
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44805

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mr K S Capewell

Representation Summary:

Personal experience of the flooding in 2007. The pumping station has failed on numerous occasions. Development would inevitably increase the threat of more flooding.
The suggestion of access from the development opposite Queen Street would be catastrophic. Traffic now is heavy and constant including a bus route into the village centre. The potential road dangers are there to be seen, and they are increasingly being used by heavy lorries avoiding Leamington Town Centre.
The spread of more houses would remove the green belt and would mean the loss of countryside walks and open spaces. A severe impact on wildlife in general.

Full text:

With our personal experience of the flooding of our homes in June 2007, I eagerly await positive action to alleviate the over threat of more flooding. The pumping station in Offchurch Road has failed on numerous occasions over the past years and was immersed completely that it was inadequate to cope with the flood waters.
If redevelopment is allowed the amount of surface water from road and hard surfaces would inevitably rise and increase the threat of more flooding.
We are constantly reminded of the results of global warming with more drastic events. This will again threaten even more disasters.
The suggestion of access from the development opposite Queen Street would be catastrophic. Traffic now is heavy and constant including a bus route into the village centre.
With the severe bends at either end of Offchurch Road, and five junctions (Queen St, North Close, Ladycroft, Price Road & Cross Lane), the potential dangers are there to be seen. In addition to motor car traffic, Offchurch Road is increasingly being used by heavy lorries, 10 wheel articulated vehicles and tankers using the route to avoid Leamington Town Centre.
The spread of more houses would remove the green countryside belt which allows Cubbington to continue with a small but vibrant community which enjoys the values of village environments.
Again this development would mean the loss of countryside walks and open spaces for the enjoyment of people.
Also there would be a severe impact on birds and wildlife in general and the loss of these in our gardens and surroundings.