The facilities such as schools and doctors could not support such a large development.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44913

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Anita Wells

Representation Summary:

There are at least 6 junctions that AT PRESENT are congested and dangerous at peak times.

Greenbelt land, public footpaths, and wildlife habitats destroyed. Bats frequent visitors to Rugby Road area in the summer - will they disappear?

The nature of this site already caused flooding issues. Even if the water problem could be solved technologically it would add enormous costs to developing the site. BUILD ON BROWNFIELD SITES WHERE POSSIBLE.

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Listed below are AT PRESENT congested junctions at peak times:
- Windmill Hill (Dangerous already - accidents and near misses are frequent. Whole junction would need developing)
- Offchurch bridge though the village past the Stag leading to the Fosse Way
- Junctions at Fosse (already an accident black spot)
- Parklands Avenue/ Telford Avenue Junction
- Crown Way junction (this would worsen if Glebe Farm residents used it to avoid Parklands)
- Campion Hill/ Leicester Street

Greenbelt land destroyed. Footpaths of benefit to Lillington, Cubbington, Offchurch residents destroyed. Wildlife habitats destroyed - RSPB already says many habitats are destroyed. Bats frequent visitors to Rugby Road area in the summer - will they disappear?

Flooding: further damage to water table. Hilly nature of this site already very wet during the winter (apart from the village flooding problems). Even if the water problem could be solved techonoligicaly it would add enormous costs to developing the site. BUILD ON BROWNFIELD SITES WHERE POSSIBLE> Fords site should have all housing - they would have the amenities of parkland (Victoria Pump Rooms) and shops at Shires Retail all within walking distance.

Why should Warwick District have a target of 10,800 new homes?

What is Coventry's target?

Ryton Plant could cover both targets maybe?


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44914

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: W Casey

Representation Summary:

1. Loss of an area which provides leisure activity such as public footpaths.
2. An increase of traffic, which would contribute to increased pollution
3. An increase in criminal activities in this area with such an increase in population.

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1. Loss of an area which provides leisure activity such as public footpaths.
2. An increase of traffic, which would contribute to increased pollution
3. An increase in criminal activities in this area with such an increase in population.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44915

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Price

Representation Summary:

Skylarks in the field

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Skylarks in the fields


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44916

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Gordon Wells

Representation Summary:

1. It will cause increased traffic congestion at a number of points e
2. It will increase the risk of flooding in Cubbington village, where there is already a severe flooding problem, which the council has not been able to solve.
3. Wildlife. I mention only the bats which are supposed to be protected. At present they flourish, but they would be endangered.
4. There must be other proposed sites (and some that have not been proposed, as far as I know e.g. the Ford's Foundry that would be more suitable and would be welcomed by residents.)

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1. It will cause increased traffic congestion at a number of point e.g. the mini-roundabout at the junction of Windmill Hill and Rugby Road, where there have been frequent accidents and near accidents already.
2. It will increase the risk of flooding in Cubbington village, where there is already a severe flooding problem, which the council has not been able to solve.
3. Wildlife. I mention only the bats which are supposed to be protected. At present they flourish, but they would be endangered.
4. There must be other proposed sites (and some that have not been proposed, as far as I know e.g. the Ford's Foundry that would be more suitable and would be welcomed by residents.)


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44917

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: John Statham

Representation Summary:

We oppose not only the building of houses on the greenbelt land at Glebe Farm, but also the significant increase in traffic in the area of Cubbington and Rugby Road. Cubbington village would cease to exist as it is now, and would be used as a rat run from this proposed housing development and urban sprawl on the landscape.

Full text:

We oppose not only the building of houses on the greenbelt land at Glebe Farm, but also the significant increase in traffic in the area of Cubbington and Rugby Road. Cubbington village would cease to exist as it is now, and would be used as a rat run from this proposed housing development and urban sprawl on the landscape.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44918

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: The Walters

Representation Summary:

Water drainage is the most long term problem and also the massive traffic intrusion.

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Water drainage is the most long term problem and also the massive traffic intrusion.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44919

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Karen Chambers

Representation Summary:

We will lose village identity.
Increase traffic on already overstretched roads.
Lose valuable green landscape resulting in urban sprawl and added threat of flooding.

