
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44889

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs S Buswell

Representation Summary:

My main concern is the traffic congestion it will cause. We do not go out of the village before 9.15 and avoid the 3.30 school rush and after 5 work traffic. Getting across the top of Windmill Hill is difficult. I have witnessed a few accidents and many near misses.

My other concerns are of course flood water, could the schools cope with that many extra children? No doctor in the village, there is only one local surgery and they are always busy.

Full text:

My main concern is the traffic congestion it will cause. We do not go out of the village before 9.15 and avoid the 3.30 school rush and after 5 work traffic. Getting across the top of Windmill Hill is difficult. I have witnessed a few accidents and many near misses. Coming out of Parklands to go home to Cubbington we often have to turn left to go down one of the side roads and come back up Telford because we can't turn right because of the traffic.

My other concerns are of course flood water, could the schools cope with that many extra children? No doctor in the village, there is only one local surgery and they are always busy.