
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44884

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: Andrew Chambers

Representation Summary:

Traffic has increased significantly particularly during rush hours. Even with new access routes to development the current road infrastructure will not be able to cope.
Cubbington and surrounding villages remain examples of true english rural life, both people and countryside. regardless of the fact that development is impacting on green belt land, impact on english village way of life will be impossible to calculate.
3 years ago, every resident suffered by varying measures from flooding and now does so regularly. New development on steep hill, threat of flooding and worse can only increase. Who will be responsible if/when it does?

Full text:

Traffic has increased significantly particularly during rush hours. Even with new access routes to development the current road infrastructure will not be able to cope. e.g. Windmill Hill/Church Hill for access to schools, shops etc.
Cubbington and surrounding villages remain examples of true english rural life, both people and countryside. regardless of the fact that development is impacting on green belt land, impact on english village way of life will be impossible to calculate. Unless you live here you would never understand.
3 years ago, every resident suffered by varying measures from flooding. Judging from what I read and have been told some peoples lives were devastated. Raw sewage running through garden suffered but nothing done. Garage now floods regularly when it never did before. Concerns over global warming and increase of heavy rain storms and now new development on steep hill, threat of flooding and worse can only increase. Who will be responsible if/when it does?