Full text:

We will lose village identity.
Increased traffic on already overstretched roads.
Lose valuable green landscape resulting in urban sprawl
Add threat of flooding


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44920

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Lisa Aspin

Representation Summary:

- I live in Cubbington for the village location
- There is going to be a huge string on local amenities.
- Extra traffic which will lead to an increase in pollution, congestion, road traffic accidents
- The noise and disruption of 2000-3000 homes being built
- With the extra light pollution we will be unable to see the stars at night.
- The wildlife should be protected.
- The impact of the additional concrete will exacerbate the flooding issues.
- Cubbington is a community and if this development goes ahead this will be lost.

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- I live in Cubbington for the village location and pay a premium in council tax. So is this going to be reduced if this goes ahead?
- Why are developments being made on greenbelt land when there is already adequate provision on Brownfield sites to meet the RSS strategy of the council?
- There is going to be a huge string on local amenities, school places, doctors and Warwick hospital
- With the extra homes it will mean extra traffic, which has got to impact everyone. Increase pollution, local congestion, road traffic accidents and the extra cars need to be parked somewhere - quality of roads will be reduced.
- The noise and disruption of 2000-3000 homes being built - construction traffic, pollution, environmental impact.
- With the extra light pollution we will be unable to see the stars at night.
- The wildlife, such as newts and badgers, live on the proposed land. They should be protected. I want my children to grow up in a world where wildlife and public footpaths are important.
- The impact of the additional concreted will have a severe knock on effect on the flooding issues experienced in the village.
- Where will it stop when greenbelt land is being built on. Will there be extra pressure to build on the Thwaites factory and surrounding area sites - are big industrial estates going to pop up to support jobs for the extra households?
- Communities are something that should be maintained. Make us one big estate and you lose that. Won't part of the problem we have with crime, vandalism, youths are because people don't feel part of a community - Cubbington is a community and if this development goes ahead this will be lost.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44921

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: John Evison

Representation Summary:

I am opposed to this large development because it will adversely change the village feel of the area. However, the overwhelming reason that this should not go ahead is the fact that the roundabout at the junction between Rugby Road and Windmill Hill cannot deal with the current traffic and hence would be totally unable to deal with the inevitable increase that would result from this development.

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I am opposed to this large development because it will adverselt change the village feel of the area. However, the overwhelming reason that this should not go ahead is the fact that the roundabout at the junction between Rugby Road and Windmill Hill cannot deal with the current traffic and hence would be totally unable to deal with the inevitable increase that would result from this development.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44922

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: A W Fish

Representation Summary:

It is hoped common sense will prevail and development of this well used land will not take place.
- The greenbelt must be protected to prevent unrestricted urban sprawl. If not protected, village life as we know it will be gone forever.
- Pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development.
- The site is prone to flooding. Building would worsen the problem.
- Roads are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic
- Such a large scale settlement would cause a great deal of pressure on local amenities
- Environmental impact and the loss of the well used footpaths!

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It is hoped common sense will prevail and development of this well used land will not take place.
- The greenbelt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted urban sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa, it safeguards the countryside from encroachment and maintains the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village. If not protect, village life as we know it will be gone forever.
- Pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development to the clearly defined boundary of Welsh Road and into the greenbelt around the Thwaites Factory.
- The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding. Building on this land would worsen the existing village flooding problem.
- The proposed site access could be from Offchurch Road between Hill Farm and the public footpath entrance and through the cul-de-sacs off Parklands Avenue. Offchurch Road, Rugby Road, Windmill Hill and the roundabout at the top of the hill (where many accidents occur) will be effected and are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic from thousands more houses travelling to and from the village at rush hour morning and evening will cause a great deal of disruption to all Cubbington residents.
- Such a large scale settlement would cause a great deal of pressure on local schools and doctors etc.
- Imagine the environmental impact on the wildlife of these old fields and the loss of the well used footpaths!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44923

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs P M Trask

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to this proposal of development at Glebe Farm. The reasons being; Destruction of the greenbelt which could lead to further unrestricted sprawl causing Lillington and Cubbington to lose their separate identities.

After repeated attempts to solve the flood problem in Cubbington, this development will further exacerbate the problem due to impervious heavy clay subsoil.

Full text:

I strongly object to this proposal of development at Glebe Farm. The reasons being; Destruction of the greenbelt which could lead to further unrestricted sprawl causing Lillington and Cubbington to lose their separate identities.

After repeated attempts to solve the flood problem in Cubbington, this development will further exacerbate the problem due to impervious heavy clay subsoil.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44924

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Katherine Evison

Representation Summary:

I am opposed to the proposed development because it would remove greenbelt land which is used regularly by walkers.

