
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44893

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Brian and Janet Cooper

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected at all cost to prevent the unrestricted urban sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa, its there to prevent enroachment of the countryside and maintains the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village. If its not protected, vilage life as we know it will be gone forever. It wil also be inevitable the development will eventually extend to the clearly defined boundary of the welsh road

Full text:

The green be;t between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected at all cost to prevent the unrestricted urban sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa, its there to prevent enroachment of the countryside and maintains the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village. If its not protected, vilage life as we know it will be gone forever. It wil also be inevitable the development will eventually extend to the clearly defined boundary of the welsh road