
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44894

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Healey

Representation Summary:

Have not long moved to the village because of its lovely small village feel/ life. This will be lost. The roads are busy enough now as they are quite narrow. They would become dangerous as the elderly, young and pets all cross over. Already a lot of accidents. Not everywhere is suitable to become large estates.

Keep Cubbington the small friendly village it is.

Full text:

Have not long moved to the village because of its lovely small village feel/ life. This will be lost. The roads are busy enough now as they are quite narrow. They would become dangerous as the elderly, young and pets all cross over. Already a lot of accidents. Not everywhere is suitable to become large estates.

Keep Cubbington the small friendly village it is.