
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44874

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: David Tye

Representation Summary:

Need to be properly integrated providing schools, shops, public facilties, transport arrangements, adequate road.
Erosion of green belt and resulting pressure to extend in subsequent years and urban sprawl. Accessing site through existing link roads would hardly be suitable putting pressure on Cubbington Road junctions.
Danger of flooding likely to be increased and clay soil in area does not provide good foundation.
Give thought to way in which proposal will affect daily life.

Full text:

Not against development but would need to be properly integrated providing schools, shops, public facilties, transport arrangements, adequate road - a whole new village in fact and not just a mass of unsupported housing overloading the meagre existing facilties in the area.
Further points of concern are likely erosion of green belt and resulting pressure to extend in subsequent years and urban sprawl which would be created by adding dense housing development to existing built up area. Accessing site through existing link roads would hardly be suitable for development of the size envisaged and additional pressure would be put on the Cubbington Road junctions at peak times of day and on routes to south of the river food retailers.
Danger of flooding is likely to be increased (Cubbington residents have suffered badly in recent years) and the clay soil in the area does not provide a good foundation.
Give thought to way in which this proposal will affect daily life in this area and not simply authorise a particular number of houses to meet an unconsidered target.