
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44807

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: J & M Matthews

Representation Summary:

I have lived in Cubbington all my life, and have never known flooding like our village had in June 2007. This is because the many natural ditches that we had which took away the water, have now been filled due to development. You can see how vulnerable Cubbington is to flooding, and as we are being told by the weather man, we can expect more adverse weather in the future so the risk of more flooding must be greater.

The traffic, coming down the Windmill Hill approaching the BLIND bend, where the proposed entrance would be located could be deadly.

Full text:

I have lived in Cubbington all my life, and have never known flooding like our village had in June 2007. The reason is I am sure, because the many natural ditches that we had, took away the water, but like many new houses that have been built, has meant that these ditches have been, either filled or reduced drastically.

The field, on which Brookfield road was built, often had standing water on it which came from the proposed site of development. You only have to stand on top of Windmill Hill to see how low and vulnerable Cubbington is to flooding, and as we are being told by the weather man, we can expect more adverse weather in the future so the risk of more flooding must be greater.

The speed of the traffic, coming down the Windmill Hill approaching the BLIND bend at the bottom, were the proposed entrance would be located could be deadly.