
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44871

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Julia Briggs

Representation Summary:

Green belt, full of wildlife including rare species. Several badger setts and mulitude of flora and fauna. Area also edge of flood plain, which would exacerbate existing problem of poor drainage and sewerage.
Object to any land around Cubbington, including allotments off Rugby Road. Bats roosting in area. Traffic would be greatly increased which apart from pollution would cause major congestion at peak times. Would no longer be village.
Should be working to preserve what we have left for future generations, improving and maintaining areas already occupied and encouraging people to look after nature. Once gone, can never be regained.

Full text:

Area is in green belt, full of wildlife including rare species such as crested newt. Several badger setts as well as mulitude of established flora and fauna all of which is disappearing at too rapid a rate. The area is also edging onto the flood plain, which if development went ahead, would exacerbate a problem already giving Cubbingtonians a huge amount of grief due to poor drainage and sewerage.
Object to any land around Cubbington, including the allotment area off Rugby Road - a very useful and productive project which provides many families with all their vegetables. Bats are also roosting in the area. Traffic would be greatly increased which apart from pollution would cause major congestion at peak times. We would no longer be a village.
Object to any development on any green belt land. Our countryside is disappearing at too rapid a rate. We should be working to preserve what we have left for future generations. We should be looking at improving and maintaining areas already occupied and encouraging people to learn how to look after nature. Once it has gone, it can never be regained. Many species are becoming extinct; global warming is a result of over-development. We are horrified at the depletion of rain forest and its species yet 'we' are ready to desecrate our fragile countyside and eco system!! Are we so backward in our thinking?