
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44892

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Alex Rosielle

Representation Summary:

The green space between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent unrestricted sprawl, safeguard the countryside, and maintain the two distinct communities.

The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding. There is water runoff to the rear of Cubbington road and to properties in the local area.

Such a large scale development would significantly increase cross town traffic as all of the major food retailers and employment opportunities are located south of the river.

Full text:

The green space between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa. It safeguards the countryside from encroachment and maintains the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village. The protecting given by the existing greenbelt should be retained whilst there are other non designated greenbelt sites which are suitable for development in this district.

The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding particularly along the North Western Boundary. There is water runoff to the rear of Cubbington road and to Properties in Oakridge Road, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Village.

Such a large scale development would significantly increase cross town traffic and congestion as all of the major food retailers and employment opportunities are located South of the river, accessed only by 4 crossings.

Pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development to the clearly defined boundary of Welsh Road and into the Greenbelt, extended into and around the Thwaites Factory.