It would also damage the character of Cubbington Village, making it an extension of Lillington.

The increased traffic would put severe pressure on the road system, in particular the roundabout at the junction of Rugby Road and Windmill Hill where there are already accidents and a lot of near misses and also the junction of Parklands Avenue with Cubbington Road which is already a hazardous junction where accidents occur.

Full text:

I am opposed to the proposed development because it would remove greenbelt land which is used regularly by walkers.

It would also damage the character of Cubbington Village, making it an extension of Lillington.

The increased traffic would put severe pressure on the road system, in particular the roundabout at the junction of Rugby Road and Windmill Hill where there are already accidents and a lot of near misses and also the junction of Parklands Avenue with Cubbington Road which is already a hazardous junction where accidents occur.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44925

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Jeremy Robbins

Representation Summary:

My objections are:
1. Flooding in Cubbington
2. Road network not up to the vast increase in traffic
3. There is a badger set in one the fields, these are of course protected.
4. The infill joining Lillington and Cubbington is just an extension of Leamington
5. All traffic would have to travel across town for supermarkets
6. Danger to Offchurch's vert narrow roads.

Full text:

My objections are:
1. Flooding in Cubbington
2. Road network not up to the vast increase in traffic
3. There is a badger set in one the fields, these are of course protected.
4. The infill joining Lillington and Cubbington is just an extension of Leamington
5. All traffic would have to travel across town for supermarkets
6. Danger to Offchurch's vert narrow roads.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44926

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Gill Foster

Representation Summary:

The greenbelt should be retained.

The existing road infrastructure is not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic that would be generated.

Junctions are already overloaded and dangerous at peak times.

The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding.

Such a large scale development would significantly increase cross town traffic and congestion as all of the major food retailers and employment opportunities are located South of the river, accessed by only 4 crossings.

If this proposal went ahead it would be a disaster!

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The protection given by the existing greenbelt should be retained whilst there are other non designated greenbelt sites which are suitable for development in the district.

The site would be accessed through the various closes off Parklands Avenue and through The Crest and Mason Avenue. The existing road infrastructure is not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic that would be generated by any huge scale development of the site.

The Telford Avenue/ Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road junction is already overloaded at peak times and is the scene of many collisions due to the difficulty of exiting or entering Telford and Parklands Avenues or crossing Cubbington Road. The Crown Way/ Lime Avenue junction is also heavily congested.

The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding particularly along the north western boundary and currently causes surface water to runoff flooding to the rear of Cubbington Road and to properties in Oakridge Road and Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Village.

Such a large scale development would significantly increase cross town traffic and congestion as all of the major food retailers and employment opportunities are located South of the river, accessed by only 4 crossings.

If this proposal went ahead it would be a disaster!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44927

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: T J Loakes

Representation Summary:

If the proposed new build is say 5000 homes that could mean upwards of 7500 extra vehicles on local roads which would effectively swamp the area with traffic.

A large amount of new house would exacerbate the flooding problem due to the run off of surface water.

Is the infrastructure there to support the volume of people with schools and doctors together with basic requirement water! For many years Cubbington has suffered from low water pressure and would the essential services cope?

Local people would also be denied the benefits of walking across the fields.

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A very large increase in road traffic along already congested roads. If the proposed new build is say 5000 homes that could mean upwards of 7500 extra vehicles on local roads which would effectively swamp the area with traffic. Have the council considered the effect of all the extra vehicles on parking in Leamington, already congested at peak times. The council would have t o build new car parks but where?

There has been considerable problems with flooding in Cubbington village and it appears that it is an ongoing problem because of the local soil conditions. A large amount of new house would exacerbate the problem due to the run off of surface water.

As with all new large proposals for house construction is the infrastructure there to support the volume of people with schools and doctors together with basic requirement water! For many years the residents of the Cubbington area suffered from low water pressure and with a proposal for X000 new homes would the essential services cope?

Local people would also be denied the pleasure and health benefits of walking across the fields which they have been doing for many years.

I think the council should think very carefully about the use of brown field sites and building small groups of houses together with the use of empty and derelict buildings. In Coventry a few years ago there were reputedly thousands of empty houses. At a recent meeting in Cubbington the council representative admitted that they did not know how many empty houses there were that could be brought back into use and avoid the need to always build new houses. Clearly this should be a priority!