
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44809

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Jo Fitzmaurice

Representation Summary:

1: FLOODING -Building on such a huge expanse of land so close to the main village can only make this problem worse.

2: TRAFFIC - with a development this size the traffic will be horrendous, especially as school pick up times.

3: DESTRUCTION OF GREENBELT - I am totally against using this type of land to build on when there are other alternatives.

4: VILLAGE LIFE - This development would destroy village life as we know it. If social housing is incorporated in the housing development I foresee big problems with vandalism, increase in crime etc.

Full text:

1: FLOODING - Cubbington has suffered with severe flooding problems in the past. Building on such a huge expanse of land so close to the main village can only make this problem worse, as the rainwater will have nowhere to drain and more flooding will result. I hope the council is prepared to accept responsibility if this happens.

2: TRAFFIC - with a development this size the traffic will be horrendous, especially as school pick up times. Apart from the pollution, there have already been many accidents at the mini roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill (I have witnessed three!) and this can only add to the danger.

3: DESTRUCTION OF GREENBELT - I am totally against using this type of land to build on when there are other alternatives. We are supposed to be looking after the environment, not destroying it! I regularly use local footpaths across the fields.

4: VILLAGE LIFE - I moved to Cubbington because I wanted to live in a village. This development would destroy village life as we know it. If social housing is incorporated in the housing development I foresee big problems with vandalism, increase in crime etc.

In conclusion, I am horrified by these plans and will do everything I can to stop this massive housing development going through.