
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44881

Received: 11/06/2010

Respondent: Mrs Hazel Hay

Representation Summary:

There has already been flooding in the area and building here would inevitably increase the risk of this happening more frequently. The junction of Telford Avenue, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road is already overloaded at peak times and there have been many collisions there.

The major supermarkets are all situated south of the river and such a major development would greatly increase cross town traffic. This site would need to be accessed through Parklands Avenue, these roads were not built to take such a heavy increase in the traffic that would be generated from such a large development.

Full text:

There has already been flooding in Leighton Close, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Village, building on the Glebe Farm site, would inevitably increase the risk of this happening more frequently. The junction of Telford Avenue, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road is already overloaded at peak times and there have been many collisions there.

The major supermarkets are all situated south of the river and such a major development would greatly increase cross town traffic and cause heavy congestion. This site would need to be accessed through the closes off Parklands Avenue, these roads were not built to take such a heavy increase in the traffic that would be generated from such a large development.