
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44896

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Alan Allcock

Representation Summary:

1: Additional water runoff from the site and subsequent flooding in Cubbington.

2: Exits/ entrance to the site from large number of new buildings would cause major problems into:
a.) Offchurch Road. Already a rat run with awkward junctions and the scene of several accidents.
b.) Parklands Avenue. An unsuitable route not designed for through traffic
c.) Access alongside existing footpath onto Rugby Road. The Rugby road is already busy at peak times.

3: Local amenities, shops etc very limited at present.

4: Greenbelt needs to be preserved for the benefit of both Leamington district residents and wildlife

5: Infill brownsites first.

Full text:

1: Additional water runoff from the site, if not into Cubbington Village then into Offchurch Road - would cause water back up and subsequent flooding in Cubbington.

2: Exits/ entrance to the site from large number of new buildings would cause major problems into:
a.) Offchurch Road. Already a rat run from the Kenilworth/ Coventry to Southam/ Harbory/ Radford etc, it is narrow with several bends and awkward junctions. School in Windmill Road already a problem area with the school run. Route already a cause of several accidents at roundabout on Rugby Road.
b.) Access into Parklands Avenue. An unsuitable route not designed for through traffic providing mp direct route into Leamington, disgorging onto busy Rugby Road or into congested Lillington
c.) Access alongside existing footpath onto Rugby Road, logical but would require large roundabout in Rugby Road. The Rugby road is already busy at peak times. When Leicester Lane was closed the extra traffic made it difficult to exit side roads and properties. This would be similar with increased traffic from the proposed site.

3: Local amenities, shops etc very limited at present.

4: Greenbelt needs to be preserved. This area offers extensive relatively unspoilt vies from the residential area. To the north Cubbington woods and farmland is to be decimated by the new high speed rail. This buffer needs to be preserved. For both Leamington district residents and wildlife

5: Infill brownsites first.