
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44869

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Pamela Lewis

Representation Summary:

A case of turning a village into a suburb destrying the sense of community. Threat of increased flooding. Access onto already congested, narrow, unsuitable roads. Do schools have capacity for extra pupils?
Loss of well used (for over 20 years) footpaths.
Loss of Wildlife:-birds, small mammals, badgers (protected) crested newts (protected)
Green field land still being.

Full text:

A case of turning a village into a suburb destrying the sense of community. Threat of increased flooding. Access onto already congested, narrow, unsuitable roads. Do schools have capacity for extra pupils?
Loss of well used (for over 20 years) footpaths.
Loss of Wildlife:-birds, small mammals, badgers (protected) crested newts (protected)
Green field land still being.